who has a lonestar special 2-12??

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
New York
If you do, can you get some pics here, and your thoughts on it? I'm really jazzed by this amp, and think it's something I'm interested in, but have not heard or played one yet, and have yet to see one in 2-12 form.
But please, chime in with your thoughts, and the differences between the special and the lonestar....
thanks guys.
ax. 8)
I love mine, it's very sparkly in the clean mode, the lead channel is not all that special, but the clean channel sounds great with pedals.
I've had my mark III for some time now, and LOVE it... It's a fully loaded blue stripe, hardwood/wicker, with 2 hardwood/wicker thiele/EV loaded cabs...
This amp does all tones well. The cleans are lush with blackface tone, the R2 goes from bluesbreaker to JCM800, and the lead is fantastic, from mildly overdriven, to wildly overdriven. It's really a metal machine, but can independantly get just about any tone...
But now I'm older, and out of the metal game, and have been playing more rock/blues type stuff. I find myself using the clean channel with a modded TS9 mostly, as the R2 is thinner sounding and no sparkle when driven. The lead channel, even in low settings of vol 1 and lead drive, is too much even with a strat. Also, the thieles have too much thump and deep tone..So I'm at a crossroads....I think the Lonestar Special would fit my needs, and would have all that I need for what I'm doing now, but I'd have to sell my killer stack to get one.
I've tried the Lonestar, and immediately didn't like it, but the Special seems to have far better tone, in all 3 modes. I played the Special today for about an hour, and need to put more time in on it in a quiet setting, but I think I may want a change.I've been thinking of this for some time now, and was thinking of a JTM45, but it wouldn't be as versatile as a Boogie, so I tossed the idea. I liked the Blue Angel, and Maverick, but wasn't fully sold on it. But the Special is the best I've heard in my price range, and the low wattage and tube rectifier is appealing to me.
How would you describe the amp, what's it's best setting, is it loud enough to hang with a drummer for practice, are the Celestion 90's good in it, what kind of music do you play...I need some insite and advice on this amp, so I can be better prepared when I check it out again.
BTW, I played it against a 1974x today, and liked the Special much better.
It did seem slightly dark, and bassy, and that was with a strat. But when I leaned it out, it was PURR fect!
I need to make sure I make the right decision before purchasing it. If I get it home and in a month decide it's not for me, I'll take a big loss. AND, if i sell my markIII and thieles, I'll never get another like it....
Decisions decisions.........
thanks in advance for the help....
ax. :twisted: