Overdrive on Mesa bass amps

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Machine Gun

Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
How does the overdrive on the Big Block V12 compare to the BB750 or any other Mesa bass amp for that matter? My brother is going to eventually get another Mesa and he's just weighing his options. Any input is greatly appreciated. Can you get a great overdriven sound from the 400+ besides being a great amp as it is?
AFAIK the Titan has two preamps identical to the BB750's pre. So the overdrive should be comparable ... except that it drives a MosFet power stage that can deliver 1200W into 4 ohms as opposed to the BB750's 550W into 4ohms, so that may make a perceived difference. Best bet is to try both for himself and make his own call.

I haven't tried overdriving the 400+ (but I may well this afternoon at a local store).
Thanks for the input. He use to have a 400+ but didn't try to overdrive it much. You're right. He'll just have to go try them all out. Too many good choices. That's the problem!