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  1. P

    Compressor question???

    The MXR supercomp is a good one. You have to think about what you want the compressor to do. If you want it to simulate that you have a guitar with lots of sustain, put it directly after the guitar. Myself i run compression in the loop, which works fine for me as a soundshaping tool together...
  2. P

    Roadster and some pedals question :-)

    It's a matter of taste. General rules are: Distortions, gainboosters, wahpedals, maybe eq's in front of the amp Delays, reverbs, maybe eq's in the loop More important is to try everything out and when it sounds good, you've done it the right way. Don't let anyone tell you what's right or...
  3. P

    The function of the master channel volume control on Recto

    V30's are fine. You got one of the best cabs available for the recto. For me Gbacks sound the best, but i'd dial in my tone on your cab too if i had to. Just tweak at the level you're going to play. I don't understand not geting enough gain either... I wonder what you're looking for? Maybe look...
  4. P

    The function of the master channel volume control on Recto

    I think it's normal. You need to tweak your settings after you've reached the desired playing volume. I even mic my cab up in another room and tweak my settings with headphones on, playing along to some prerecorded material. What i've found out is that the change directly on the speakers isn't...
  5. P

    Filter caps online Dual Recto?

    I love this message board! I think i found a good site in Germany where i ordered tubes before...It's just a matter of finding the right physical sizes now i guess.
  6. P

    Filter caps online Dual Recto?

    Happy new year. I've decided to spend some time on my amp. Mostly for fun and to learn more about it..After retubing all the annoying hiss went away and i have a great basic sound. What i have left to fix is a low frequency HUMMmm that sounds kind of a ground loop but it's there even when...
  7. P

    Power tube mix question and tip

    Yeah i didn't think it would cause any harm either, but when the amp started popping and crackling i had an idea what had happened :-) My ears were still ringing, haha. I think i've read that somewhere....Turn everything to 10, tap the poweramps with a wooden stick and the ear that starts...
  8. P

    Best Boost for Recto thread

    I have a wireless system that has the option to deliver either mic-level or line-level. I used a Boss super overdrive, til one day when i tried outputting line level instead of mic. The results for me was exactly the same as using the overdrive pedal, so i could get rid of the pedal in my signal...
  9. P

    A couple tone questions....

    Hey! I think i have the same tweak-disease. I kindof like it though, so i guess it's more of an addiction... :shock: There's definately a change in the overall sound when raising the volume, but because the ears and brain works the way they do it's really hard to tell what really happens. I...
  10. P

    Are Mesa Recto's only good for a nu-metal tone?

    They can do whatever you want them to. The trick is learning to dial it in. I work as a recording tech and i dial in a good sound on any Marshall and Recto in 5 minutes. On my own Recto i can spend 2 hours tweaking a rythm sound...easy...Not because it's hard to get a good tone, but because...
  11. P

    Power tube mix question and tip

    Recently retubed my Dual Recto 2ch revC, serial loop. The preamp sound i was after was found in Tung Sol reissues and JJ's. For the power amp i decided to try out JJ6L6's and was happy with the sound until i goofed up real bad when reaching back to turn down the FX-send a little and accidently...
  12. P

    Old 2 channel Dual, hum, noise

    Yeah i've been thinking about that. I have a degree in electronics and won't risk my life poking around with undrained capacitors. If retubing donesn't fix it i'll get the stuff and have an amptech do it for me, cause i haven't been working with high voltages for ages. I'm guessing it's the 4...
  13. P

    Old 2 channel Dual, hum, noise

    Thanks man. I think i'll order a mix of some good brand preamp tubes and experiment 'til i get them in the order that sounds the best for me. I think i'll go for some new TAD 6l6's too.....Only problem i have is that i'll try one combination and then get stuck playing guitar for several hours...
  14. P

    125/250V fuse for very old dual channel rectifier?

    I also have a really early dual rectifier, live in europe, and i have a 2A slo blo in mine. I've had a spare fuse ready for 10 years, but have never blown the fuse still! And i promise, i've been playing loud!
  15. P

    Old 2 channel Dual, hum, noise

    Thanks. I tried some more swapping around and definatley noticed a change in the noise, suggesting that one or a couple of the preamp tubes are noisy, and when you mention it, a microphonic preamp tube could pobably pick up the hum from the transformer mechanically i guess. Anyway a change of...
  16. P

    Old 2 channel Dual, hum, noise

    Hi. I have a Dual recto with the serial 127. The previous owner got it modded from 110 to 230V (that we have here in sweden) by an old electronics-dude that i think rewound the original transformers. It's been working great. Anyway i love this amp to death. I've been keeping it several times...