You know what really grinds my gears?

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2009
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Blistered Earth
All these morons that post clips on Youtube of high end amps ($2000 and up) that either,
a) talk for 10 minutes in a 10-1/2 minute clip.
b) when they finally start playing they can't play for sh!t anyway. (at least they usually apologize ahead of time)
c) If they are under the age of 40 they all seem to think that the best way to demo an amp is tuned to drop XYZ so you cant tell if they are playing a guitar, bass, flatulant whale, etc.
d) All recorded with gain/bass maxed, bedrood volume, through a camera mic.
Hey you, in mommy's basement, tell your parents to quit spending absurd ammounts of cash on gear for their overindulged/undertalented brat and use some of that money for lessons!!!
Whew! That felt good! :p
I'm better now.
Absolutely. I don't need a 15 minute explanation of the three knobs on a Tube Screamer. I wanna hear what it sounds like.
Thank Satan for fast forward. :D
And Gearmandude! :lol:
the worst are the videos done with a cell phone where all you here is static because it's clipping the whole time.
What really grinds my gears is that the American system seems to provide everything for everyone!!! The internet does really make everyone believe that in the USA everyone is able to easily buy a Mesa Boogie, whereas in Portugal, and some other countries of Europe everyone is striving to make a living with sh**y monthly salaries.
Can you believe that in Portugal a Mark V is almost 10 times the minimum wage???
And we discovered half of the world...
Don't get me wrong about the statement where I talked about USA, but like someone said earlier, I open youtube and there are millions of kids, who do nothing for a living with stacks of expensive gear, who don't know crap about music, don't know crap about anything... that really grinds my gears. Other than that, you have a beautiful country!!!! Cherish it, really!!!
Hey man, I worked my *** off and saved forever to get my Mark IV. I have to wonder where all these kids are getting gear like this too.
pancake tits??? LOL
who doesn't get grinded by that...
Rkorn said:
What really grinds my gears is that the American system seems to provide everything for everyone!!!

Yeah...say that to people living in Gulf states, or Afghanistan, or Iraq, or anywhere where the G20 meets. America...the greatest delusion of our time. The Wolf is about to shed its sheepskin.

screamingdaisy said:
You know what really grinds my gears?

Chicks with floppy pancake tits.

This man FTFW! :lol:
I was talking about providing to its own people. Why sould the States provide anything for another countries?? If they went there to take over.. in that case ok!! But other than that, NO, they should not provide for countries who are filled with mafia, corruption, blood money, etc.
I'm from Portugal (shame, I know) and I get really pissed of when everyone tells me to send money to Angola, why the hell should I??? Angola is filled with starvation, but its President is the 8th richest man in the world..

Just making my point..
I know that some of you might differ from this opinion, but initially I was just talking about stuff on youtube etc... Kids still worth nothing yett with everything already
Liberal d bags that make it sound like Americans should apologize for being Americans..... That grinds my gears. Aside of that, the pancake tits are a minor annoyance, unless they are attached to something I am working on.... In that case it's kinda like riding a moped... fun but you don't want your friends to see you doing it....
awhile back if you wanted to play guitar you went for lessons or holed up in you room for a couple of years and learned how to play. Now you just get a tatoo.....
Im with least in regards to the Libtards.....if you dont like the country or the premise it was founded on, leave. And take ALL of your Libtard friends...
In addition to and contrasting the OP. I can't stand it when a new high gain amp comes out and some older dude who tries to get his "heavy" on by cranking the gain and scooping the mids while going on to play a cliche pentatonic blues rock lick on his S/S/S Strat tuned to standard. It doesn't sound good no matter if you're a metal head or a blues man. :lol:

Preface: I'm no libtard, by any stretch. I love guns, beer and big block V8s as much as anyone in this country which I do think is *one* of the greatest in the world. BUT....

It also grinds my gears to think that everyone else thinks that all Americans are self absorbed pretentious *** hats that have no knowledge or care about the rest of the world. Not every one here is like that, most of that thinking comes from extremely ignorant, uneducated people who live deep in rural communities that never associate with anyone from more than 20 miles out of town and get interviewed because its "good television." The American media does however seem to have a narcissistic quality about itself which only adds fuel to the fire. I usually catch BBC news since it's on right before Top Gear and I'm amazed at how little coverage world events get on the American news channels.

Another thing is simply location, being a HUGE country by volume it becomes a lot easier for us to disassociate ourselves with others that are so far away. Keep in mind we have states that are bigger than a lot of countries. I don't mean that as an egotistical boast by any means but when something catastrophic happens 200 miles away from where we are it tends to bring higher levels of engagement than something a few thousand miles away. It's not like most of us can hop on an hour long flight and be in a different country. Canada is a 2 hour drive for me, but it's not like I'm entering into a drastically different culture.

For what it's worth, the metric system makes more sense, Europeans create better music (metal in particular I can vouch for) and generally have better taste in music all together, they have sharper fashion (I find suits over here to be bulky and clunky with too much extra fabric made for all the fat businessmen, some extreme tailoring is needed for those who don't look like pumpkins) and you know how to build a proper grand touring car. I'll give some props to the women too, but after being through a lot of the mid-west states I couldn't say they're necessarily "better." Maybe having a French-Polish Grandmother and a Mom who spend a lot of her earlier years in Europe has helped give me a broader perspective and more open mind when it comes to this stuff. WE'RE NOT ALL REDNECKS!!! lol
ryjan said:
All these morons that post clips on Youtube ...
a) talk for 10 minutes in a 10-1/2 minute clip...
Here's worse, poster tells you how to set your tube amp (seems like he's boasting using an Ampeg Rocket Reverb) for blues and he doesn't even play anything. What's up with that?
This is somewhat of an ***-chapper for me.

The use of the "C+" in a listing for an amp that is clearly NOT one. This particular amp is a 3+ modded Mark III, and that is it. I guess it is a marketing ploy, and if this belongs to anyone here, don't take my opinion personally.

The other gear grinder is Youtube videos that have the amp volume so low that you can hear the unamplified guitar string noise above the recorded amp tone. What the Hell?????
JOEY B. said:
The other gear grinder is Youtube videos that have the amp volume so low that you can hear the unamplified guitar string noise above the recorded amp tone. What the Hell?????
Yeah! Thats a bad one. Or the amp is so quiet you can hear the guy's mom yelling at him from upstairs! :lol:

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