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  1. B

    how to connect Mk4 to G system

    any info really appreciated 8)
  2. B

    how to connect Mk4 to G system

    i wonder if any of you guys could help ....i have a boogie mk4 and a tc electronics G system...just wondering if anyone knows how to wire it up to switch my amp channels from the G system
  3. B

    how high to run the prsence on mk4

    i usually leave the presence in on the lead chanell and out on the other 2..and just use the graphic for the lead, it seems a fatter sound to me when its in i use the mid switch as well.... it seems as though the way i set it is try and get quite a bit of mid in then use a lot of presence, think...
  4. B

    how high to run the prsence on mk4

    yeah i know what your saying ...just curious how high other people run it...i think it sounds good to me ,but i cant get to the back of the room to tell properly...whether its cutting to much..iknow its a bit of a daft question, just intresred to see how everybody else runs it..:)
  5. B

    how high to run the prsence on mk4

    mmm...i run the treble that high and still have the presence up to 8 or 9...i maybe need to have a
  6. B

    how high to run the prsence on mk4

    just wondering how high everybody runs the pres or treble on the mk4....i run mine at about 7 or 8 for working with a live band.. iv been listening to some recordings and it seems really trebly and not much body...not sure iff its the recording and the mic used or i sound really im...
  7. B

    6v6 in MKIV

    thanks...:) was there much drop in it still loud enuff for a gig with bass and a loud drummer..?
  8. B

    6v6 in MKIV

    just wondering iff anybodys tried 6V6 tubes in the after a bit more of a vintage fatter sound ...any opinions on this will sound like is appreciated...or will i be better with el34 tubes in sitting on the fence here ..dont know whether to change or not.. thanks in advance
  9. B

    presence setting

    sorry its mk 4...still i think ill try turning it down a touch..we play fairly loud..thanks..:)
  10. B

    presence setting

    iv just been looking through the settings page and a lot of them have the presence fairly low...i have mine between 8 and 9..its for live use with a band these seem to high..?..ihave it fairly high to cut in the mix, but maybe it deafening people in the does everybody...
  11. B

    Line 6 M13

    thanks Ned..thats mainly what i would be using it for..delays rev and chorus..ill just use the amp overdrive..:)
  12. B

    Line 6 M13

    thanks Jdurso..i think youve made my mind up..:) been looking at them for a while but itwas just the thing about the MK4...thanks again paul
  13. B

    Line 6 M13

    just wondering iff any body has tried the line 6 M13 with the Mk4 boogie fx loop...its just the korg pedal iuse with the amp ,there is a volume drop when it is brought in with the loop switch..just wondering iff the line 6 pedal would be ok.?..Thanks
  14. B

    thin sounding MIV boogie

    Thanks.. :)
  15. B

    thin sounding MIV boogie

    thanks Elixir, was it the output tubes or preamp..?
  16. B

    thin sounding MIV boogie

    thanks guy for the help..ill check all this out ..the EQ is same as are all the settings and it sounded great..but the last couple of gigs it seems to have went really thin, i set the eq in the v type of shape..with the midlle sliders just below the mid line ..sorry i cant be more...
  17. B

    thin sounding MIV boogie

    hello just new to the forum...wondering iff you guys could help ou, iv got a mk 4 boogie and lately it seems to have gone really thin sounding .mainly on the lead feels as though im fighting to get any sustain and body in the note, i was wondering iff anybodys had the same problem...