Compressor question???

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2009
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Can someone recomend to me a good compression pedal for a 3 channel dual rectifier? And, are these best to run through the loop or in front of the amp...what position in the effects chain??? Thanks
No love for compression pedals at all??? Really? Not a lot of fans I guess. Thanks for the chain advice though.
The MXR supercomp is a good one.

You have to think about what you want the compressor to do. If you want it to simulate that you have a guitar with lots of sustain, put it directly after the guitar.

Myself i run compression in the loop, which works fine for me as a soundshaping tool together with eq...Get a sound you love by plugging the guitar straight into your amp. Then enhance this basic tone with experimenting with the orders of your pedals.
I've been playing guitar for 2 years and I still don't know what a compressor really does. Bad Jack, Baad Jacko. Maybe a mini new year's resolution.
Do you want to use it on the clean channel or one of the dirty channels and what for? I've found I only use compression on a clean channel or to add sustain for solo's.
I really like the Tone Press, by barber
this is the first compressor I have ever liked.
Basically what I want it for is to even out my sound and add sustain for soloing. I have an eq running through my loop which I have set right where I want. However, sometimes when I hit the low E string it overpowers everything volume wise. And, adding some sustain and responsiveness to solos would be a plus. The pawnshop in our area has a BOSS Compression/sustain for $40. And, i figure that if it will help in all this and be something I can just leave on all the time why not?
I have a boss comprss/sustainer that I got in a 2nd hand bunch of pedals and i dont like it. Its not a great compressor and it adds hiss at any usefull settings. I'd try a keeley compressor. My mate has one and he just leaves it on all the time . it sounds great
I bought the 76 reissue vintage dyna comp and pretty much have it all the time, really awesome on the cleans. I run it right after the guitar before everything else...
The Keeley 4 knob Compressor comes with a big price tag, but it uis an awesome pedal. It has been referred to as the "industry standard" more than once. It is definitely a pedal that you can leave on and not be able to tell much of a difference. I like to run mine right after the guitar.