Thinking about a Road King II or a Roadster. COuple of ?s

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Dawg Fan

Sep 7, 2006
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First post on the forum. I am a long time Mesa player who has had a Maverick, Rectoverb , Nomad, Tremoverb and currently have a Mark IV. While I like the Mark, I really miss my Tremoverb.

Therefore, I am in the process of deciding between a RK II or a Roadster. Based on research I have done here and elsewhere, I am gettings some conflicting inofrmation. I was wondering if the four channels on the amps were voiced the same? As I understand it, the Road King adds two loops per channels and the tube mixing capabilities but the basic sounds are similar. I have heard other say that the Roadster does not sound as good as the King. Has anybody here played both?

Secondly, I am debating about going with a combo or a had an 2 x 12. I would go with a croco covering or a hardwood. If I am reading the Pro-Net data correctly. I would have to pay the $500 or so upcharge on both the head and the cab. Whereas with the combo, I would pay the $500 once. The combo would be the cheaper route, but they are real back breakers. I guess I could always go with a fancy head and plain cabinet.
I just got my Roadster Head in yesterday. All I can say is Holy Crap this amp sounds great.

Channels 1 & 2 seem to sound fairly similar, but there are subtle differences. I have Channel 1 set to Fat, and Channel 2 set to Tweed.

Channel 3 is more of a Marshall sounding channel. I can get some serious Brittish sounds out of it, even with 6L6's. Some guys say that they can't, but I don't know what cabs or guitars they are using.

Channel 4 sounds very close to my Tremoverb, although I haven't had time to A/B them.

I'm using a THD 2x12 cab with Mojotones, an Avatar 4x12 with Celestion Heritage 30's (soon to have 2 Heritage 30's and 2 Weber Heritage 30's), and I just picked up a Recto 2x12 this morning.

I've only tried it with my 2000 Ash US Strat Deluxe, HSS, Rosewood fretboard, and Lace Hot Gold pickups. It sounds incredible. :D Might sell the Tremoverb and get the Roadster combo. :D

They look a lot better in person than on the website too.
What do ya mean, seperate covered head and cab? :x If your gonna do it, do it right! :wink:
I cant get a Marshall sound out of my Roadster channel 2 brit setting, .. but then i have 2 Marshalls sitting here next to me .. LOL

.. I must be doing something wrong.
It can't do Marshall exactly, but then again, I bought it for it's Mesa sound.

I do have a quartet of EL-34's that I'll eventually try in the amp. We'll see about the Marshall tone then.
Monsta-Tone said:
I just got my Roadster Head in yesterday. All I can say is Holy Crap this amp sounds great.

Channels 1 & 2 seem to sound fairly similar, but there are subtle differences. I have Channel 1 set to Fat, and Channel 2 set to Tweed.

Channel 3 is more of a Marshall sounding channel. I can get some serious Brittish sounds out of it, even with 6L6's. Some guys say that they can't, but I don't know what cabs or guitars they are using.

Channel 4 sounds very close to my Tremoverb, although I haven't had time to A/B them.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought Channel 1 had the tweed mode and Channel 2 has the Brit Mode. Both Channels 1 & 2 have Clean and Fat mode.
BigMac5 said:
Monsta-Tone said:
I just got my Roadster Head in yesterday. All I can say is Holy Crap this amp sounds great.

Channels 1 & 2 seem to sound fairly similar, but there are subtle differences. I have Channel 1 set to Fat, and Channel 2 set to Tweed.

Channel 3 is more of a Marshall sounding channel. I can get some serious Brittish sounds out of it, even with 6L6's. Some guys say that they can't, but I don't know what cabs or guitars they are using.

Channel 4 sounds very close to my Tremoverb, although I haven't had time to A/B them.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought Channel 1 had the tweed mode and Channel 2 has the Brit Mode. Both Channels 1 & 2 have Clean and Fat mode.

That's correct. I switched to the JJ 6V6's and GX34's, and it sounds much more British than with the stock 6L6's. But it still has that Recto punch.

To the original post....the channel voicings are supposed to be the same on the RK and Roadster. The fact that you can use both EL34 and 6L6 tones together on the RK are probably why some people say it sounds better. I played the 2 amps in the shop side by side in 6L6 mode, and they sounded the same.
Therefore, I am in the process of deciding between a RK II or a Roadster. Based on research I have done here and elsewhere, I am gettings some conflicting inofrmation. I was wondering if the four channels on the amps were voiced the same? As I understand it, the Road King adds two loops per channels and the tube mixing capabilities but the basic sounds are similar. I have heard other say that the Roadster does not sound as good as the King.

As far as the voicing goes, that is a tough question. My voicings change on my RKII becuase I can make the same channel with the same settings sound very different by just changing the tube configurations. I believe that the Roadster does not support progressive linkage like the RK. So, my RKII will have added flexibility and thus will sound different depending on my tube config.

