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    Mark V and 7s

    well I am a big Dimarzio guy, but I use a carvin DC7 with stock carvin pickups in it. But for me on my MKV I love using the MK IV setting with these settings: Gain: 3 Master: 10 Presence: 2 Treble: 3 Mids: 10-11 Bass: 11:30 with the sliders I use a V shape: 80 hz slider is halfway between the...
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    what's up with my mark V?

    yeah I know right? haha
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    Got an Alexi V (the pink one)

    I've had this guitar for I believe two years now, I installed an EMG 81 in the bridge long ago and so far it sounds great. But I'm a dimarzio guy, and I've been looking to change it over. Problem is i don't know which one to get lol I've tried the: D activator, Liquid fire/crunch lab, Dsonic...
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    Mark V v.s. Mark IV

    I have to say it's the best mode for channel 3, with the right EQ and settings on the knobs it can be a real #$%^ing beast of an amp.
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    what's up with my mark V?

    thanks you guys but so far there is no noise aside from the hiss from high gain (I haven't been able to setup my rack yet.) but There is no radio anymore haha I was starting to throw a fit like Nigel did from Spinal tap XD but thanks you guys, really appreciated. Now if only I could find...
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    what's up with my mark V?

    thanks i just moved it to the other side of the room and no noise lol
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    what's up with my mark V?

    I've had this thing for a while now and I'm just now getting radio noise coming from my speakers... When i was playing this thing downstairs I didn't have any trouble and I had the gain at almost maximum. But the minute I put it upstairs i start getting this. I have a mesa rectifier 4x12 that...
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    I'm trying to find every reason to stick with Mesa...

    I would say get the Mark V, I've had one for a year and god it's just the best dam amp I've ever had.
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    Mark V I hear radio ??? :'(

    Yeah I have the same problem except I apparently have jesus living in my amp since I get christian stations.
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    converting my Mark V combo to a head

    What kind of Mark V is it? It's the head with El34s? or 6l6's? Send me some pictures and I'll gladly trade you my combo for your head.
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    converting my Mark V combo to a head

    Problem is where would i find a custom shell for it? I've looked around but can't find one. Can someone help me out with this? Or would it be easier to just sell it? and get a head. thanks
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    WTT for Mark V head or combo

    I have a combo, what you lookin to trade?
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    Trouble with my Mark V combo

    idk when I take it to practice it starts out fine, once my group gets practicing though I have to turn it up loud. When that happens after a while I get this Giant loud buzz noise my guitar can't be heard and it's only on the high gain channel. I think it might be the speaker since I've plugged...
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    New to Rigs!

    Hey idk where to ask for this since other gear sites I've been on have pretty much never given me an answer. But I'm about to become the new lead guitarist for a power/prog band. and I'm starting to get into the Rack stuff. I just need to know what thing would I need that would get the job...
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    Engl Powerball E645

    Who here has this amp or has played this amp? Is it a good heavy metal amp? Just curious.
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    Setting my MarkV's tone

    haha yeah, but yeah I really would like some Ideas on what to do to get a more tightened bottom end.
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    How would one recreate this kind of tone?
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    Setting my MarkV's tone

    Thanks a bunch. yeah those are crappy cables I need to get them switched out.
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    Setting my MarkV's tone

    I'm sorry but I'm having a brain fart what are the Patch cables?
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    Setting my MarkV's tone

    Yeah true but I've got a very very strange thing going on. not only does it make the noise when the volume is down when I switch it off the distortion on my amp ceases to exist. AND I get radio interference from a local Bible station. It's pretty dam annoying.