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  1. G

    Noise gate for Stilleto

    +1. I use the Decimator last in my chain set to around -45db (around 10 o'clock). I don't use the loop and like the Decimator in the signal chain as it quiets the amp plus single coil hum on the front end.
  2. G

    Post your pedalboard

    Chill. 8) It's not "bent out of shape" it's called an opinion. You've apparantly done that on this forum before and even checked yourself later for "venting". My opinion is simply that it's a foolish statement to say that "if you need effects to define your tone, you have the wrong amp". Does...
  3. G

    Post your pedalboard

    Ah but what if "your tone" should be that of many textures, colors and multiple layers of sonic modulation hmmmm????? Then one should require a plethora of effects to attain such bliss yes??? Indeed.... :wink: Totally disagree with the "if I need a bunch of pedals / wrong amp" comment...
  4. G

    Speaker - G12H vs C-90

    I love the combination of G12H30s with the Stiletto. That said...BE CAREFUL what G12H 30 you're looking at. The G12H 30 "70th Anniversary" is a totally diff speaker than the G12H30 Heritage....and there's roughly a $100 difference per speaker. I've tried both with Marshalls and the Stiletto...
  5. G

    Post your pedalboard

  6. G

    New to the forum..."ex-Marshall JVM user"

    Glad my "Stage I Crunch raves" helped you fall back in love :lol: ....or did it contribute to more GAS? You now need THESE pedals to make it perfect: :wink:
  7. G

    How to use a Plexi?

    +1 I have a Stage One and Channel 1 Crunch gets me close to plexi. Still the best "plexi tone" takes volume...50 watt setting, Master dimed, channel volume controlled by Gain and guitar volume. Sounds great thru my Marshall 1960AHW can (Celestion Heritage G12H 30s). If I need to reduce dB's...I...
  8. G

    Post your amp!

  9. G

    Stiletto Ace To Bright For Some?

    Having owned a Marshall JVM recently and switching over to the Stiletto (Stage I), I would agree that it's a "cutting", bright amp. (hello: "STILETTO :!: :lol: ). That said.. I think that BY FAR the biggest problem for those of you complaining about this is SPEAKER-related. Speaker selection...
  10. G

    New to the forum..."ex-Marshall JVM user"

    Exactly...I agree w/ Vigo here. Master is set a noon-1pm (50 watt setting); gain at 1-2pm. Sounds awesome :twisted:
  11. G

    New to the forum..."ex-Marshall JVM user"

    Since I don't have a Series II, I can only compare the Crunch on Ch1 and Ch2 on my Series I. I really can't find a Crunch setting on Ch2 that is voiced "right" for me. So I'm using the Channel I Crunch like a plexi, and getting my cleans with the volume knob on my guitars. Since I never play...
  12. G

    Post your rig part 2

    Thanks :!: The LP Custom's an '88 and is my #1. The PU's are WCR "Godwoods". I can't rave enough about them. Here's a link or 2:
  13. G

    New to the forum..."ex-Marshall JVM user"

    Thanks Silverwulf. Based on my research I agree...seems the Series I / CH1 Crunch is perfect for my needs. Since I bought the amp in mint shape for $900 I'm pretty happy.
  14. G

    Post your rig part 2

  15. G

    New to the forum..."ex-Marshall JVM user"

    Hi all- I'm a new Stiletto Deuce Stage I owner & this is my first post. I sold my Marshall JVM after two years and bought the Stiletto used. I really liked the JVM but found I spent 90% of my time in "Crunch Orange". I also worried about the build quality of the amp long-term. For those curious...
  16. G

    What speakers is everyone using for their Deuce?

    Hi all- I'm a new Stiletto Deuce Stage I owner & this is my first post. I sold my Marshall JVM after two years and bought the Stiletto used. Here's my cab: It's loaded with G12H30 (Heritages NOT 70th Anniversary Heritages). I've read a few disconcerting posts on this forum saying that the...