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  1. G

    Post your Rig!

    How does that 1x12 3/4 tuned back sounds. I have ordered one new and waiting. I am planing to use it with my Mark IV head. I appreciate any infor/review about 3/4. Thats going to be my only cab. I returned my wide 1x12 open back because it was too small to keep MKIV head on top of it :lol:
  2. G

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    No my one is wide(medium) A head. GLydian
  3. G

    Anybody use a looper like a boss rc-2 ??????

    I use BOSS RC-2 before that I tried Digitech JamMan. JamMan had lot of features like USB and Memory card but once you start adding layers sound was getting somewhat muddy. But RC-2 was simple low tech device still does the job very nice. Most importantly it has 3 diferent ways to create a loop...
  4. G

    What power tube config do you use in your Mark IV ???

    I have tried bad 6L6 and good EL34 I still preferred 6L6. So I got 4 really good 6L6 SED=C=. That is the best. I think most Mesas are really designed around 6L6 in mind not EL34. EL34 is added as a verity.
  5. G

    Free preset editor software for G-Major users

    Of cause!! The best way to share and store Presets is SysEx files (SysEx is a MIDI message in binary format and G-Major understand these messages). Using GLydian you can create a SysEx message and save it to hard disk or send it directly to your G-Major. You can share these SysEx files with...
  6. G

    Free preset editor software for G-Major users

    Hi everyone, I was following this forum for some time after I bough my Mark IV. I used to advertise following message in all the forums I join but some how I forgot this time due to my excitement about MKIV last few weeks. Ok here it goes. I have developed a software to edit patches for T.C...
  7. G

    Mark IV power and standby LEDs out!

    I also have a similar problem with R2 LED. Some times it does not lite or lit poorly when the channel changed to R2 but when I touch/press the LED, it lights up again properly. It is not a loose connection,I checked that. Any body know how to fix it. It does not affect the sound though.
  8. G

    Post your Rig!

    Here is my Mark IV with 1x12 wide body. 1x12 wide body cab sounded really nice the best I heard so far, but returned it and now special ordered 3/4 back 1x12 because the cab was little smaller than the head around 1 inch. And I hope 3/4 will sound better too (at least WRT low end. GC said it...
  9. G

    Dougs Tubes.

    ++++++1 for Doug. Having lot of recommendations from Rig-Talk people I bought tubes for my Mark IV form Doug. He was a very nice guy and got time to explain stuff I wanted to know. And had a good idea what I was asking. Tubes came fast and packed nice. They sounded really nice in my amp.
  10. G

    Mark IV tube chart

    I have a wide/medium head series A Mark IV. I found out this by looking at the circuit diagrams and the manuals description and some of my tests plus forum people. V1 - 12AX7 A and B sections 1st gain stage V2 - 12AX7 A and B sections Effect loop in and out stages (Some one here said that the...
  11. G

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    Before you guys get confused, My Mark IV is a wide/medium body 23'' wide and it is just the head. There was a date some where and it said 92 as I remember. I think the ICs may be for the switching system, may be I am wrong :? I don't see any significant discoloration on any components, but only...
  12. G

    THD 212 cab with Mark IV

    Has any one used THD 212 cab with Mark IV. How does it sound compare to any other 2x12 closed backs. Right now I have cheap Marshell 2x12 closed back with one speaker replaced with V30. Mesa 2x12 I saw in GC was very heavy and looked ugly :? I know that is not the best way to evaluate music gear.
  13. G

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    As I promised before here are some images of my Mark IV series A internals.
  14. G

    MKIV FX Loop & 12at7's I need some help

    Ok here is some things I found out about my Mark IV series A amp and tubes. Obviously V1 is the most important tube and affect all the channels. And I got a hi-gain Tung-Sol marked 110/110 and it maid big difference to what I had before JJ EC83 marked 111/114. V2 tubes A/B controls the effect...
  15. G

    MKIV FX Loop & 12at7's I need some help

    The reverb runs thru V4 A and B in Mark IV A version, I have have 12AT7 on this position.
  16. G

    G MAJOR question

    Yes there is one that works in any OS (Windows/Mac/Linux/Unix...) Its called GLydian :D . I wrote it and still maintaining and there are lots of people using it. It is available to download from effect forum...
  17. G

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    I also bought a used Mark IV two weeks back, Had the similar problem with loop and reverb. Replaced V2 and V4 valves and now it is fine. I think People sell used amps always put there old tubes on them just cut corners. I called Mesa too, they are very helpful. Ordered correct tube 12AT7 for...