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  1. D

    Is The Stilleto Ace Right For Me? First Post...

    Congrats, I got a 1 x 12 about two weeks ago, and it keeps getting better! What really confirmed it for me was when I went back to the store the following week. They had another Ace and a Roadster on the floor (both 2 x 12 combos). I played both amps back to back for awhile just to make sure...
  2. D

    Is The Stilleto Ace Right For Me? First Post...

    Congrats, I got a 1 x 12 about two weeks ago, and it keeps getting better! What really confirmed it for me was when I went back to the store the following week. They had another Ace and a Roadster on the floor (both 2 x 12 combos). I played both amps back to back for awhile just to make sure...
  3. D

    Not playing metal anymore, should I keep the recto?

    I agree that the Recto can cover more ground than people would think. I'd give it a whirl and see how it works out. If it doesn't you may want to check out one of the two Lonestars.
  4. D

    My new Stiletto Aces arrived. Couple of questions...

    I recently picked up my new Stiletto Ace 1x12 na d had a few observations and comments. My initial impression is that Mesa did a great job with this thing. I covers quite a bit of tonal ground. As a former Series 1 Deuce owner, I can say that the Ace sounds much different, particularly of the...
  5. D

    New Roadster owner

    Dude, I would push back on GC. I would call the 800 number and ***** about it. They are a Mesa dealer, so techncally your item is not a special order. I could see if you went crazy with options like hardwood etc. If worse comes to worse, see if they will let you exchange it for something...
  6. D

    Whats the next step from an F-50?

    What about a Stiletto Ace combo? I have not played one but do have one on order. It would give you a totally different sound than your F. The cleasns are suppossed to be quite good.
  7. D

    Ordered a Stiletto...

    I decided on the 1 X 12. I currentlt have a Mark IV with the Thiele 1X12. Have had a Lone Star Classic, a Tremo combo, and a Maverick. This is my first "special" order.
  8. D

    Ordered a Stiletto...

    I have an order in for the Ace Combo. Looking forward to receiving it. I was told the wait is 6 weeks. Seems like a long time for a standard combo, but what can you do. I guess Boogie does not build that many of these. Week 1 is done. Five more to go...
  9. D

    one ace is a winner - two is AWSOME

    I just ordered one. I hope the wait is not to long!
  10. D

    Road King Cab. Worth it for Road King Head???

    I will be ordering a Road King head shortly and will be buying a 2 x 12. I currently play a few different combos as well as a Mark IV with a Thiele so I need to get a new cab for the RK head. I am debating about going with the Road King cab, a Bogner 2 x 12, or a Recto 2 x 12. I have had a...
  11. D

    Sorry, the RK Cab has to come off..........

    According to Pro Net, it's approximately $150 for the head. When I called Boogie to get a quote on a replacement shell for my Mark IV it was quite a bit more. I think when you order up fromt you only pay the incremental difference. If its a replacement, you pay the full boat.
  12. D

    How do you handle loud volumes--neighbors

    I recently had a similar situation that almost got pretty nasty. My neigbor above me would jump up and down on the floor whenever I would play past 8:00 pm. Mind you I do not play that loud. I finally got sick of it and went upsatairs and told him I'd have it off by 9:00 pm. I also told him...
  13. D

    Thinking about a Road King II or a Roadster. COuple of ?s

    Thanks for the input fellas. I am leaning towrads the Road King. The question I need to address is whether to go with the combo or the head and a 2 x 12. If I go with a Hardwood, the combo is cheaper. However a head is more transportable.
  14. D

    Thinking about a Road King II or a Roadster. COuple of ?s

    Thanks. I noticed Lynch in your avatar. I have always loved his tone. Can you get a pretty convincing George tone out of your King?
  15. D

    Thinking about a Road King II or a Roadster. COuple of ?s

    First post on the forum. I am a long time Mesa player who has had a Maverick, Rectoverb , Nomad, Tremoverb and currently have a Mark IV. While I like the Mark, I really miss my Tremoverb. Therefore, I am in the process of deciding between a RK II or a Roadster. Based on research I have done...