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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2006
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Cincinnati, OH
I have an early 90's Dual Rec (2ch.) with a Recto 4x12 Oversized cab, playing with a PRS Standard 22 with stock pickups. My band plays pretty heavy post punk/post hardcore (kind of like Thrice). Drop D with a lot of heavy palm muting, etc. I'm trying to get a very tight, heavy sound with a lot of bottom end punch with little to no breakup but I keep getting this underlying "woofy" sound when muting or even from power chords played on the E string, even sometimes when muting on the A string. Could this be attributed to the oversized cab? Would a traditional cab be a better for the sound I'm going for? Years ago, I had a triple rec and a traditional cab and don't remember having this problem. Are the standard cabs noted for breaking up more when pushed at high gain, not retaining their tightness on the bottom end? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Post your settings.

I will say the standard cab isn't helping you, the trad is more suited for your playing style, but I have a standard cab and I can get tight palm muting, it just takes some tweaking.

thanks :)
thanks for the fast reply. i can't remember my settings right off hand but tonight i'll copy them down and post them up. they are really pretty moderate...not too much bass or gains...at least not really over the top. i think i may need to re-tube as well. my buddy..who is much more of a guitar tech than i am, messed with it for about 2 1/2 hours last night with my guitar, a 70's Paul custom with EMG 85's and a newer SG with EMG 85's and could not get that woof to go away for anything. most people would never notice, but WE the guitar players can hear that **** a mile away. it's driving me nuts!!!
MiSeRY said:
thanks for the fast reply. i can't remember my settings right off hand but tonight i'll copy them down and post them up. they are really pretty moderate...not too much bass or gains...at least not really over the top. i think i may need to re-tube as well. my buddy..who is much more of a guitar tech than i am, messed with it for about 2 1/2 hours last night with my guitar, a 70's Paul custom with EMG 85's and a newer SG with EMG 85's and could not get that woof to go away for anything. most people would never notice, but WE the guitar players can hear that sh!t a mile away. it's driving me nuts!!!

I know what you mean exactly.. my friends always scoff at me tweaking something on the fly because 'it sounds bad in my head.' Oh well, part of the curse of the pursuit of good tone!

Anyway, I'll be more helpful when I can see what you're running. The EMG's are a good start of course, especially the 85.
You stated that it's an early 90s Recto. Could this be the 2 channel with out the pushed or raw modes?
Right. I should have clarified.The 2 ch Rec is a beautiful amp, but if this is what he has, it's probably why he can't get the hardcore crunch/palm mute sounds that he's looking for. Need pushed or raw modes for that IMHO.
I have a 2 channel and standard cab, and I run the red channel cloned to vintage(orange). I also have the JJ GZ34's and KT77's in the power section. IMO it works out great. I have some sound clips we recorded last night that I'll try and get on here to show you what it sounds like.
If I were to retube my whole amp with JJ's, what should I use? I would need the EL34, 12AX7 and the rectifier tubes I guess...though I rarely use them.

I'm willing to bet the EMG 85 is the culprit. I had the same problem when I switched the pups around in my mahogany LTD. Try an 81 if you can.
From what you were saying, you play around the same music I play (www.myspace.com/somedayslater). I talked with Bob at Eurotubes and he listened to my band and suggested exactly what tubes would suit me best. Sorry I haven't got the chance to put the rough songs on my computer yet.
yeah, our bands have a somewhat similar sound. yours is a bit "heavier" but sounds really good. here's our link:


how do you get ahold of bob at eurotubes?
just talked to bob at eurotubes. i'm going to order a standard set of JJ's and re-tube my recto. thanks for your help, bob...what a guy! i'll try out the tubes first and if that doesn't correct the problem, i'm going to trade in my standard cab for a traditional. thanks for all the comments/suggestions.
MiSeRY said:
yeah, our bands have a somewhat similar sound. yours is a bit "heavier" but sounds really good. here's our link:


how do you get ahold of bob at eurotubes?

"Pegboy, Dag Nasty, Lagwagon, Strung Out,, Neil Young, Firehose, Farside, Shades Apart, Dag Nasty, Fugazi, Karate, Jawbox, Moving Targets, Bodyjar, Samiam, Hot Water Music, Someday I, etc."

**** fine set of influences, nice sound too. Keep it up.

if tubes don't do it (please do yourself the favor of trying the rectifier tubes!!! get off the diodes at least a few times and give 'em a chance.), here are other factors for you to consider:

back down bass knob
raise mids
less gain
EMG 85
Standard Cab

it's not the amp or guitar. It has to be one of the above.