mk IIC+ Video

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thanks! i've been trying to hunt down so videos of 7 strings through a mark IIC+ or mark IV. good thing you have a universe as i'm about to drop in a blaze pickup into my RG7620 so i'll have a poor man's universe :lol: it's good to hear the wrath of the open B power chord and sweet lead tone coming from the same settings. :twisted:
Yeah, with the C+ you can really get a great lead tone and a rreally tight rhy tone all with the same setting's.. Ibanez's are Great guitars don't let anyone say they aren' UV is build better than any other guitar i own.And i have quite a few guitar's..

And i will put some more lower gain and clean videos up soon to..

Good tone. Great playing! As someone on YouTube said, really nice legato.
Maybe someday I'll post a clip of me playing one of my Universes and Mark IV. (Don't hold your breath on that one.)
sounds really good, growling on the rif parts and really smooth during leads... and awesome playing! 8)
Hey plat

Lead channel.. vol 1 on 7 and LDR on 2.. so nice.. sounds better than a Dumble..haha


I Have a heaps sweet jazz clean one uploading now..

Shep said:
Hey plat

Lead channel.. vol 1 on 7 and LDR on 2.. so nice.. sounds better than a Dumble..haha


I Have a heaps sweet jazz clean one uploading now..


Beautiful tone, sounds very dumble-esque.

So lead drive is on 2? Where is lead master?

hey plat,here are the settings.
Tre 7 pull
Bass 4
Mid 7
Mast .5pull
Ldr 2.5
Lead volume 5pull
Pres 2.5
Eq very light v with mid's on middle line.
On 15watt's
Cab is a 200 evm 12.
If you turn it up it get's better and better. Try those setting's with your c+ and tell me how you go.
Shep said:
hey plat,here are the settings.
Tre 7 pull
Bass 4
Mid 7
Mast .5pull
Ldr 2.5
Lead volume 5pull
Pres 2.5
Eq very light v with mid's on middle line.
On 15watt's
Cab is a 200 evm 12.
If you turn it up it get's better and better. Try those setting's with your c+ and tell me how you go.

Thanks Tom, very interesting settings indeed. I will give it a shot.

Is the rhythm usable with the bass at 4? It starts to get pretty flubby for me past 3. Also lots of mids in there. You've got a simul correct, so your class A is EL34s?


With the whole flubby bass thing my theory is that it will only happen if you have the gain to high and another thing is that if you have a really good 12ax7 in v1 it will tighten up the flub and sound great with gain high too.
.my power tubes are mesa 415's 6L6's.. i don't think there can be a better pair of tubes for this amp..

I think for low gain tones mid's are the main character to the sound.. i think they chopped out for the 7 string one but that was a different sound..
Excellent playing and rarely heard versions of the C+ tone. I play a LP with a slightly driven clean channel, as well as the low Lead Drive setting on the C+ myself. I use a pair of 1x12 EV thiele cabs with no EQ and mids around 6-ish for those kinds of sounds. The guitar volume and tone knobs, as well as the pickup selector switch, can yield endless variety with the same amp settings. :D You can hear the dynamics of the EV overpowering the mic in your clean channel clip. It sounds better live, I know for a fact!
Shep said:
With the whole flubby bass thing my theory is that it will only happen if you have the gain to high and another thing is that if you have a really good 12ax7 in v1 it will tighten up the flub and sound great with gain high too.
Hmm, since I have the RCAs on V1, I can turn the bass up to 4 and still no flub. Your theory might be true, I didn't give it a thought before.
rca 's are really good at doing that i have some in my mk 4. Yeah i think they make a huge change to the bottom end.

Joey- yeah to me this / your way is the best way to run a c +. This is wat i love my c + for.low gain.
I tried out that setting last night Tom and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I prefer my presence a bit higher as my simul is somewhat darker but overall it was great. I also liked it on simul-class more than class A. I think that's because I have 447s in my EL34 sockets and I really don't care for those tubes at all. I've got a nice set of GT 6L6GE's in my inner sockets and those tubes are fantastic in this amp.

Thanks again for the tip, I am going to keep my settings here for awhile.

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