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  1. W

    Nine Inch Nails Ghosts Cover (Mesa/Boogie Mark III)

    It works now. sounds great. What did you use for drums
  2. W

    Nine Inch Nails Ghosts Cover (Mesa/Boogie Mark III)

    Link is DEAD, I want to hear this
  3. W

    More Mark III Clips

    Yeah i wasnt a big fan of Nirvana Either. But i tried my best to give it a metal tone. I just winged the solo so it want my best, yeah i need to work on my vibrato a bit, thanks for the coment. I need to go to bed now :D
  4. W

    More Mark III Clips

    I got real bored and made i clip of Teen sprit using my Mark III, and peavey wolfgang. Hows this tone, I think my sound is getting better and better.
  5. W

    What's your recording setup?

    Geeezzzz, What do you guys have money to BURN!!! :D :D :D :)
  6. W

    Thought I Would Post A New Mark IV Clip

    Nice Tone, The solo was great. Nice job
  7. W

    Thought I Would Post A New Mark IV Clip

    Nice tone :twisted:
  8. W

    mk IIC+ Video

    I wish i could afford a Jem. But im pretty happy with my wolfgang.
  9. W

    mk IIC+ Video

    Nice tone man !!!!
  10. W

    Hey guy im new, rig pics... :)

    Nice Rig man, Are you touring with that rig. What band are you in
  11. W

    IIC+ jammin' vid

    Nice tone. You Rock
  12. W

    MarK III Clip

    Thanks Mang :!:
  13. W

    MarK III Clip

    I got a Mark III a while back off ebay. I love this amp. I made a clip of The Ocean. I used Cubase SE with the Iomga interface. I ran the Mark III thru a Marshall 4x12 cab, and i used a Peavey Wolfgang guitar. Hows the tone???
  14. W

    Soundclip: Mark IV recorded at low volume.

    Wow, Nice tone man. Your MArk IV clips are making me want to get a MarkIV. And go in debt for it :)
  15. W

    My first MKIV recording@home!!! Dream Theater inside! :P

    Wow, Great playng, Amazing tone 8)
  16. W

    Mesa Stiletto clip

    Thanks for the tips guys
  17. W

    Demo video of Stiletto Deuce

    Pretty cool playing man, Better tone than my clip, Is there much differance between the ace, and Duece, Other than the wattage???
  18. W

    Post your Rig!

  19. W

    Mesa Stiletto clip

    Yeah i had the mic right on the speaker grill cloth. THanks for the tip. 8)
  20. W

    Mesa Stiletto clip

    I just used a Shure 57 into a Iomega interface, I didnt use much volume it was only at 2. i recordednit in my apartment, what didnt you like about it???