I need a good boost

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May 4, 2009
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What pedal works good with Dual Rec's as a boost.

I want something that will add just a little bit more bite and that will bring out pinch harmonics, and also that I can use with my main tone.

I have tried an OD-3 but it was kinda muddy for my taste.

Im trying to get a bright/punchy kind of tone but Im not sure what pedal to use!

any suggestion?
Of the ones I have tried, my favorite is the fulltone OCD, for one reason and one reason alone.

Your rectifier still sounds like a rectifier with the OCD. It does not color your tone like other boosts I have tried.

Your chords will still have the recto growl, but it will tighten your amp up enough for nice tight muted palm stuff.

It has a volume, tone and drive knob. I always keep the drive on 0.

But let me just add that I found adding an EQ to a Rectifier more important then a boost. I have a boss GE7 in the loop and when I have it set right, I won't even use the OCD. It is unnecessary for a lot of things. I imagine a higher quality EQ would sound better, but the boss does the job nicely.
Awesome I think I will try one.

I have herd that Ibanez TS9 or TS808's sound good. as well.

thanks alot tho! that really helps b/c I thats pretty much what I am looking for.
i use a stock TS9 with my dual rectifier and been happy so far. probably will try some mod versions, but i guess if it ain't broke...

For a true boost, I'd suggest something like a MXR microamp in front of the amp. It's a clean boost with no clipping or tone shaping at all. This lets you push your amp harder without losing any of its character. Also, I'd DIY it and save some bucks. It's a super simple circuit.
mr_fender said:
For a true boost, I'd suggest something like a MXR microamp in front of the amp. It's a clean boost with no clipping or tone shaping at all. This lets you push your amp harder without losing any of its character. Also, I'd DIY it and save some bucks. It's a super simple circuit.

The only thing you have to watch out for with a straight up clean boost is that it will enhance everything including the bass.... which for a recto may not be a good thing depending on your settings. A TS clone or somehting like the Maxon OD808 or Fulltone OCD have or have an option to add some mids to your tone which will not only tighten your bottom end, but will also allow the notes to POP more for single picking lines and leads.

I highly recommend the OCD and the Maxon OD808... they were my favs when i was looking for an OD.
jdurso said:
The only thing you have to watch out for with a straight up clean boost is that it will enhance everything including the bass.... which for a recto may not be a good thing depending on your settings

Very true. Pushing too much bass into the input is a one way ticket to farty tone. I use a DIY TS-808 clone for a bit of extra push on my Mark IV. I like the extra mids for more cut too. You can raise or lower the bass response of most pedals just by changing a capacitor or two.
you could also just use an EQ pedal...adjust the tone to your taste and set the output

I have heard some negative feedback in regards to Ibanez TS808 and TS9, and the eventual clone from Maxon. Although the sound is good, the electronics used is not of the best quality. Admittedly your tone is yours alone and if it sounds good then great. I have been pointed to Fulltone, Keeley Mods, Xotic as some alternates to the tried and true green boxes.

From user experience do the more expensive (I say that loosely considering the cost of any of the brands listed) "boutique" quality Overdrives compare with the Ibanez and Maxon? As well, are modded Boss pedals (or similar gear) worth the money, or should one just go straight to a quality unmodded OD?
i have tried many different ODs for boost(DS-1, TS-9, TS-808, OD-808, MXR M-108, BYOC Screamer). a few months ago i picked up a MXR Micro amp and my search was over. IMO this is the "perfect" boost for me. it doesnt boost the bass over the top.
I don't have a Recto, I have a Nomad, which is voiced differently, so my experience may not be the same as yours. For a boost, I use a Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive pedal, with the level and tone at noon, and the drive at 9 o'clock. This sets the pedal itself right on the edge of breakup, which, combined with the distortion already provided by the amp, makes for a nice, tight, thick sound with plenty of crunch. The trick to getting this to work right is pulling the gain on the amp back further than what you'll think you need, then adding the SD-1. With the SD-1 barely breaking up as it feeds the amp, the distortion levels can be brought back to where they were before, but sounding much tighter.
I prefer the Ibanez TS9 over the 808 only because I like the little extra mid boost that the TS9 gives me, but either pedal work great with the amp.
Just for kicks, try a Sonic Stomp. It is adjustable for bass and treble, and it cleans up your tone of grit and mud in the process.
i tried my boss ge-7 EQ on my tremoverb rig last night. it improved the amp's tone so **** much its insane. it was louder, clearer and more present without using more volume. its a must have. simply run it through your effects loop.
i tried the maxon 808 on my triple rectifier,,,there was a loss of lowend...how is the ocd?
MXR Zakk Wylde overdrive! I think people are put off because of the ZW name but I think it sounds better than my original TS9! Volume maxed, gain off! I think its one of the most underrated pedals out there! Just my opinion! I use it with infront of my Fender Deluxe RI also for a little grit when needed and I still like it better than a TS9! Thru my Tremoverb its incredible!