Why I'm a IDIOT

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2006
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Long Island NY
Is it just me or does anyone else have a certain amount of frustration with local music stores?

Stores are complaining about business and when you go to get something it’s always the same “don’t have it but can get it for you”. The reason I’m going to the store in the first place is for that convenience of getting it now! I also like supporting the local guys and don’t mind paying little extra. I have within 15 miles of me two Guitar Centers and also two Sam Ashes, these four stores never have anything!

Jazz III picks

Humfrees (isolation tabs)

Trem-tools (meanwhile they have a wall full of guitars that have trems)

SKB cases (a very popular product but never any spare parts) and SKB has kits.

Today: 90 degree jacks (yep wanted to make a few cable) come to think of it no jacks at all!

I never had this problem years ago and with fewer stores to boot! I realize they can’t stock my heart’s desire but come on. I’m not the only one walking out frustrated that’s for sure. I never take it out on the help BTW! No sarcasm or anything just thank them and leave. Not their fault this is management way up top I’m complaining about.

I can go to Radio Shack and get a ¼ phone jack (maybe not the best but can get one) but I can’t get one in either SA or GC in the so called PRO AUDIO departments.

Came to the conclusion that I am an idiot! That’s the whole problem! When I need something I really just need to jump on the computer and order it.

Good day all thanks for letting me vent

I 100% agree with you. Music stores do nothing but complain about internet dealing yet stock virtually nothing the musician needs.
I went to get some strings on Saturday and they had NONE of the gauge I use, went to the only other shop in town, guess what....they had none either. It is standard 10 gauge for goodness sake.
Neither of them could give me a set of tubes for my Mk lll and gave 2-3 weeks before they would arrive. I have now ordered the tubes and strings online.
I'll save some fuel and time and order online every time from now on !
#1) It's right after Christmas. Nobody in retail has anything.
#2) It's called computerized inventory. Instead of guessing, and maybe ending up with too much overstock, store inventories are much leaner these days. But mostly it's because it's after Christmas, where retail does 20% of it's business for the entire year.
Let us know how long it takes to receive the goods from your online order.
MrMarkIII said:
#1) It's right after Christmas. Nobody in retail has anything.
#2) It's called computerized inventory. Instead of guessing, and maybe ending up with too much overstock, store inventories are much leaner these days. But mostly it's because it's after Christmas, where retail does 20% of it's business for the entire year.
Let us know how long it takes to receive the goods from your online order.

Sorry, but this problem has nothing to do with Christmas. I see this problem all year long. The stores never have anything I need so I have to order online. I love the whole "we can order it for you". If I wanted to wait for it to be shipped I can do that myself!! Thanks anyway!!
Racerboy44 said:
MrMarkIII said:
#1) It's right after Christmas. Nobody in retail has anything.
#2) It's called computerized inventory. Instead of guessing, and maybe ending up with too much overstock, store inventories are much leaner these days. But mostly it's because it's after Christmas, where retail does 20% of it's business for the entire year.
Let us know how long it takes to receive the goods from your online order.

Sorry, but this problem has nothing to do with Christmas. I see this problem all year long. The stores never have anything I need so I have to order online. I love the whole "we can order it for you". If I wanted to wait for it to be shipped I can do that myself!! Thanks anyway!!
Completely agree, no matter what time of year, they are just the same. FYI, The stuff I ordered online arrived next day...beat that !
its not just the small stores either though. I go into guitar center or sam ash and they have nothing. a whole store full of squire, solid state marshall and crate amps, brownsville, guitar research crap. NOTHING of value. used gear? no freakin way. my local guitar center has two used guitars in the entire store, and not a single used pedal or amp. and then they give me dirty looks when I walk out empty handed
I've found locally-owned music/guitar stores to be the best for these types of things, especially used equipment. Locals are very willing to work trades, and try to cultivate relationships with their customers. The chains (GC, Sam Ash) have become the "Big Box" outlets of the music industry. These stores are managed by business "metrics" like cash flow, inventory turns, internal rates of return, etc. However, this model also allows them to carry a broad array of brands, and to offer a 30 day, 100% refund.

I live on the other side of the coin, in a relatively small city whose residents actively worked to keep Big Box stores out...up until a few years ago anyway. We have a local guitar store, but I have to drive at least one hour for a Guitar Center. It's becoming increasingly difficult to have the best of both worlds anymore.
"An idiot.

I'm pretty sure we've all been this particular kind of "idiot" at least once, but we must at least be grammatical idiots. :wink:

I live an hour north of Pittsburgh, which is where the closest Guitar Center resides. We have two local music stores. Neither has everything I want, but both usually have something somewhat close (though usually quite a bit more than I would pay online.)

Frustration = driving over an hour to find a selection that is qualitatively the same (and occasionally inferior) to what I left at home. :x
rabies said:
GC is massive jackass sorry. I called and spoke to a guy regarding a yamaha acoustic (which was out of stock) @ 9:20am or so this weekend and got there around 9:40am. asshead didn't tell me they were opening at 10am. dick.

