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  1. F

    im looking for that perfect warm clean

    unplug your guitar and buy a spanish guitar, that is the best clean you will achieve ;)
  2. F

    Finally, I have my triaxis effects loop back

    the classical on this way is the orcad, you can download a free trial from the web page
  3. F

    Finally, I have my triaxis effects loop back

    No no no. wrong my friend I will try to give you an example, about a year ago somebody gives me some tl audio stuff a lot of equipments they were demo products and he wants to improve them, ok after recaping with better caps changing the tubes for better and mod some design parameteres I decided...
  4. F

    Finally, I have my triaxis effects loop back

    yes but the matter is not about if it sounds well or not, I´m talking about since a totat tecnical point of view, for example don´t think now in audio think in a smith trigger circuit with a histeresis, that kind of circuits are typical used on situations where we want trigger a determinate...
  5. F

    Finally, I have my triaxis effects loop back

    well ok the fever of the opamps is extending, well first of all I would like that all the people that is thinking to do some opamps substitutions read this thread before well since 5 years ago I started in electronics world my experience saids...
  6. F

    I found a small tube "stash".

    send me a pm asking for the tubes you want and I could packed them and send for you
  7. F

    I found a small tube "stash".

    the national nos are from my private collection, I could sell you for 12 euros, all the other tubes are for free, the tubes I could gift you are not for audio, are only RF they aren´t useful for guitars and they are only for collecters, with boxes with 30 years. of course I could send you a...
  8. F

    I found a small tube "stash".

    I have national 5751 that I didn´t use
  9. F

    I found a small tube "stash".

    oops I forget, of course totally free :D
  10. F

    I found a small tube "stash".

    would you like some of them???? if you want I could packed some and send to you to USA
  11. F

    I found a small tube "stash".

    I only tested the audio tubes and they was in good conditions, even I give some tubes ecc88 ( avalon and other audio equipments ) totally free because I have so many tubes and my home is very little :(
  12. F

    A question regarding the different classes

    yeahh tarzan I always recomend that book is one of the best books of electronics in the world, it has about 800-1000 pages, it starts from the easiest and you decided your your last goals, if you want to know a bit ok read the first chapters, if you want to be an electronic guru, ok read...
  13. F

    Who uses LEAD 1 RED?

    as I commented V3 triode B
  14. F

    To move or not to move?

    hey dude get you some pics of my home ???? :twisted:
  15. F

    it's that time in every man's life

    for high volumes and great cleans I always recomend =C= power tubes
  16. F

    A question regarding the different classes

    well simul class is not indeed an amp class, I read that article and it´s fine if you only want to know a bit about the matter, but if you are really interested in that issues I recomend to you the " principles of electronics " of Paul Malvino Classes are from A to H as I remember. most of them...
  17. F

    Serious Problem Please Help (Triaxis Lead 1 RED)

    bet for the optoacopleurs, go to your nearest electronics shop or mesa seller and ask for vactrol optoacopleurs 5c9 then replace on the recto board ( the smaller upper the tubes ) the optos labeled with ldr1 and ldr6. They splits the signal into the lead1red or the all other 7 modes, if you only...
  18. F

    funny funny video i found on youtube.

    scenes from memories :lol:
  19. F

    OD/Distortion pedal for Mesa Mark series type drive

    :shock: I feel like a deja vu :lol:
  20. F

    Am I being crazy here?

    well the matter is not to be the cleanest, the matter is to have the nicest clean channel. for example the cleanest could be connect directly the guitar to a mixing desk, there is not what I want, I need a bit colour on my notes, the best clean is not the ever the most transparent or neutral...