Roadster and some pedals question :-)

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Apr 6, 2009
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Hey all, i have one question. I have Roadster head and 4x12 Rectifier cab. I like what i get from this amp but i wanna know one thing. I have couple of pedals ( MXR Distortion+, EH Big Muff) that i wanna use for some specific sounds, where do i put them, before amp or in FX loop. Ty
It's a matter of taste. General rules are:

Distortions, gainboosters, wahpedals, maybe eq's in front of the amp
Delays, reverbs, maybe eq's in the loop

More important is to try everything out and when it sounds good, you've done it the right way. Don't let anyone tell you what's right or wrong. Anything that makes you like the sound and makes you feel like a better player is right!