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  1. F

    How to run my pedels into my amp

    thanks for the reply..... Couple of things though, Why is this the way to go? So in through the front means Guitare > effects> into the front? and the effect that are running through the loop. Do you mean through the effect loop or the other inputs that are called loop? also have read...
  2. F

    How to run my pedels into my amp

    I have running my pedels throught the effect loop since I bought my Amp about a yr ago. Got thinking that I may get better sound running them through the front or both. So i am looking for suggestions on how I should set my rig up. Roadster 2 12 combo Boss DD6 - delay Boss CS3- compressor...
  3. F

    Where should what go?

    so what you are saying is the roadster is parallel?
  4. F

    Where should what go?

    Being a NooB to using pedels I would like to know where I should run them. through the effect loop, in my guitar line? and in which order I should place them. Boss DD6 Wah MXR Phase 90 Fish and Chips EQ Boss Compressor Sustainer Tube Screamer TS-9 Let me know your thoughts. thanks, Jeff
  5. F

    happy day

    Nice! You will have to change your SIG now :D I have had mine for a month or two now and LOVE IT. Let us knw your thoughts Jeff
  6. F

    Strobo Tuner or Korg DTR1000

    AH :idea:
  7. F

    advice for my already started christmas list / wish list!!!

    WOW you really do make up for all the talk about you. What gear do you can brag here now go back to your comment. how much of your cash are you giving this christmas? if i were to guess.....NONE. I give to the people around me in money, housing and words. Just cause I have a...
  8. F

    Strobo Tuner or Korg DTR1000 i missing something here? i have roadster and plug my amp tuner port to the tuner. how is that going to suck any tone out of my amp?
  9. F

    Poll.. what FX processor are you happy with? and why?

    i have been using a Roland JP100 processor for about 10 yrs. This is unit is amazing. lately though i have been getting away from it. i am no feeling that processors take away from the overall tone of amps. I would run it through the effects loop and found that when i turned on the effects...
  10. F

    Controling Multiple Peddles

    Jeff if you're on a budge, look into the axess stuff. eventually you'll spend about the same but you can start small. i started with the CFX4 and custom MIDI cable, then got the MIDI mate, and finally bought the GRX4. it'll come out to about the same but at least you can buy it one at a time...
  11. F

    Controling Multiple Peddles

    Looks interesting I will have to find a Canadian supplier for this and check it out. I looked at ther Voodoo labs ground control and GCX unit which was in one of the local MS. It will do what I am looking for for about $1000.00. Maybe the Carl Matrin unit will be a little more cost effective...
  12. F

    Controling Multiple Peddles

    You're a smart one! Check the link out. I thought people here would know a little more about this sort of thing.
  13. F

    Controling Multiple Peddles

    Hey, I want to be able to control a number of peddles with one foot switch., ie. dist. and DD with a push of a switch goes to chors. reverb and DD. What I dont want to be a dancing fool when changing my effects. I looked at the Voodoo Labs commander and switcher does it do what i am looking...
  14. F

    New To Mesa

    Hey all! Iv'e been on this forum a number of times reading and reading and reading.... i think yhou get the point:) Gotta love forums like this I purchased a Roadster 2 12 combo a couple of weeks ago and I am realy liking it so far. I have never owned a amp of this calibre or quality in...