Mark V V1 preamp tube

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May 10, 2009
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I was getting a lot of "noise" if you will, escpecially with channel 2 & 3. And the the sound was not "in your face". I had a new SPAX7 in my box of goodies into V1 and BAM, the whole sound of the amp improved, noise level decreased and the entire sound quality "tightened up" nicely. The Mark IV switch now sounds like a Mark IV. Not that this amp is unique but the sensitivity to tubes seems very important, don't be afraid to switch around and try different stuff. This week I am going to try the tung sols in the other slots after reading what others here posted. I will update to you all soon. MARK V is AWESOME.
I know this is gonna be hard to believe, but, I found an original Tung Sol ax7a still unused and in its box that it came in! So I put that in v1 and while I liked the highend it gave me, I think that its a little shrill in that position. Anyone else experience that with the reissues? Gonna try it tonitee in v3 and see how that goes. I found several other vintage tubes in a box that came from my wifes uncle who passed away alon with some really old tube amps! One amp is late 40s to early 50s Ampeg bassamp. Still sifting thru all this stuff and have A LOT of old tubes! Should be interesting!
nyeguy said:
I found an original Tung Sol ax7a.... still unused and in its box that it came in! So I put that in v1 and while I liked the highend it gave me, I think that its a little shrill in that position. Anyone else experience that with the reissues?
yes, that same thing exactly. the T-S reissue in v1 to my ears has really nice gain and gives a great "pushed" fat clean sound, but it makes the gain channels too shrill for me. it does that same thing for me in v1 on Bogners too.

my fav in v1 is the Mullard RI. it has a great, thick gainy sound. but unfortunately it's not as brightly fat on clean sounds as the T-S RI.

the problem with the Mesa SPAX7 is that (like all Mesa tubes) it's a rebranded tube made by someone else, and Mesa changes what brands they use depending on availability, etc. so it's often unclear what brand Mesa was using for that particular tube of theirs at any given time.

their current standard preamp tubes are JJs, so maybe their current SPAX7s are JJs selected for lower noise and higher gain. i'm running a JJ like that in v3 and i like it a lot.
I think that regardless on who the producer of tubes that mesa is using at any given time that the SPAX7 is of a higher value or quality than the AX7s . I think when they test them or grade them thats when they decide if it makes the grade as a SPAX7 rather than a standard AX7
scott from _actual time_ said:
nyeguy said:
. the T-S reissue in v1 to my ears has really nice gain and gives a great "pushed" fat clean sound, but it makes the gain channels too shrill for me. it does that same thing for me in v1 on Bogners too.

my fav in v1 is the Mullard RI. it has a great, thick gainy sound. but unfortunately it's not as brightly fat on clean sounds as the T-S RI.

Exactly what I was finding, some degree of serious bite with the TS reissues. I have SED Winged C EL34's and with the Tung Sols it is possible to get very screaming leads out of my JP6. Good live, to have some extra cut and easy enough to moderate at the tone pot on the guitar. A quick little change to some EL34's found the sweet spot. After some tweaking I have found that EL's improve CH2 and 3, especially with a Les Paul. Just perfect soloing tone and feel. The stock boogie tubes, whoever is making them this month, are not as clearly defined sounding as the TS reissues. The boogie 12AX7's are just a tad flatter sounding with the EL34s. I only have JJ's for EL34's at the moment. In a month or two of saving lunch money I will have some SED Winged C EL34's as from what I hear they are the best current production out there.
nyeguy said:
I know this is gonna be hard to believe, but, I found an original Tung Sol ax7a still unused and in its box that it came in! So I put that in v1 and while I liked the highend it gave me, I think that its a little shrill in that position. Anyone else experience that with the reissues?

I had the same experience. I loved the Tung Sol in V1 of my last amp, but when I tried it with the Mark V, I found it too shrill, just as you described. I've tried Tung Sols in V1, V2, and V3, and didn't like them in any of those spots. Oh well.