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  1. S

    When the Mark V shows up in Guitar Center

    If they wanted to allow internet sales I would advise them to sell direct. The problem with that approach is it sets up a channel conflict with the dealers, i.e. Mesa is competing directly with their dealers. The only way to fix that is to get the incentives right in the dealer arrangement...
  2. S

    Has anyone ordered a Mark V yet?

    Yes, the Roadking and Stiletto both had "II" versions come out. So I understand the wait, I would too. But I am not aware of any "major mods" to the Lonestar. What are you referring to there? Yes, many years after introduction they added the 10W class A mode to the LSC. But to me that's a...
  3. S

    When the Mark V shows up in Guitar Center

    I suppose someone could call Mesa directly to find out. Nice job on finding those links as examples. I wonder then if Matt's is in compliance with, or in conflict with, Mesa's dealer agreement? BTW, the last link you have is hilarious. The person asking the question asks, "Does anybody...
  4. S

    Wow! I just played through a Mark V!

    There are actually 4 things at play in the design of what people refer to as "Class A" amps. First is the actual operating class of the tube. Second is the power amp topology, single-ended or push pull. Third is the feedback design. Last is the bias circuit design. All four of them are...
  5. S

    LSS tube rattle

    I get some in mine. Sometimes it's a bad tube, i.e. the inside was rattling on the glass. Some tube rattle is to be expected, esp at loud volumes and with certain notes. I didn't ever find it was tube brand specific.
  6. S

    When the Mark V shows up in Guitar Center

    While I would never advocate any sales/service person give you the hassle you got... I suspect the reason they don't like it is (a) the revenue comes off the books and (b) I suspect they can't sell returned goods as "new" anymore, so it's a loss. Still, that's their policy, the individuals in...
  7. S

    My problem with the Mark V design

    Nope. Series means there is no blending of the original signal with the effects return signal. i.e. all the "signal" goes out and what comes back in gets fed to the power amp. The level is just like another volume knob. I believe it's designed to allow an easy way to achieve unity gain...
  8. S


    That's not what I read. Quoting from the website the options are: (1) 2 power tubes operating in pure vintage Class A (single-ended), producing 10 Watts (2) 2 tubes running in time-honored Class A/B producing 45 Watts (3) 4 tubes running in Mesa’s legendary, patented Simul-Class Power that...
  9. S

    Mesa announces Electra-Dyne

    Saw the Mark V link in that thread. Just looking at their website they also announced an ElectraDyne. Single channel "brit-voiced" amp.
  10. S

    Price increase after NAMM?

    Yes, a lot of businesses were citing "fuel" or "energy" costs to explain poor business results. Clearly Mesa will not lower prices now that fuel costs are what, 60% lower than the peak? What will be interesting is whether they raise prices in the current economy. Sure, a $100 jump on a $1799...
  11. S

    MKV patent registered

    And it's actually registering the trademark. Which is quite a bit different than having patents granted. They probably will not file any patents until just before, or after, launching the new product.
  12. S

    LSS Lone Star Special Head Power loss 5 or 15 mode silent

    Yea, rectifier tube will solve the 5 and 15W no sound issue. Though it has nothing to do with "reduced power" in 30W mode. That would be unrelated to the rectifier issues. Have you checked your power tubes?
  13. S

    Mark V by end of this year

    Now that is a great idea. I'm surprised we don't see it more in the industry.
  14. S

    Can the LSS be used as a 'pre-amp'

    Actually, I think the slave out carries the power amp signal too vs. only the pre-amp. He can take the fx send (which is only the LSS pre-amp) and put that into the input of the power amp. That should be fine. He'll need to leave the power tubes in the LSS and the speaker connected. Zero the...
  15. S

    Mark V by end of this year

    Great. What store?
  16. S

    Continued: Thoughts on LSC and LSS vs. Boutique

    Those two amps are very different for sure. (though the HW vs. PCB doesn't really matter.)
  17. S


    If you're running in 30W mode out of the 8 ohm speaker jack it runs at 35W+. Have you tried a 12at7 in the phase inverter as well? I have not, but that would help the clean headroom in theory. When you say the 12at7 in V1 makes the amp, can you describe the change you like? I'm just curious...
  18. S


    Yes, it would be a 50W cab assuming both speakers are the same impedance. (i.e. both 8 ohms or both 16 ohms.) Half the power would go through the greenback, and half through the c90. So max power would be 50W as that would send 25W through the greenback.
  19. S

    Cab size for LSS 1x12 combo: Has it always been the same ?

    I believe early on in it's life the LSS 1x12" was offered (perhaps exclusively) in the 27" combo cabinet (the one that the LSC is offered in today, and the one that houses the 2x12"). I believe today the LSS 1x12" is only offered in the 23" wide combo cabinet.
  20. S

    OT or no deal?

    I'd say "nay." If only because I'm guessing you liked the sound of the amp as is, which is why you bought it in the first place. There are other less invasive ways to get the sound you want, tubes, pedals, and even using a different amp. He may honor the warranty, which is pretty good...