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  1. D

    New Mark V Videos: In Depth Channel 1

    Great video. Looking forward to the demo of channel 2. I love crunch but for the life of me can not find a decent sound in edge.
  2. D

    Help! Massive Mark V Problem!

    I am pretty certain it is something your local repair tech can fix. I had something similar happen back when I had my roadster. When turning the power on soon as the switch was flipped it would immediately blow a fuse. Turned out to be a varistor. Took it to the local tech and all he had to...
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    C90's vs V30's w/ Roadster

    When I had my roadster I played it through a road king 2x12. My band mate had a rectifier 2x12 with v30s. In playing the roadster through both cabs I definitely liked the roadking cab better. Part of it could have been due to the fact of one side being open with the roadking but I found the...
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    I had the same problem. I bought my roadster in July of '08 and at that time thought the roadster would be more versatile. I tweaked the roadster for 2 yrs and was never really satisfied with it. I just sold it last month and got a Mark V. Like screamingdaisy stated the first night I played...
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    I really like the 010 GHS Boomers. I have tried cleartones, ernie balls, elixir, etc. but always favored the boomers for price and quality. May be just me but I have always seemed to have tuning issues with ernie balls.
  6. D

    Post Your Rig! Must Include a Mark V.

    Haven't played the Warrior through it much but I love the Firebird. Just have to roll the tone knob back a little though with the bridge pickup to keep it from getting too bright. Really thinking about trying the Lollar pickups :?:
  7. D

    First band practice with new Mark V!

    I agree. I was suprised how easy it was to dial in a great tone. It truly was like you said plug and play. I spent 2 years tweaking the roadster and I never could get it to where I was satisfied. One day it would sound great the next not so great. The only problem I am finding with the...
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    First band practice with new Mark V!

    Last night was my first band practice with my new mark V. Needless to say I was very well pleased with tones. This is probably the best equipment purchase I have made. I have no regrets selling the roadster. The tone I am getting is what has been in my head all this time. Playing the Mark...
  9. D

    Roadster and a 2x12 Recto Cab, w/V-30s, Horizontal ... bad?

    I had a Roadster for a couple of years. One of the guitar players in our band has a 2x12 rectifier cab that I played through a couple of times. I normally used a 2x12 roadking cab with the roadster. In comparison between the two the rectifier cab had quite bit more lows but in my opinion not...
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    Best pickups to use with the Electra Dyne?

    Not trying to hijack the tread but I have a Firebird V and was thinking about getting the Lollar minihumbuckers. How do you like them in comparison to the original Firebird pickups and how do they handle overdrive/distortion tones? I am currently using a Mark V.
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    NAD....MARK V

    Thanks, I had all intentions of ordering a standard black head and use it with my 2x12 road king cab. I knew this particular setup was at my local dealer and when I went to try it out the dealer told me they would sell it to me at regular cost without paying the upcharge for the custom color...
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    NAD....MARK V

    Thanks for posting the picture. I finally figured it out.
  13. D

    NAD....MARK V

    [/img] Not sure how to load images. Can someone pm me with instructions?
  14. D

    NAD....MARK V

    I am new to the forum but have been a silent observer for two years. During this time I owned a Roadster. The Roadster was good to me and was a real work horse, however no matter how hard I tried in the end it just wasn't the sound I was looking for. Not bashing the roadster, it is a great...