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  1. M

    The Mark IV has Landed!

    By the way Ibanez, how are you liking your new wah? Didn't you get a Bad Horsie II a while back? How do you like it over the Tremonti power wah? I eventually want a good wah and was looking at the Tremonti, but the Bad Horsie looks more versatile.
  2. M

    Tremolo spring noise?

    Thanks guys!
  3. M

    Tremolo spring noise?

    NO MORE ADVICE FROM YOU!! I just ripped all the hair out of my belly button! :lol:
  4. M

    The Mark IV has Landed!

    That-a-boy!!!! Congratulations! :D Not far behind ya man! Should have mine in a month or so.
  5. M

    Tremolo spring noise?

    Hey, I'll give anything a try! :D
  6. M

    Tremolo spring noise?

    Hey, thanks alot. I'll give it a try.
  7. M

    guitar straps

    Another Levi's user here!! Great straps!
  8. M

    Tremolo spring noise?

    Has anyone ever experienced unwanted noise coming from their trem springs? I just got my new PRS custom 22 and I occasionally get an unwanted sound similar to reverb spring noise (like when you bump your amp) but I know its not the reverb. I hear it when I mute a chord. If so, what can you do...
  9. M

    "Zoom!" - a real rip-snorter

    Very cool!! I really like it!
  10. M

    Overdrive on Mesa bass amps

    Thanks for the input. He use to have a 400+ but didn't try to overdrive it much. You're right. He'll just have to go try them all out. Too many good choices. That's the problem!
  11. M

    Overdrive on Mesa bass amps

    How does the overdrive on the Big Block V12 compare to the BB750 or any other Mesa bass amp for that matter? My brother is going to eventually get another Mesa and he's just weighing his options. Any input is greatly appreciated. Can you get a great overdriven sound from the 400+ besides...
  12. M

    2x12 Powerhouse - Ohm question

    Thanks alot! I understand what you're saying. That's kind of what he figured but wasn't sure.
  13. M

    Reverb probs on RKII or Roadster????

    The reverb is definitely affected by the different voicings. You do have to turn it up higher on some compared to others to really hear it. Nature of the beast I guess. I would have preferred to have a little more reverb on certain voicings but I guess it's usually enough for me.
  14. M

    2x12 Powerhouse - Ohm question

    My brother is interested in getting a Bass 400+ with a 2x12 Powerhouse cab. In the description for the cab is says available in 4 or 8 ohm. My question is, what would be the difference, if any, going from one to the other - 8 or 4 ohm? Advantages/disadvantages of one over the other? Any...
  15. M

    Hated the Roadster and now love it

    About the layout, did you notice that alot of the boogie control panels are flipped - meaning the heads are opposite of the combos. Tubes are facing up from the amp on the RK/roadster heads and down on the combos. I think that's why the layout seems funny.
  16. M

    What's your recording setup?

    Boss BR1600 CD digital recorder AKG Perception 200 mic Core X2 mic cable Atlas heavy duty boom stand
  17. M

    New Mark IV Tomorrow!!!

    That's one of the cool things about the Mark IV, doesn't look like a Marshall or any other amp for that matter. It's got it's own look and sound which is hard to beat in my opinion.
  18. M

    Question: Best guitar cable for your Mesa setup?

    I really like my CoreX2 cables but I use Monster also. Seems like the Core are built very durable and are reasonably priced.