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  1. E

    Anyone else fatigued by the "recto sound"?

    I use Celestion G12K-85s. I like my amp with the Mesa C90s, too, and I've played it several times though one of the old "halfback" 412s with the G12H-100s and EVM12Ls and it sounds awesome. I'd be interested in hearing it with Greenbacks sometime...
  2. E

    Anyone else fatigued by the "recto sound"?

    I'm pretty fatigued by what's perceived as "The Recto Sound", but then I'm pretty fatigued with modern radio music, anyway. Rectos can do so much more - especially when you get them away from V30s...
  3. E

    Rectifier with celestion G12K-100 speakers

    Our other guitarist was borrowing a Bogner with two v30s and two 75s in it before his Mesa cab came in, and it was a great sounding (and very well-made) cab. Vader has a good rep for quality. I don't know of anyone making unloaded cabs that are built as well as Mesa's are, though I'm admittedly...
  4. E

    Rectifier with celestion G12K-100 speakers

    Orange makes one that uses the G12K-100s, too. I have an '80s Peavey cab with the G12K-85s in it, and I love them with my Triple - they're sonically very close to the C90s, but a tad brighter. Very smooth, and they handle the low end very well.
  5. E

    Triple Recto only good for rhythm playing!!?

    If he's got V30s, it won't sound the same. (I use g12K-85s, that sound almost exactly like the Mesa c90s.) IMO the single biggest detriment to a Recto series amp is Celestion V30s.
  6. E

    Triple Recto only good for rhythm playing!!?

    Uh, I play solos on mine all the time, and I can get a nice, creamy lead tone without any of the issues mentioned above. I have a 2001 3ch Triple, and I use the "Orange" channel for solos, and the "Red" for rhythm playing. In fact, I played gig with my cover band on Saturday, with ch 2 set to...
  7. E

    Tung Sol or JJ for a 2 Channel Dual Rec?

    ^ The EH's are definitely brighter, I just think the TungSols have a punchier, more "sparkly" midrange in V1. Then again, I use Duncan JBs, so brightness and midrange is not a problem. :lol:
  8. E

    switching overdrive and channel simultaneously... solution?

    Cool idea. Now if we could just figure out how to do it for the three-channel amps... ;)
  9. E

    Does anyone REALLY need a Triple Rectifier?

    I think the Single, Dual, and Triple all sound slightly different. I prefer the Triple for the tighter bottom end and higher headroom for the cleans - I think it's the better sounding of the 3ch amps, by a long way.
  10. E

    What Would You Do?

    I'd go with the MIDI rig and FX you like, personally. I have a similar situation, and I use a Nobels Alex-1 to switch my TS in and out, and a CFX4 to switch the amp. All of my delays/mod/gate are from a G-Major, but if I preferred something else I'd have used the GRX4. I was very underwhelmed by...
  11. E

    What will a hotplate do for me and my DR?

    I've been using one for a while, and while they're not ideal - they do alter the tone somewhat, especially above -8 dB - they're very useful in the right situations. It definitely sounds better than just turning the master down...
  12. E

    Overdrive Pedals With Roadster (check out the Metal Zone)

    Hey, I didn't say *I* liked it, just that many use it. :lol:
  13. E

    Celestion C90 Speakers?

    I'm a big fan of the C90. Like a V30 without the nasty midrange hump is a good description - smooth and clean response, not much breakup even when pushed really hard. It's my favorite speaker for the Recto series.
  14. E

    Overdrive Pedals With Roadster (check out the Metal Zone)

    I know a lot of the Death Metal crowd use a Metal Zone as a boost in front of a Recto "modern" channel, but this is an interesting other take on using one...
  15. E

    Mesa / Celestion Black Shadows?!?!

    I love them - they're SO much better sounding to me than V30s. Smooth, a little dark, but not murky...
  16. E

    Triple Recto lead-tones

    You're not going to produce enough output with a TS to damage the amp, so have at. ;)
  17. E

    Triple Recto lead-tones

    There are a large number of solutions available to this issue. ;)
  18. E

    Triple Recto lead-tones

    I'd suggest a three-channel, personally. ;) Having got that out of the way, the OD is a good idea. I recommend a Tube Screamer variant, like the Maxon OD808, or a modded TS-7.
  19. E

    Tung-Sol 12AX7's in a RK????

    I suspect it's a bad TungSol. It happens.
  20. E

    Recommend me some tubes

    I like the Mesa STR440s, and TungSols for the preamp (especially V1 - the rest can be cheaper tubes.) I haven't been able to *find* a GT12AX7M to a/b them, but people that I know that have say they're very nice.