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  1. W

    Quick Triaxis Question

    Just be thankful you can send it to them. I live in Ireland where we don't appear to have any authorized Mesa/Boogie service centers :(
  2. W

    Quick Triaxis Question

    Cr*p. I figured as much but was hoping that the channels may have shared a tube or something. I think my Triaxis is just fubared :(
  3. W

    Quick Triaxis Question

    Hey. I'm just wondering if anyone with a Triaxis can tell me should the lead 1 drive control be able to add gain to a lead 2 channel? This appears to be happening on my Triaxis and I'm presuming it shouldn't.
  4. W

    Need help with my Triaxis

    Hey Guys. Im having a problem with my Triaxis and I really need help. If I go Guitar -> ISP Decimator (switched off) -> Triaxis I get a full signal but if I go Guitar -> Triaxis I get a really weak signal. I've tried different cables and wall sockets but they dont have any effect. Ive also tried...
  5. W

    What preamps are you guys using........

    Recto Recording Pre + Studio Pre + Jmp-1 into a Mesa 50/50.
  6. W

    Mesa Recto Preamp Help

    I would be delighted too. How would one go about doing it?
  7. W

    Mesa Recto Preamp Help

    See, this is why I love this forum. While I may not know much about electronics I do know how to solder, so based on your knowledge I disconnected the rear pcb amd re-attached it and lo and behold, it seems to be perfect :D Thank you so much man!
  8. W

    Mesa Recto Preamp Help

    Hi All, You guys have been invaluable in the past so hopefully someone can help me here. I have had a Recto Recording preamp for around 2 months now and I love it, however I'm having a problem with the front input. When I plug into it there is barely any signal, channel 2 comes through very weak...
  9. W

    Which Cab Should I Get For My Rack?

    Cheers man, that was a very insightful answer :) Luckily I found a second hand recto 2x12 cab in the classifieds of my local paper so im sorted :D
  10. W

    Which Cab Should I Get For My Rack?

    Hi Guys, I finished my rack a few weeks back (Mesa Recto Preamp, Mesa Studio Preamp, Mesa 50/50, TC G-Major and a custom midi looper) and now im looking for an upgrade to my cab (just a cheapy 2x12). Unfortunately in Ireland there isnt much of a Mesa range so i'm not in a position to try out...
  11. W

    Rectifier Recording Preamp Question

    I like the JJ's a lot, I find they provide a thicker more defined distortion than the stock Mesa tubes with a nice tight low end.
  12. W

    Rectifier Recording Preamp Question

    Cheers man, went out to the desk and I can hear a difference through my monitors. Its not a huge difference mind but its definitely there :)
  13. W

    Rectifier Recording Preamp Question

    Hey Guys, I picked up a Recto Recording Preamp recently and since it was a second hand one of the first things I did was retube it, as I do with all second hand tube based purchases. However, on the stock Mesa tubes the preamp voicing switch (live bright, warm record) made a huge impact on the...
  14. W

    Boogie Studio preamp

    Congrats on getting the studio pre, I love mine!! With regards to the LOG tone, it is well achievable with the studio pre. I also find a tubescreamer/bad monkey sounds great in front of it to tighten the tone. Poweramp wise I play mine through an EL84 equipped Engl Poweramp and a 6L6 based...
  15. W

    Fifty/Fifty Fuse Cap.

    Hey Guys, I need to get a replacement fuse cap for my fifty/fifty, does anyone know the measurements of the cap or an online shop that sells it? Cheers!