You didn't ask him? You're the jackass. Unless you explicitly said "See you at twenty to ten" and he said "alllrighty". ;P
I've been ordering all my strings, by the box, tubes and picks online these days. It's safer really. Everytime I go into the store I find other things I think that I must have so it's cheaper for me online. On the other hand, if I'm in the store and a helpful, knowledgeable salesman gives me good direction on something I'm looking at I'll buy it from him and not online. There are only two guys that I know of at the GC near me that really know what their talking about.

You've got to order online sometimes. It feels like you're getting a present when UPS arrives with it. Boy, I've got to get out more :!:
phyrexia said:
rabies said:
GC is massive jackass sorry. I called and spoke to a guy regarding a yamaha acoustic (which was out of stock) @ 9:20am or so this weekend and got there around 9:40am. asshead didn't tell me they were opening at 10am. dick.

You didn't ask him? You're the jackass. Unless you explicitly said "See you at twenty to ten" and he said "alllrighty". ;P
When I wrote the post originally, was pretty frustrated at the time. Never never never have I held it against anybody whom works at one of these places and they have no control of the stock. They always try to help with what they have. As far as knowledge some are better than others and everyone has to start somewhere.
Racerboy44 said:
MrMarkIII said:
#1) It's right after Christmas. Nobody in retail has anything.
#2) It's called computerized inventory. Instead of guessing, and maybe ending up with too much overstock, store inventories are much leaner these days. But mostly it's because it's after Christmas, where retail does 20% of it's business for the entire year.
Let us know how long it takes to receive the goods from your online order.

Sorry, but this problem has nothing to do with Christmas. I see this problem all year long. The stores never have anything I need so I have to order online. I love the whole "we can order it for you". If I wanted to wait for it to be shipped I can do that myself!! Thanks anyway!!
MrMarkIII I’m with Racerby44. You are not wrong about inventories this time of year but I meant all year.
Schmoog said:
its not just the small stores either though. I go into guitar center or sam ash and they have nothing. a whole store full of squire, solid state marshall and crate amps, brownsville, guitar research crap.
Drives me crazy also, especially when billed as professional music store.

dodger916 said:
I've found locally-owned music/guitar stores to be the best for these types of things, especially used equipment. Locals are very willing to work trades, and try to cultivate relationships with their customers.
I live on the other side of the coin, in a relatively small city whose residents actively worked to keep Big Box stores out...up until a few years ago anyway.
I agree with you on Long Island we use to have some great stores one of them in my own town, but those day are gone.
highwaynine said:
"An idiot.

I'm pretty sure we've all been this particular kind of "idiot" at least once, but we must at least be grammatical idiots. :wink:

I live an hour north of Pittsburgh, which is where the closest Guitar Center resides. We have two local music stores. Neither has everything I want, but both usually have something somewhat close (though usually quite a bit more than I would pay online.)

Frustration = driving over an hour to find a selection that is qualitatively the same (and occasionally inferior) to what I left at home. :x
Yep an Idiot! I never learn my lesson
rabies said:
but GC's return policy is pretty **** good...
Yeah I agree, pretty impressive really, just frustrated by their stocking policies. I don’t want to bill them as the “Evil Empire”
Bah, at least you have something. Over here in Montreal, we have two small music stores (Steves Music, has 3 stores in Canada, and a noname that isn't a franchise), so since they're the only thing around, they can rip off anyone with crazy prices. Pretty much get a price on any online store and double that. They have nothing in stock, no used stuff either, and everyone in town's there all the time, small and crowded, and noisy.

I had to haggle a lot to get a few bucks lower on a ESP LTD that was on display and a bit scratched. The guy basically said "Dude, this is the only place in the country where you can buy ****, so you're paying the price or you're going away."
Man, I have felt your pain. If you find a great store, support them. We're kind of spoiled in So. Cal. You can always find a store that has what you need here, even in Rabies' part of the wilderness... :shock:
Man, I couldn't agree more. I grew up on long Island and there were always smaller Mom and Pop stores that always had what you needed. Although, I am in my 40's now and back then there wasn't nearly as much choice as there is now. That's in every aspect of every instrument. However, I strolled into GC the other day, I am looking at a Kelly Patriot ( Nice axe for the $$$ by the way but thats another story ) I pull one off the wall and the back of the headstock has a huge crack in it. I immediatly got a sales guy and told him " Hey, I didn't do this " He told me he knew about it, a kid dropped it and they repaired it! I thought he was joking. I asked him if a chimp repaired it and he kind of looked at me with his mouth open. I mean the crack wasn't sanded, sealed and stained to even attempt to match the finish. It looked like it was just dropped. He did offer me a $20 discount though, how nice.

