A question regarding the different classes

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Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Hey folks,
wanted to ask what's the difference between the different amp classes (a, a/b, simul-class, etc`)?

from what i've understand it seems like a crucial aspect which influences the overall volume output of the amplifier - is that correct?


Hey Mikey, this link might help ya as far as the difference between class a, and a/b are concerned http://www.mesaboogie.com/US/Smith/ClassA-WebVersion.htm
ur86d said:
Hey Mikey, this link might help ya as far as the difference between class a, and a/b are concerned http://www.mesaboogie.com/US/Smith/ClassA-WebVersion.htm
+1 Really worth reading. There is a world of other things other than the overall amp volume output to be affected.
well simul class is not indeed an amp class, I read that article and it´s fine if you only want to know a bit about the matter, but if you are really interested in that issues I recomend to you the " principles of electronics " of Paul Malvino
Classes are from A to H as I remember. most of them are used on RF, and only class A, AB in professional audio, class b are used in megaphony and class D and digital are used in concert arrays
yeahh tarzan I always recomend that book is one of the best books of electronics in the world, it has about 800-1000 pages, it starts from the easiest and you decided your your last goals, if you want to know a bit ok read the first chapters, if you want to be an electronic guru, ok read entirely the book

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