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  1. C

    Express 5:50 sounding "flubby" I think.

    That is why el84's in the express 5.25 sound better more burn less flubb.....bwahahahahaha!
  2. C

    Compare a LSC to a 5:50 Express

    Peace............... :D
  3. C

    Compare a LSC to a 5:50 Express

    My express 5.25 has a GREAT clean channel and reverb and I am a Fenderholic. To intimate that they are not pro level amps is sheer stupidity. If the lsc sounds better to you great..............enjoy.
  4. C

    Express 5:50 fuse question

    I don't think it is a good idea to use a fuse that is rated higher than the stock one. It won't blow as fast and might not protect the circuit properly. Mesa should be able to sell you one.
  5. C

    My RK2 Died

    Nice language Captain Spaulding
  6. C

    mesa tube question

    Thank you for the advice. I guess I will order a set of el-84's from Mesa on Monday, then I have no worries. However, I have a few different 12ax7's (jj's, ge, sylvania, sovtech) that I am going to swap out at will 8) just as soom as I figure out which pre-amp tube is V1!
  7. C

    mesa tube question

    I have four brand new Solvtec el-84's that Carvin sent me for my V16. I understand Mesa only wants you to use their tubes. I understand they use sovtecs too. When the time comes for me to replace the two el84's in my express 5.25 can I just plug a set of these in(aside from warrenty issues) or...
  8. C

    Express 5.25 finally arrived!

    The only other thing I might add to all my blathering is that this amp is very MUSICAL. I think they might just know what they are doing in Petaluma. As a side note, I know it sounds better than the 5.50 even though I have not tried that amp. This is mainly due to the fact that I probably...
  9. C

    Express 5.25 finally arrived!

    Ok I lied! This is my first Mesa/Boogie so none of this may be new to most of you. I can't believe the sustain this thing has. I am talking about the clean channel here, it just goes on and on. I can also hear what my guitars/pickups actually sound like. Compared to my Fender Concert (which has...
  10. C

    Express 5.25 finally arrived!

    Ok I have only played it for two hours so I am not going to pontificate on it's virtues. However, I was expecting to be disapointed with the reverb and I find it to be wonderful.( Usually only a Fender reverb will do for me.) Also it really does sound much bigger than it looks. Okay no more...
  11. C

    Just installed five Telefunken ECC83 NOS tube in my RK1...

    Looks just like a telefunken U47........................with leather.
  12. C

    Express 5.25 Noise

    Most all manufacturers continually improve their products. Usually it is best to wait a year after the release of a new amp to get one. That said I am waiting for a 5.25 right now.
  13. C

    Express 5:25

    5.25 GAS..............ordered 5 weeks ago.....still waiting.......... :x ......I may not make it!
  14. C

    Express 5.25 Noise

    My 5.25 has no hiss or any sound for that matter as I am still waiting for it.Since I am in Seattle should I just drive to Petuluma and grab one? :shock:
  15. C

    Big time Express GAS

    I ordered one about three weeks ago.patiently waiting :x but one of you should help my suffering by posting some clips damnit!
  16. C

    Calling all experienced Mesa owners.

    If you eat more potted meats and put mustard on your fries, you will likely get more gain from your amp.
  17. C

    Express Amp Cover

    I sure wish I could notice the cover that comes with the Express. Maybe in about a month I can tell everyone all about it. :?
  18. C

    Anyone else fatigued by the "recto sound"?

    Chugga...chugga chugga..........fizz. I wonder if many of these "new metal" bands shouldn't give up guitar and further mine Spinal Taps all bass Big Bottom vein. Talk about a killer dropped tunings.
  19. C

    Mesa ballpark ship time?

    I ordered an Express 5.25 2 weeks ago through Guitar Center (I know but they are the only dealer near me). Apparently they have heard nothing yet. I already paid and everything. This is my first mesa/boogie and I am wondering how long everyone else waited for theirs? Good grief!
  20. C

    Express review in Guitar One Online

    Thanks for the link. I ordered a 5.25 last week (first boogie ever). Just dig the versatility in such a compact amp. I would have liked to hear the reverb cranked on the clean channel. Also, maybe they should have gotten the power tubes working at least a tad. Finally thanks to the guys at...