Man i gotta read more of the Mark I settings on the sticky

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2006
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For an hour now I cannot get a good grind out of mark I mode no what I try. I added a tube screamer and helped a little. Still wondering if I got a bum pre-amp tube. It just sounds so muffled. but the crunch mode sounds awesome; as well as all the other modes. As some one posted before it sounds like a blanket is placed over the cab (Diezel 4x12). :x :x :x :x
crank master, use graphic EQ and boost highs, cut lows

adjust treble and presence to where needed


If you aren't hard bypassing the loop, then balance the channel master with channel 1 and 3 so they are all the same volume. Then put the treble and presence to about 2oclock, lower the bass to about 12oclock and use the preset eq, not the sliders. If you have that muffled/blanket sound, presence is key. I get some ridiculous distortion tones with this.
I would say Bass and Mid even lower that 12:00... like 9:00... The more you bring up the gain the more bottom end you get so you have to roll it off with the bass and somewhat with the mid.
sean106alcon said:
For an hour now I cannot get a good grind out of mark I mode no what I try. I added a tube screamer and helped a little. Still wondering if I got a bum pre-amp tube. It just sounds so muffled. but the crunch mode sounds awesome; as well as all the other modes. As some one posted before it sounds like a blanket is placed over the cab (Diezel 4x12). :x :x :x :x

Try these settings

Master all the way and start adjusting everything else from there.
Stay tuned, the Mark V will be coming to the Alabama tone farm tomorrow. EVM-12L and Black Shadow MS-12 speakers will be used for these sessions. Anything less would be uncivilized. :lol:
sean106alcon said:
For an hour now I cannot get a good grind out of mark I mode no what I try. I added a tube screamer and helped a little. Still wondering if I got a bum pre-amp tube. It just sounds so muffled. but the crunch mode sounds awesome; as well as all the other modes. As some one posted before it sounds like a blanket is placed over the cab (Diezel 4x12). :x :x :x :x

Hey what's up man, I think i've seen you post on the ESP boards too, I had the same problem when i first demoed the mark in store. I hated ch2 especially Mark I mode. At home it was a different story. What most people have already said is true. Tone down the bass on the knobs (i have mine at zero) i maxed or nearly maxed the treble, have he presence at 2, and mids wherever you like them. I use the preset EQ curve instead of the sliders, and have that almost dimed too. Playing the Mark I mode will make you feel like all the other modes on the amp are thin in comparison. So be careful, you might like it! Now i'm loving crunch just as much but in a different way.

here's an ok vid of me demoing the amp at home after a few days tinkering.
*edit its like 10 minutes, long, check out around 1:55 5:15 and 7:00.
Wow, I just tried those settings MesaManBoogie suggested. Amazing. Cranking the master really brings Mark I mode to life. It's like all of sudden, around 3 o'clock or so, a blanket gets lifted off the tone and the mode comes to life. I wish it were a 4-channel amp so I could have that sound and crunch at the flip of a switch.
might want to try this:



we had a few tests today-boy, its a ***** to play thru a Mk V,E Dyne, and C+ via a Boogie high gain amp switcher, but we survived!we thought we would take pics of our Mk 1 settings this time-played thru a Boogafunk Thiele with Eminence Delta Pro speaker, these settings yielded a huge,THICK tone with gobs of gain and power-backing off the vol. knob gave more of a Marshall flavored classic hard rock tone, while dimin' it conjured up the "beast"-notable was diode vs. tube / at this volume, the differences between the two become apparent-obviously, use the preset for other channels with the sliders set in this fashion
(glad we didn't go to Jimmy's Lounge,after all!)
Played a whole gig last nite using the Mark 1 mode. I have yet to find a sound bigger and fatter than my Tremoverb combo in Blues mode but the Mark 1 mode is getting there! HUGE! My settings are very similar to the ones in the pic above! The key is to get the Master volume up!
eudaimonia02912 said:
Wow, I just tried those settings MesaManBoogie suggested. Amazing. Cranking the master really brings Mark I mode to life. It's like all of sudden, around 3 o'clock or so, a blanket gets lifted off the tone and the mode comes to life. I wish it were a 4-channel amp so I could have that sound and crunch at the flip of a switch.

I'm glad my settings worked for ya.