Whats the next step from an F-50?

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
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Whats the next step from a Mesa Boogie F-50 1x12 combo?

I am in love with my F-50, but im gasing for another combo. I plan to taking my F-50 back home and getting a new one for the apt. Which one would you recommend? I really want one that has a nice heavy rectifier distortion and smooth warm cleans.

Is there a combo amp that can satisfy me more than a Mesa F-50?
barneyc4 said:
What about the Mark IV?

The MarkIV is a great 'all purpose' amp.. great cleans, great heavy high gain focus.. but won't have the rectifier distortion. If you can live without that then you might have found a good combo. I would have suggested it but you stated rectifier distortion.

The MarkIV can be down right brutal if set right, but won't push the same low end.
Do you think the Rectoverb will have cleans as good as my F-50? I love the cleans on my F-50.
barneyc4 said:
Do you think the Rectoverb will have cleans as good as my F-50? I love the cleans on my F-50.


Rectifiers aren't known for their cleans.. save for the RK and Roadster which are relatively new. I don't even use the clean chanel on my DR unless I'm stacking pedals together and bypassing the amp's EQ.

The F-50's cleans are far better imo. than rectifiers.
barneyc4 said:
Do you think the Rectoverb will have cleans as good as my F-50? I love the cleans on my F-50.
No, IMO, the F-50 has just about the best cleans that Mesa has ever made (tied with the Lone Star). The Rectoverb still has good cleans though, but the Recto distortion is really the reason to buy the amp.

You may also like to consider running a preamp into your F-50 like the Mesa Studio Pre, Recto Pre, etc. That way you can get a couple of different distortion voicings, and still keep the sweet F-50 cleans.
What exactly are you looking for? What's your price range for this? You may consider something outside the Mesa line?
I guess im going to have to stick to my F-50 for a while, or save up for my dream setup... which is a Mesa Dual Rectifier with a 2x12 cab and a Fender 65 reverb.

Im looking for fender like cleans and rectifier distortion in one combo. I don't really have a price range.
Roadster or Road King II .. Those 2 amps do it all. Extremely clean, to tweed, to 60's era Brit sound, to High Gain rectifier and beyond.

My RK II, along with the Line6 DL4 delay, and MM4 running through the effects loop pretty much does every amp tone I desire, and effect.

I do run a TS808, Crybaby classic, and a Fulltone deja vibe in front.
barneyc4 said:
Im looking for fender like cleans and rectifier distortion in one combo. I don't really have a price range.
IMO, you have it already with the F-50.

I'd suggest if you want an alternative tone to go with a Mark IV. I went with that over a 2005 Dual Rectifier, and picked up the F-50 this year because the distortion was Recto-like but without all the mud (and the cleans were a lot better). I use the Mark for soloing and tighter metal, and the F-50 for more modern distortion and cleans. Best of both worlds!
IMHO, there's no "next step" in terms of tonal quality, only in terms of features, or different flavours of tone. The F-50 is a world class sounding piece of professional gear - don't let it's "entry model" Mesa positioning deceive you into thinking that more cash buys you better tone.

It will buy you more features, more channels, and the tones that can only be found in the Recto line or Mark series. If you want that Recto roar, then, only a Recto will do, imo.

If you're after more low end slam, then have you considered buying a closed back extension cab for your F-50 combo? I've run the F-50 combo into a Recto Traditional 4x12, and it sounds awesome. I'd probably go for something like the vertical Recto 2x12 personally, so that I didn't completely overwhelm the open-backed airiness of the combo's speaker. Nevertheless, I'd suggest a closed back extension cab would be an interesting next step for you. 8)

Big smiles,

What about a Stiletto Ace combo? I have not played one but do have one on order. It would give you a totally different sound than your F. The cleasns are suppossed to be quite good.
I would agree with Andy on that one. People come up to me at our gigs and compliment me on my tone. Then they see the F-50 and can't believe it comes out of that little combo.

Now that I have the Jensen NEO 100 in it I like it more. The brittle sound of the C90 is gone. Still tweaking, though. And a lot lighter to carry around :)

I'd love to a cabinet to my F-50. Looking for the right deal, though.

From sweet cleans to ripping contour mode, I'll be set for awhile with this amp. They don't call it a stealth amp for nothing ;)