Filter caps online Dual Recto?

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Nov 3, 2009
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Happy new year. I've decided to spend some time on my amp. Mostly for fun and to learn more about it..After retubing all the annoying hiss went away and i have a great basic sound. What i have left to fix is a low frequency HUMMmm that sounds kind of a ground loop but it's there even when nothing but the amp is plugged in. It's worse in the red channel, and in the orange if i clone it to red 'fcourse. It's there at the same level regardless of volume...When i play really loud it's not an issue, but right now i have time to fix all the small stuff too!

Since i'm going in to fix a broken slave-out-pot anyway i was thinking maybe i want to recap the **** thing too (yeah i know it's dangerous). I can't seem to find the correct values anywhere online and i was wondering if i can put in caps that take higher voltages than the ones that are in now? From what i remember, higher voltage, but same value should be fine, but i wanted to throw this question out here.

Can i use 220mF 350V, instead of 220mF 300V caps?

And do anyone know a good online store, preferably in europe where i can get the stuff i need? And can you recommend a brand?
I have only found the correct Caps on eBay of all places. Seems Mesa uses slightly left-of-standard rating for their compnents compared to what the consumer can find at their local Radio Shack.

I do believe I have come across the correct Caps at as well. Good luck.
It's perfectly OK and maybe even better to use higher voltage rated caps. The rating is just an upper limit beyond which they may fail.

This may not be absolutely true for some signal path caps where running a cap nearer its rating might have desirable self-distortion effects (according to some theory anyway), but for filter caps you just want them to not fail, and last as long as possible. It would be fine to use 450V or 500V caps in the same spots too, as long as the uF value is correct and they will physically fit.

It's not dangerous to work on this amp if you leave the standby switch in the 'play' position when you turn the amp off and unplug it. The voltage will drain via the divider resistors in the first cap stack (which is where these 220uF/300V caps are) in a minute or two at most.
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I think i found a good site in Germany where i ordered tubes before...It's just a matter of finding the right physical sizes now i guess.