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  1. H


    Next endorsement? Looks like fender!!! evidence you say? I like the idea of the two sounds combining - I love the recto, but the Bass is not tight enough for what im doing - Even with my Keeley TS9. How tight is the bass on the 6505...
  2. H


    I have seen the old thread - I wanted some new information/opinons. Who likes these amps and why and who hates them and why? Thanks!
  3. H

    Ahh the good ole days, or a mess of MK's

    Your wife plays guitar, and owns a Boogie? No wonder you married her! Nice rig man!
  4. H

    New Setup. Need help!

    Have you thought about using the graphic EQ to achieve different tones? I use the lead channel without EQ as a more bluesy lead, and the Lead channel with EQ as my rythm/lead for metal. Ive found with passive PUPS and messing around with the eq, i can get vastly different tones out of RHY2. Try...
  5. H

    2 Heads 2 cabs

    So you want 3 speakers putting out the Recto sound, and 3 speakers putting out the Marshall sound? First question, is the 2x12 stereo? If so then yes: It is possible with just the 4x12 though - so lets stick with that. Find the "Left" channel, plug one head in, then find the "right" channel...
  6. H

    Mark IV + Bogner - New songs from my band

    Good god, did somone pay you to say that? Thanks! Anyone else? - Bring it!
  7. H

    Mark IV + Bogner - New songs from my band

    My band Howitzer just finished mixing 3 songs for our latest demo - I used a Mark IV, and a Bogner Uberschall, Both with a mesa Standard cabinet, in the studio - Im really happy with how the combination chunked on the recording - Check out the Revelations intro - I love bass in my tone! The...
  8. H

    local bands...

    What made you think the average listener EVER cared? I think a lot of modern guitar tones are simply horrible. On the converse there are also the tones I think are amazing. For me, the way an amp sounds/and is dialed in, are important for getting the right feel in my playing. And for...
  9. H

    New ESP

    Cheers! I just entered the ESP family with an eclipse II standard, I just wanted to say that I agree with the best quality/price comparison! im hooked now, and I plan to buy another one ASAP! Congrats on the buy!
  10. H

    Ozzy on the british hall of fame awards?

    Anyone watch this? I noticed the new bassist had a badass mesa rig, four 4x10's, and i think a big block - Not totally sure, the camera was on Ozzy and Wylde the whole time - Go figure.
  11. H

    Avatar vs. Mesa

    Having owned/played through both, here is my two cents, and my opinion. They sound 98% the same. They both use 13 ply, baltic birch. They both use Dado and rabbit(?) methods of carpentry to hold the corners together. they both use Vintage 30s. The over sized cabs have a tad bit more bass...
  12. H

    Maverick Prototype?

    I found this on the local craigs list: Im not trying to sell it, or help the seller, just wondering if it looks legit? Is that really a maverick prototype? I know it might be hard to tell without a serial number! Cheers
  13. H

    Dual Recto AND Stiletto?

    I am running a Mark 4 and a Recto simultaneously - Here is how im doing it: Voodoo labs audio controller - will split the signal, AND switch the channels on both amps. So far the sound is amazing, Im ordering a custom road case for everything, and you need to have 2 cabs, or one stereo cab in...
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    Mesa: The Beast Within!

    Well, im screwed either way, i dont have a rectifier tube! thanks though!
  15. H

    Mesa: The Beast Within!

    So GZ-34's are EL34's from JJ, and Eurotubes? They tighten up the bass a great deal, and make the gain clearer? what happened to the clean channel? did it get any better? I have a single rec that I would like to use, but the tone isnt anywhere close to what my Mark IV's is. Any other...
  16. H

    New Mesa owner, tone question

    Cleans from a Dimebucker? my friend runs an F50 with that pickup and curses it for not having any useable clean tone!
  17. H

    Cabinet Suggestions

    +1 for Avatar, just got mine and broke it in, wonderful. As far as cosmetics go - It looks like the fender cabs, and I like it. But its all opinions anyways. Get an 8ohm cab -> then if you ever buy two cabs, you can run them both with the 2 4ohm jacks.
  18. H

    Signal Splitting

    So, after saving for a long time - Im ready to start buying the pieces that will make up my rig. I just recieved my V30 avatar loaded cab, and im ready to start setting up my tone - Mark 4 and Single rec at the same time. For the time being I was considering going to Radioshack and buying a 1/4...
  19. H

    Graphic Eqs

    Okay, with my limited electrical circuit knowledge, I have no idea what a phase inverter is - except that, I am pretty sure it inverts phases.... If there is a site I can go to that explains this, then please link me, but basically what does a phase inverter do,and where is it in the...
  20. H

    Graphic Eqs

    Just making sure - Correct me if im wrong. Graphic Eqs, like the ones featured on my Mark 4, or the studio series, or the quad preamp, or the Triaxis "Dynamic Voice" are AFTER the gain stage, and BEFORE the effects loop, and the power stages, Correct? So essentially it is reshaping the tone...