To move or not to move?

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2006
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Southern California
Lately, I've been frustrated with the traffic, the ever increasing cost of living, the increase of debauchery of the greater Los Angeles/Orange County, so I've decided to seriously consider moving to another state. And yet, when i see this:


I seem to hesitate. Any thoughts would be appreciated......
Dude I grew up out there. I've been gone for 14 years. I miss it sooooo much. Believe me if you're involved in any way with the music indusrty...Don't leave. Speaking from experience... It's the best place to be.
I went from this coast clear to the east coast. I can honestly say there is nothing like the weather we have here. Congestion sucks but it is well worth it. Traffic is just something that happens when you live in the nicest place on earth :wink:
ursinus said:
Lately, I've been frustrated with the traffic, the ever increasing cost of living, the increase of debauchery of the greater Los Angeles/Orange County, so I've decided to seriously consider moving to another state. And yet, when i see this:


I seem to hesitate. Any thoughts would be appreciated......
When I see that I wonder, long will it be before it all falls in the ocean after the big one hits.
dont move because of traffic because its everywhere i live in boston its an awesome place to live for my style of music and my life style but the traffic sucks here also.. its something everyone deals with.. if you dont like it buy a bike :)
Guitarzan said:
Believe me if you're involved in any way with the music indusrty...Don't leave. Speaking from experience... It's the best place to be.

I believe completely the opposite when it comes to being in a band. There are soooo many bands trying to "make it" out in LA and the surrounding areas that it's too easy to be overlooked and blend into the melting pot even if you're good. Now if you go to a town with say fifty local bands instead of like 3000, and you rock the socks off everyone, you'll stand out better and get noticed more. however, i agree with you to a point, that if you want to be involved in music industry, other than being in a band, that is a great place to be. Anyways, just my two cents. But if i had a place that you have on the coast, i'd stay til i die.
oneamongthefence said:
i agree with you to a point, that if you want to be involved in music industry, other than being in a band, that is a great place to be. Anyways, just my two cents. But if i had a place that you have on the coast, i'd stay til i die.

That's what I'm reffering to. I'm under the impression that He's not striving to be in the next "it" band. For one, look where he lives, No striving/struggling/starving musician could afford a pad like that in So Cal... The "Behind the scenes" part of the music industry in So Cal is great. You have the opportunity to work with the musicians on a professional level.
t0aj15 said:
ursinus said:
Lately, I've been frustrated with the traffic, the ever increasing cost of living, the increase of debauchery of the greater Los Angeles/Orange County, so I've decided to seriously consider moving to another state. And yet, when i see this:


I seem to hesitate. Any thoughts would be appreciated......
When I see that I wonder, long will it be before it all falls in the ocean after the big one hits.

Too many people have this notion that CA will fall into the ocean. It makes me sick. I would rather live here with an occasional tremor than have to deal with the severity of seasons and inclement weather. I lived in FL. I hated the muggy humidity. I could set my watch by the afternoon rains during the time I spent there. The Gulf Coast wasn't as bad but the time I spent in Orlando it actually snowed. In addition to being the lightning capital and having unescapable heat I hated Central Florida. The south has too many bugs too. Then there are the sinkholes and gators not to mention the mocassins. Lovebug season is hell on your auto paint job. The Gulf of Mexico gets inundated with jelly fish to the point you can't even go in the water at times too. I love the low cost of living there but it is just too slow paced for someone raised in So. CA. I also lived in PA. The winter there is too harsh with blizzards and ice storms. Again the humidity can kill when added to the heat of summer. PA at least had a little faster pace. I also lived in VA. It snowed there too even on VA Beach. The summers there were just as hot and humid as anywhere else on the east coast. Sorry but I'll take the temperate climate of So. CA coastal communities. Here it rarely gets below 40 usually it hangs out around 50 in colder months. Then it will usually not hit triple digits in the heat of summer. The humidity is never that bad that you get out of a shower and immediately need to take another one to get the instant sweat off of you that you get elsewhere in the nation. There may be some rain here and there but it is never like a hurricane or anything. Some odd storms may bring flash flooding due to having such good weather for so long but that is excusable. Also we may get bb sized hail from a cold storm once in a while. Personally, I get away with wearing shorts and a tank top most of the year. I rarely have to but on occasion I will wear a flannel (tribute to Seattle?... no, just to break the wind). There are no tornados here. There really are no other natural disasters but the freak earthquake and those aren't very common. Most of them are very mild and after living here you barely even feel them unless they are centered close to where you live and even then they have to be relatively intense. Sorry for the rant but I just can't understand why anyone would live anywhere else. I have lived on both coasts and on the Gulf coast and find that this is the nicest place to be. It is strange that with as much fear of earthquakes that people have that do not live here, it sure is one hell of a destination for vacation. I find tourists to be one of the biggest contributors to our traffic too. And for what it is worth, in college I studied about the tectonic plates and their movement here in the seismology portion of my Oceanograpphy studies. It will take literally hundreds of thousands of years but our So. CA property will end up being up somewhere around the SF Bay area and at that will never "fall" into the ocean. It might separate as an island someday but that is yet to be seen and will never be observed by any of us nor our offspring. In the process there may be some properties like the one seen in the picture that will crumble off but that is something that will take centuries. There might be small portions that may fall but it again would only be a freak of nature incident. Coastal engineers take time to ensure that these properties are built such that they are at least safe and will not be affected by realistic movement. This does not include massive unforeseen earthquakes or flooding but at least results from years in the calculations keep the homes safe. There was a slight bobble in recent years in OC with some multi million dollar homes sliding off hills like in LA about a decade ago and some bad soil reports that led to properties opening fissures over underground pockets here in SD but for the most part urban planners and engineers keep everyone safe. A funny bit of information about Hollywood and its underground was that when they were installing the subway there it began to sink and is still noticeable. This was the result from poor planning and engineering. These unforeseen events were not the result of earthquakes though and there were not massive casualties from them.
1+ on what Russ said. I grew up in Minnesota. Fishing, drinking, and cow tipping was about all there was to do. Hot humid summers contrasted the 20 degrees below zero winters. Mosquitos were the state bird and if you admitted that you lived in California, even if you grew up in the same town, people would just back away from you, like you had the plague. I'm very happy to on the coast, even if my place isn't on the water.
I would certainly be one of the most depressed people on earth if I lived somewhere like that. I would certainly go insane and become the next unibomber.
Ahhhh kids are resilient to most things. They'll be fine. Just keep them occupied with activities. Idle minds are dangerous. I know, I was there.

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