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  1. H

    Best Mesas for low volumes?

    Funny thing about Mark IV - Still loud as f*ck on 15w setting - Yet can give excellent low-volume tones even on full 85w setting
  2. H

    MARK V!

    By the way, the whole point of the contour knob would be: per-channel setting! However, having gigged with this amp for a year now, I do not believe anymore that having just one EQ setting is a set down. I don't miss separate tone stack on R1 and R2 either, and I've grown to love R2 (I...
  3. H

    How often do you guys use Class A on your Mark?

    I like it when using R2, Pentode, with EL34s in the Class A spot. The closest to a vintage Marshall you can get! (I run it Full power, vintage Marshall often ran on dangerously high voltages!)
  4. H


    We played a gig recently with sponsored gear. The other guy in my band had to run his Marshall DSL through a Krank cab. Hmmmm... didn't know a cab could make a nice amp sound like a Metal Zone through full range speakers... What a piece of ****.
  5. H

    My IV

    Open back combo = not metal As mentionned, try it into a closed back cab (ideally a Recto 4X12). I can get my Mark IV brutal enough to kill small animals :twisted: And as I,ve said in other threads on different forums: Mesa, give us a Mark IV with the Roadster 2X12 combo form factor...
  6. H

    Replacement Pot for Mark IV?

    Been waiting for mine since last christmas :evil: Hint: in the meantime, take a nail, heat the tip with a lighter, push it onto the remaining part of the shaft. THe heat will allow it to puncture the plastic, after a few seconds it will stick there. It's quite a ***** to turn the knob, but it...
  7. H

    Complete album done with strictly a Mark IV-B

    I'll have to dig the picture of the settings (I'm not home right now). They're not the same as I use for live so it's hard to tell. But I do know I always run treble very high (9-10) and bass almost off, mid around 3 depending on the guitar. I like the run the presence fairly high and go easy...
  8. H

    Complete album done with strictly a Mark IV-B

    Ok... there's a cranked DSL hidden in there once in a while but it's almost silent. Most of it is a Gibson Explorer straight into the Mark IV using a Marshall cab with V30 and G12T-75 in X-pattern. A 57 on the 75s, and a SDC on the V30s. Clean is the same setup with a Strat. You can hear it...
  9. H

    Distortion pedal JUST for r2

    With a MIDI controlled loop! How are you MIDI-switching the amp? Mine is switched via an Axess Electronics CFX4 (best tool for this job, it controls all 3 channels, loop and EQ with only 4 relays since it uses the footswitch jack). Axess also makes the GRX4 which would do what you want. It...
  10. H

    show your mark IV rigs

    Arghhh, I've got to take a picture of mine I've got the most kickass Mark IV rig ever :) From chorused cleans to full on wet leads at the touch of ONE button. (see sig) Played in front of 10K people last weekend, with 100KW of sounds. Sounded like an earthquake :)
  11. H

    Mark IV combo back to closed back cabinet (I’m home again)

    I really really really really wish Mesa will come out with a Mark IV-C or Mark V using the Roadster/Stiletto closed-back combo configuration. With reverb and solo on the footswitch... Until then, I will keep carrying my cab and MIDI rig with it :evil:
  12. H

    HELP. haha. trying to get rid of high freq. (Fizz)

    This is a problem with pretty much any amplifier. Sit in front of a cranked Marshall and you get the same thing That is why I love my Mark IV: I run the last slider much lower which makes it sound better when in front of it (audience's perspective) at the expense of a more muffled sound when...
  13. H

    New Mark IV Tomorrow!!!

    ACtually, I think the whole diamond plate thing looks killer on stage. It kinda announces your colors to the audience. I'm not very fond of my Mark IV's look. But I do find some appeal in the sleeper attitude. It looks like nothing until I strike a power chord and provoke movement in the...
  14. H

    New Mark IV Tomorrow!!!

    That's it, you just put your finger on the problem (why Rectos outsell Marks so much). The look! I must admit I, myself, never did walked past the Mark IV without even noticing for years, before I finally sat down with one. Now it's the only amp I would ever want! I thought about putting a...
  15. H

    Has the Mark serie been abandonned?

    Any info came out so far? I know when the Express came out I found stuff on the net before they were released. So far I only found an interview with Randall from when the F50 came out (a few years ago... before the RK), and all he said was that the MK V would probably just be a MK IV with...
  16. H

    Has the Mark serie been abandonned?

    I know it's not discontinued... but there haven't been anything done to it for years. Sure: if ain't broken don't fix it! But Mesa has been doing a lot of things that I like recently, but there's still nothing that I like as much as my Mark IV! See: I want a closed back 2X12 combo like the...