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  1. P

    Programmable Graphic EQ for Guitar Rig

    Cool. Yeah now I have a bigger dilemma... Where to put the graphic EQ. I looked at the RKII schematic and the EQ for channels 3 and 4 is post gain and for channels 1 and 2 it is pregain. :?
  2. P

    Programmable Graphic EQ for Guitar Rig

    I'm thinkng about getting a graphic EQ to put in my FX loop of my Road King II. I know Source Audio makes a programmable 7-band graphic eq with 4 presents. Anyone have any experience with anything else? I really don't want to be limited to 1 EQ setting.
  3. P

    My Roadster Won't Get Clean Enough (Does This Sound Right?)

    I get the exact same sound with my road king with the master past 12 oclock. It is a very different type of distortion. Maybe its distorting at the phase inverter? I've learned to keep both channel 1 and 2 master below 12 oclock to minimize this
  4. P

    Road King Retube Channel 1 Pops

    All, I just retubed my Road King 2 with all new Mesa Tubes. I notice now that when switching from channel 2 to channel 1 it pops more than it used to and it its pitch is very low. It sounds especially bad with delay (it repeats). I have also noticed that engaging the fx loop pops a little...
  5. P

    Road king 2x12 cabinet problem

    Great... $129 I took the back off the cabinet and it still did it. Checked the nuts on the speaker... seemed ok. I did cinch them up a tad and it didn't seem to help.
  6. P

    Road king 2x12 cabinet problem

    So I have a Road King 2x12 Cabinet. Its only 5 years old very well taken care of and never abused. I normally run output a 9 o'clock and only use it in 50watt mode. When I use the closed back side and hit an D# (lets say on the 2nd string 14th fret) I hear this strange out of tune resonant...
  7. P

    Stereo Live Gear Help

    Hey all I would like to thicken up my live sound by taking the ouput of the SM57 that mics my cab splitting it and then delaying one channel by 20ms or so. Then send the sound guy two signals that he can pan left and right. Do I need to have the two channels out of phase? Any suggestions on...
  8. P

    does mesa use Diode clipping in there amps?

    Diodes are also used for rectifying an AC voltage (Making it DC). They are also used to allow current to flow only one direction and not allowing it to flow backwards in electronic circuits too. So don't think that just becuase you see diodes that they are used for clipping (ewww).
  9. P

    Alter Bridge's new Mesa Boogie Rig pics

    Ya he runs DI... yuk :(
  10. P

    Alter Bridge's new Mesa Boogie Rig pics

    No I think those are custom 2x15" cabinets connected to his Fender Amps for his cleans.
  11. P

    STP sound with a Dual Rectifier

    Tt sounds like the VHT is dirty and the Vox set up fairly clean for that nice chime and chorus swirl.
  12. P

    STP sound with a Dual Rectifier

    Dean runs a a boss CE-1 with one of the stereo outputs going to an S.I.B. overdrive into the AC30 and the other stereo output to his Demeter TGP-3 preamp and VHT classic stereo power amp to a Marshall Cab. If you listen closely you can hear the layered sound of hte CE-1 with the vox over his...
  13. P

    What's a good multi-effects unit for the Road King II?

    RKIIs only have 2 serial loops. I would go with a TC electronics... not any of the POD junk
  14. P

    Where to buy spare fuse?

    Look on the back of the amp by the fuse for the Amp rating. It should be a slow blow fuse.
  15. P

    Power Conditioner Recommendation

    I've had good luck with just a Furman M8... you can find them on ebay for $50 or so. It took care of the noise from dimmer switches.
  16. P

    Band Demo with Dual Recto!

    What was your master and output set at? It sounds not set too high (9:00??), which it still sounds good.
  17. P

    Road King Vs. Roadster

    I use EL34s on my high gain rythmn channel. They are a little tighter, so you don't get the standard recto sound that everyone is used to. No it isn't marshall sounding really, but it has a brit vibe to it.
  18. P

    Recto Tube Problem

    Yea, I'll mess with it more tomorrow at practice. I switched everyting over to diodes for the time being.
  19. P

    Recto Tube Problem

    What really sucks in the purchase date is 8/17/06 and I'm like 2 weeks too late to get the 6 month warranty on the tubes... thanks Mesa. :( $60 down the tubes for me.
  20. P

    Recto Tube Problem

    Yea it sounds sputtery, slightly faded and heavily compressed. I'm pretty sure its the rectifier tubes or the circuitry for the rectifier tubes.