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  1. N

    POLL: Effects Loop Success?

    Jsutter, I totally agree with you on the loop of the MKV and also agree with you on the JSX being the best ive ever heard! I actually like the JSX better with the loop on! It doesnt quite have the tone of the MkV. Mesa hasnt built an effects loop worth a **** as far as im concerned. Its the...
  2. N

    Mark V w/ Pedals - Having Trouble

    Don't let the pedal gurus tell you that your pedals are the reason for ruining your tone! Do Boss pedals degrade your sound? Sure! Is it to the point where you wouldn't want to use em? Hell no! The Mark V is a very telling amp. If your pedals degrade tone at all it will show it! Having said...
  3. N

    Got some strange crackle sounds today

    Mine does it without the cable plugged in.
  4. N

    Got some strange crackle sounds today

    Mine does it too! Its only lasts for awhile when I first turn it on at gigs but in my basement its terrible! Pulled all the pre amp tubes and replaced em and it still happens! Dunno what it is unless its output tubes. Seems like a common problem with these amps.
  5. N

    Mark IV Mode... No Balls?

    I turn my channel bass to about 8:30 then turn treble to around 11:00 then turn up the presence past 1:00. Tightens things up considerably and let's the bass comeout more. If its too bright then turn down the hi-end slider to about half. Works for me!
  6. N

    Favorite guitar / pickup?

    I hate the EMG 81! I used to have that in most of my guitars until I put the EMG 85 in! WAY better than the 81! The 85 has a lot more bass and a sweeter topend with a little scoop in the mids! I could never understand the appeal of the 81. Maybe its just me! I have tried both though and now I...
  7. N

    Favorite guitar / pickup?

    I like my Air Zone in my beat up '90 PRS which is my pup tester! I run the PRS vintage bass for the neck. You don't wanna know the things I've done to my PRS in the name of TONE! Lol!
  8. N

    2x12 Boxy Blues. Help!

    I just went through 5 different pairs of speakers in my vert. 2x12 and finally broke down and put my 2 EVs in that I've had sittin around for years. I had the same problem with the vert. as you, sounded like the amp was buried inside the cab and no matter what I did I couldn't get it to come...
  9. N

    What speaker instead of V30?

    Ok, so now I'm gonna contradict everything I've posted earlier and say, there is NO other speaker for a MkV than the EV12l! Been drivin my wife nuts with that constant speaker changes and the follow up high volume testing! LOL! I've. Gone throught V30s, t75, emi Private Jacks(greenback style)...
  10. N

    What speaker instead of V30?

    DUDE! That's a pretty dark speaker! Gotta break that sucker in! Crank up your clean channel and BANG out some power chords with the neck pickup! Turn up that bass and get that speaker BOUNCIN! I use a bass amp and bass guitar for awhile then go back to the guitar and play hard stacatto chords...
  11. N

    Mesa + BB Preamp = Awesomeness

    +1 on the MXR Zakk Wylde pedal! Transformed my Tremoverb into a lead monster! Played this amp on the Blues channel for 15yrs and only twice a nite I would use the vintage hi gain but now with the Zw pedal, I freakin LOVE the Modern hi gain! It was too fuzzy and thin for me and this pedal...
  12. N

    What speaker instead of V30?

    Ok, I just bought a used vert. 2-12 from my other guitarist in my band. It has the mc90s in it. I've played 2 gigs with it and haven't been able to get a decent sound that I liked. It sounds like the tone is lost somewhere in the cab and I can't get it to come out, if that makes any sense. Its a...
  13. N

    Mark V V1 preamp tube

    I know this is gonna be hard to believe, but, I found an original Tung Sol ax7a still unused and in its box that it came in! So I put that in v1 and while I liked the highend it gave me, I think that its a little shrill in that position. Anyone else experience that with the reissues? Gonna try...
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    Mesa recto 2x12 wiring color

    White positive, black negative on my Tremoverb
  15. N

    Emg 81x and Liquifire

    I could never understand why people use the EMG81! The 85 in the bridge is far better sounding! More bass, better sounding treble and better mids! I have a zillion EMGs around and once I swapped out an 81 with an 85(I prefer the 89 w/ its single coil mode and 85 built in) The 81 sounds better as...
  16. N

    Man i gotta read more of the Mark I settings on the sticky

    Played a whole gig last nite using the Mark 1 mode. I have yet to find a sound bigger and fatter than my Tremoverb combo in Blues mode but the Mark 1 mode is getting there! HUGE! My settings are very similar to the ones in the pic above! The key is to get the Master volume up!
  17. N

    What kinds of music are you guys playing with your Mark V's?

    Played my Tremoverb combo since '94 just a chorus up front and a wah. With the tone i got from the blues mode I never wanted effects to screw it up! Besides the FX loop blows! I normally play classic rock and top 40 with a little metal thrown in to. So after the reverb stopped working a few yrs...
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    I need a good boost

    MXR Zakk Wylde overdrive! I think people are put off because of the ZW name but I think it sounds better than my original TS9! Volume maxed, gain off! I think its one of the most underrated pedals out there! Just my opinion! I use it with infront of my Fender Deluxe RI also for a little grit...
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    N.A.D.! New amp day!

    Found what the problem was! The higher I run my channel volume the more high end I'm losing. I turned my master volume to about noon and turned my channel volumes down to about 8:30 and everything opened up! Around 9:00 things start getting darker. Also, I'm lovin the Mark 1 mode! HUGE!
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    Pickup question

    Dimarzio D sonic or the new Crunch Lab! Its like what a JB is to a Marshall.