As far as with the exact same tube config as Roadster, I would guess that it would be pretty close, but that is just a guess since I do not own a Roadster.
Ken in NC said:
As far as the voicing goes, that is a tough question. My voicings change on my RKII becuase I can make the same channel with the same settings sound very different by just changing the tube configurations. I believe that the Roadster does not support progressive linkage like the RK. So, my RKII will have added flexibility and thus will sound different depending on my tube config.

As far as with the exact same tube config as Roadster, I would guess that it would be pretty close, but that is just a guess since I do not own a Roadster.

Thanks. I noticed Lynch in your avatar. I have always loved his tone. Can you get a pretty convincing George tone out of your King?
Old lynch or new? I dislike his new tone as he embraced the Uberschall amp by Bogner. I liked his 80's tone much better when he was with Dokken.

I think my tone is better than his with both my Bogner XTC101b and Road King 2. I am a tone freak, but unfortunately, much of the tone is subjective. WHat sounds good to me may not to someone else.

Anyways, Yeah - I can get a really good tone from my Channel 3 which easily can mimic his classic tone from the "Under Lock & Key" album.

Ken in NC said:
Old lynch or new? I dislike his new tone as he embraced the Uberschall amp by Bogner. I liked his 80's tone much better when he was with Dokken.

I think my tone is better than his with both my Bogner XTC101b and Road King 2. I am a tone freak, but unfortunately, much of the tone is subjective. WHat sounds good to me may not to someone else.

Anyways, Yeah - I can get a really good tone from my Channel 3 which easily can mimic his classic tone from the "Under Lock & Key" album.

Funny you say that, and I don't doubt you ...

I may get flamed for saying this: I always thought Randy Rhoads was a sensational guitarist but I hated his tone. This is my opinion but I hated that buzz saw tone. But that just me.
I'll agree with that as well. Didn't care much for his tone on Blizzard of OZ or anything afterwards. Sorry, just my opinion
Ken in NC said:
Old lynch or new? I dislike his new tone as he embraced the Uberschall amp by Bogner. I liked his 80's tone much better when he was with Dokken.

I think my tone is better than his with both my Bogner XTC101b and Road King 2. I am a tone freak, but unfortunately, much of the tone is subjective. WHat sounds good to me may not to someone else.

Anyways, Yeah - I can get a really good tone from my Channel 3 which easily can mimic his classic tone from the "Under Lock & Key" album.


Hey Ken...what channel 3 setting you use to get that old Lynch tone? Would love to try it out!
Read this review of the Road King II -- at the end it explains the specific differences between the Road King II and the Roadster.

The voiceing on all four channels is the same in both amps with the exception being that the RK II can use EL34 instead of 6L6 in the power section.

There are in fact 2 loops in the RK, only 1 in the Roadster.
scottkahn said:
Read this review of the Road King II -- at the end it explains the specific differences between the Road King II and the Roadster.

The voiceing on all four channels is the same in both amps with the exception being that the RK II can use EL34 instead of 6L6 in the power section.

There are in fact 2 loops in the RK, only 1 in the Roadster.

Both amps can use 6L6 and El 34 tubes. The difference being that with the roadster you either have all 6L6 or all El34. The roadking lets you decide the tube configuration per channel (2x6L6, 2xEL34, 2x6L6+2xEL34, 4x6L6 or 4x6L6+2xEL34 ).
If you want the maximum number of options, you need to go for the King. A Roadster does not do everything that a King can do. Mesa created the Roadster because not everybody can afford a King. Mesa intentionally trimmed options off so they could lower the price. I'm not taking any thunder away from the Roadster. I've never played one, but it's architecture is almost exactly that of the King, and she most likely sounds exactly like a King in many ways. Onstage, I don't want to be fiddling with tube selections either between songs or in the middle of a song. I just want to press one footswitch & then be on my way. If I had bought a Roadster, I know I would be haunted in the future as to why I didn't throw in the additional bucks to get the King. If anything happened to my King, I would get another in a NY minute. Once you've been there, there just ain't no substitute. Go for the maximum gusto. Just my opinion.
Thanks for the input fellas. I am leaning towrads the Road King. The question I need to address is whether to go with the combo or the head and a 2 x 12. If I go with a Hardwood, the combo is cheaper. However a head is more transportable.
The combo is freakin' 106 pounds! Getting it in and out of my car is killing me. I seriously would have thought about a head instead of a combo. That way the size is much more manageable. Plus, I could get 2 - 2X12 cabs and still have flexibility.

The combo is H E A V Y !!!
Ken in NC said:
Old lynch or new? I dislike his new tone as he embraced the Uberschall amp by Bogner. I liked his 80's tone much better when he was with Dokken.

He used the Uberschall briefly about 4-5 years ago for the Lynch/Pilson album. I don't think he's use it since then.

He changes gear constantly. Whatever gear he is seen using on any given tour, he might not have the next time you see him.