Another thing I noticed, is that there inventory must not be moving too quickly, because every guitar I pull off the wall looks like it has been in the store forever. Dust, pick swirlls, buckle rash. I mean none of the guitars look new but they want to pass them off as new. I will never purchase a guitar from either big chain store again. There are so many good deals on the net that taking a chance on a guitar that I never picked up seems the way to go. Hopefully all that is needed is a good setup. Worse case you may need to use your warranty because of a twisted neck or something. Anyway enough of the rant, it's refreshing to know I am not the only frustrated musician out there with the big chains.
This is another sign that the world is slowly creeping to an end. :evil:

I bet they don't even have Guitar Centers in India or in Iceland ....... how do you think those people feel? :shock:
the only way I buy a guitar from guitar center or sam ash is if its a stock model that hasn't been on the floor. I once had a guy go in the back and come out with a guitar, and I said no thanks, go get one thats in the box, bring me the box, and I'll open it. its the only way to ward off the pimple faced kids
Last October, I was in the small town of Brunswick, Maine, trying to find a replacement for my guitar (which at the time I wanted to sell).

Amazingly enough, this town had a Guitar Center. I went in, asked to play a PRS Custom 24, and then proceeded to look for an amp worthy of testing it through. Throughout this...this... this experience, the employee who was "helping" me said manyyyy enlightening things. :roll:

1) First, I asked if I could try a Mesa. I saw the size of the store, so I wasn't even about to be picky abotu which model.
"Weeeell... we don't have Mesa but that B-52 over there is designed by the same person who designs Mesa amps."
I raised an eyebrow and proceeded to inquire. No, the employee hadn't even heard of Randall Smith.

2) So, I shrugged it off and looked for the nearest Marshall. Surely a Guitar Center would have a good selection of Marshalls! I told him that I wanted to try a JCM 800.
"JCM 800? They haven't made those since the 80's."
...upon hearing that, I decided against mentioning my second choice, 1959SLP plexi's. (Note: All of you probably know, but both JCM 800's and SLP1959's have been reissued and in are in production...)

3) Relentlessly, I plugged into the nearest JVM stack and started playing away. After a few minutes, I decided I wanted the classic tubescreamer-through-marshall sound, so I asked him to grab me an Ibanez Tubescreamer.
"A Tube screamer's purpose is to make a solid state amp sound like a tube amp. Hence the name TUBE screamer! You're playing through a tube amp right now, why would you want or need one?"
Really? Because I thought they might have something to do with pushing tube amps into tube clipping... guess I was wrong :lol:

4) Eventually, I got fed up with the Tubescreamer-deprived Marshall and wanted to try out the PRS on a nice, clean, Fender twin. I told him so - that I wanted to try a Fender because I'm not too fond of Marshall's clean channel.
"Actually, Marshall sounds better on clean than Fender does."
My ears must be decieving me! :shock: My whole life is a lie! :cry:
lol anyway, I half expected him to say that Fenders are better for Jimi Hendrix-esque crunch. If he did, I'd have to slap him. :evil:

5) I had just about had enough. I threw my arms up in the air and said, "Ok, you decide. What amp has the indisputably BEST lead tone in your entire store?"
He said "Uhm... Peavey 5150."
I simply rolled my eyes, handed him the PRS, and walked straight out of the store.

What an epic Guitar Center fail!
I will try to buy from my local guitar shop 95% of the time. I live in northern NJ and there are tons of GC's Sam ***, and many other shops within driving distance. Heck, I'm only 30 minutes outside NYC, I can go there if I want to.

But like I said earlier, I try to buy from my local (in town) shop. The older I get, the smarter I get. (I hope). I don't mind spending a couple of bucks more. The reason being is that I get GREAT service from my local guy. They know me by name and would do anything for me. I can't tell you how many times they have fixed things or helped me out and didn't even charge me. And if they did charge me, it was minimal. Sure I've spent a lot of money there, but they're good guys.

If there's something I know I want, I'll call them. They don't always have everything in stock, but they'll get it for me. I just have to give them a warning. It's almost impossible for these small guys to stock everything because it's just too expensive for them.

I also like to keep my local guy in business. If there were no local Mom & Pop shops and only GC's, we'd be in trouble.
jerseydrew said:
I will try to buy from my local guitar shop 95% of the time. I live in northern NJ and there are tons of GC's Sam ***, and many other shops within driving distance. Heck, I'm only 30 minutes outside NYC, I can go there if I want to.
I can go to the NYC also, I’m about 1 hour away (on a good day). But I use to go over to Jersey allot around 10 years ago. I always found the stores over there allot better than the ones on Long Island in general. They just seemed to have more of what a working musician would need.

Use to many moons ago have some good ones on Long Island, right down to replacement parts for guitar’s including saddles for bridges and so on. That stuff is not even that common as far as demand. (but you could get it) Even the SA’s were way better stocked. (not that I’m blaming them) But it all started to change when Long Island got its first GC in 1998. Could not tell you why but to me it’s been downhill since then. And of course the two chains going at it really hurt the small guy.
I agree ordering online is the way to go.... Lower prices as well.

Also... when ever the music store near me says they'll order something.... they either forget it after I'm gone or they'll say after I've waited 2 weeks... that they only get shipments when enough has been ordered from the supplier... and then they send it in one large shipment. I get EVERYTHING online now... save money...time...hastle! I live in Canada... most of the US sellers put a lower value on the item so that it doesn't qualify for tax and duty coming over the border as well.... ex. I get Dimarzio Pickups for 1/3 the price as the Dealers here in Canada sell them for!!!!

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