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WTT my Mark IVb combo for your stiletto.

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Are you looking for a head or combo? I have a Stiletto Trident head in excellent condition with new tubes if you're interested.
Hey sorry for the delay, I haven't checked back since I posted. I am interested. I was looking for a combo but I have a 2 x 12 rec cabinet so a head is not out of the question.
I have a tan stiletto ace head that I might trade but shipping to Canada would kill both of us. And I just ordered an adjustable bias kit for it. I'm also LOVING this amp but I could always use a combo. Wouldn't be easy but if u get no action...I'll be here.

EDIT: Hall-rhightee-then....guessing that's a no.
Wouldn't mind getting a nice pair of old Mullard, Tesla or RFT bottles in this thing all nice and biased-up with a mule and tungsram in V1 and 2 and hit a STAGE with this thing...BEFORE deciding on letting it go.
In fact...I don't even know WHY I'm even CONSIDERING trading it.
I've always been a nonmaster, 4-hole Marshall type of guy but I've been GASsing for a DSL for a few years now. Well the Stiletto IS a DSL from what I've been reading...only a better built DSL that does everything Marshall...like a DSL...but then also steps-off into deep water (Mesa) territory. WHAT am I thinking????
Oh right...a combo.

Old lazy guy with a bad back. Sure a combo is a heavier piece than either a head or ...or a head and cab...but it's one less load to carry.
Tonight is my first rehearsal with my main band since I got this thing. I'll finally get to try it at what is almost a gig. This is gonna sound stupid but I'm kinda hoping that it doesn't work in my band. I hope/suspect it's gonna sound too fizzy and just too gainey. Might make me try harder to find a trade for it...or make me know that...ALL it needs is a good biasing and a proper pair of powertubes.
Either way...not too often I look forward to a rehearsal. Can't WAIT for tonight!
Yes, I'd be interested in a trade. What's the best way to get ahold of you? You can PM me with email or phone.

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