Graphic Eqs

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2005
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Just making sure - Correct me if im wrong.

Graphic Eqs, like the ones featured on my Mark 4, or the studio series, or the quad preamp, or the Triaxis "Dynamic Voice" are AFTER the gain stage, and BEFORE the effects loop, and the power stages, Correct?

So essentially it is reshaping the tone, after it gets hit with gain, to give you more control over the tone?

If I put a graphic EQ in my single rec, can I expect Somewhat similair tone responses, as the Mark 4 gets with vs without the graphEQ?

I put a Boss GE-7 eq pedal(7 band, btw) in my fx loop on my mk IIb (non eq) combo, it really seemed to "squash" out the sound. I was able to notch out some alot of the extreme mids and add a tighter low end, but the amp overall lost it's "liveliness", taking the warmth away & it just didn't sound very 3-dimentional with it engaged, almost losing its tube tone & sounding more like a solid state Crate amp that I used to own many years ago (before I discovered the "magic" of tubes.). It didn't sound as "full" as my mk III does with its onboard 5-band eq engaged. You might consider getting a BBE Sonic Maximizer (They make these in a pedal now) & putting that in your FX loop. I've been considering getting one myself to add at the very end of my stomp box chain.
Boogiebabies said:
It actually drops in at the phase inverter. You can stick a Graphic EQ in your loop and see how it goes, but it is a series or paralell loop and will not be exactly like a stock Boogie EQ. You will probably like it either way.
If it is a serial loop, it will be mixed in with the gain stage. If it's a paralell loop it will mix it in to your power amp signal. I dont know what the single has, but either way if you adjust the leves and mix it right it is a very usefull effect.

Okay, with my limited electrical circuit knowledge, I have no idea what a phase inverter is - except that, I am pretty sure it inverts phases....

If there is a site I can go to that explains this, then please link me, but basically what does a phase inverter do,and where is it in the circuit?

And just to clarify on what you said - The mark series with a (______)-loop the effects loop travels through the phase inverter ?

In a series or parrelell loop, the loop signal travels at the end of the gain stage?

Thanks a ton Boogiebabies, your knowledge is amazing!
Not sure how the effect lube was routed in my old Peavey Triumph 60 head (series or parallel) but I ran a Boss GE-10 graphic in the loop of that and it really brought the amp to life. Prior to being able to afford a Boogie this was one of the best sounding amps I ever owned. It nailed a Black album tone perfectly. I've heard others had issues with them but But as far as I'm concerned it was great. Three channels and the tone I wanted. Sometimes I still miss it.

Bottom Line, I believe the EQ is one of the best dollar per effect values out there. I won't have a rig without one.

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