Which Pedal Board???

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Which cable solution are you guys using? I saw the George L's on ebay, to make them to proper lengths... are there other/better solutions?

I have been thinking about a kit- maybe the Lava ELC pedalboard cable kit- looks sturdier than either the waves or GL's...anyone use one?

i bought a new board over the weekend. I was up in the air trying to decide between the NYC Pedal Head and a neat little offering from this new company located in Toronto called Road Rage Pro Gear (great company, i bought one of their DIY pedals a month ago)


I really wasn't struck on the price of either and it was more than i wanted to spend. I really just need something to carry my pedals from my apt to my car to my rehearsal space and back. So i ended up cheaping out and getting this Gator one from my local shop. The price was right and the board seems to be nice and sturdy. I don't NEED a road case and i'm thinking the soft case will be just fine for the time being. It's definitely an upgrade from the shop class project that has been holding my pedals for the last few years.


Animeka said:
Which cable solution are you guys using? I saw the George L's on ebay, to make them to proper lengths... are there other/better solutions?

i like the george l's. had them for over a year now and no problems whatsoever.

konstantine RK said:
Just get a furman SPB-8C and some G&L's Leave the I/O's on this board alone and you will be a happy guitarist!

I am about to pull the trigger on this right now. What do you mean about leaving their inputs / outputs alone? Please explain more in depth BECAUSE it is a darn lot of money. My wife offered to buy it for our anniversary present to me. (I always milk it for big things...)

I NEED front end and effects loop paths.

The sbc-8 Furman is a great road traveller pedal board but the inputs and outputs suck tone. I had mine all connected with Planet Waves cables and I used the pedalboards inputs and outputs.

When I had my music store guy look at my pedalboard, he said dont use this furman pedalboard I/O's. I said I used the built in loop but he said to connect whatever is in the loop to the line input from my guitar to the front input of the amp.

It sounded soooo much better to not use the pedalboard loop or the I/O.

But it is a durable road case with wheels so get some George L's and have a great time with your sound.

The power conditioning is good so no reason not to get one.
I'll be posting some pics when mine gets finished... got the box done as well as the board for the pedals finished and painted tonight.
To do list:
-Find some f***ing break-away hinges (NO ONE carries these things!!!)
-Put the vinyl on it

All in all has been a very rewarding experience since I designed the board so I know I'll be happy with it. Price wise is relatively painless since as the work goes along, the price is felt over longer period of time instead of dropping $300 on a board in one day. The total will still be nothing close to that... maybe, power supply and all (DC Brick) might hit $200.
GIG4FUN said:
konstantine RK said:
Just get a furman SPB-8C and some G&L's Leave the I/O's on this board alone and you will be a happy guitarist!

I am about to pull the trigger on this right now. What do you mean about leaving their inputs / outputs alone? Please explain more in depth BECAUSE it is a darn lot of money. My wife offered to buy it for our anniversary present to me. (I always milk it for big things...)

I NEED front end and effects loop paths.
How many pedals do you use in front? and how many for the loop?
***Pedal train with Voodoo labs PPII.


1.slanted design- more ergonomic

2.The aluminum is lightweight but pretty much indestructable, unless a car runs over it.

3.wires run underneath- this is big in my book .im not talkin about how messy it looks, my concern is accidentally unplugging something by steppin on it.

4.Power supply mounts underneath- leaves more room for erverything.

Honestly I bought the Furman and returned it. Also checked out the SKB in depth. The cases on both don't seem road worthy over the long haul, especially the latches. I saw one with a busted latch at the store (as well as the premier SKB). Also noticed peeling carpet on one.

Finally real estate was what decided it. Both the SKB and Furman are huge but the power supply takes up considerable space. I got the big pedal train which has a smaller footprint but more space for pedals. Plus the road case is much better.

I think they are convenient because its a one stop shop, but with a little extra effort, and hardly any more money, I am far happier with my pedal train.

Only con is that it is heavy when loaded in the road case, but I have no concern on putting it in my bands trailer when hitting the road.
i just purchased the pedaltrain PT-2.

it's great.

smart layout.

i didn't buy a voodoo labs power supply, i got a DC Brick...

and the brackets they supply with the PT-2 for mounting a voodoo labs supply, WILL NOT WORK with a DC brick...

but none the less, i like the board.
I had a custom 2 tier board made at lytpedalboards. www.lytpedalboards.com. they did a great job and they will sell you soft or hard cases and power supplies if you want one, but they aren't integrated into the board. I really like that it is much lighter than most boards and has two tiers. i have my midi trigger board on the top shelf and all my pedals and loop/switcher, and amp pedal on the main level.

As to power, I use a pedalsnake, so my power is back behind my amp, running through the pedalsnake to my board.
I have an SKB Stage 5 and it does me right.
No issues with hum or power problems. Some think it has too much give, but I don't put my Wah on the board. I have it next to it. I have my roadster switch, plus the following on th board: TU-2, Keeley Compressor, Fulltone OCD, Diamond J-Drive, MXR 108, Boss, NS-2, Homebrew Chorus, and an MXR Carbon Copy Delay.

Everything is neat and I can set up in minutes!
konstantine RK said:
GIG4FUN said:
konstantine RK said:
Just get a furman SPB-8C and some G&L's Leave the I/O's on this board alone and you will be a happy guitarist!

I am about to pull the trigger on this right now. What do you mean about leaving their inputs / outputs alone? Please explain more in depth BECAUSE it is a darn lot of money. My wife offered to buy it for our anniversary present to me. (I always milk it for big things...)

I NEED front end and effects loop paths.
How many pedals do you use in front? and how many for the loop?

SORRY! I just saw this question. I NEED a pedal board soon... I am still up in the air about what to get. I was reading through this thread again.
Front: Clyde Deluxe Wah, Roland volume pedal, Roland volume pedal (4 synth) ( I run a Roland GR1 guitar synth)
Loop: DLS Ultra Chorus II & Boss DD-20 & Boss GE-7 w/ Monte Allums +mod
GIG4FUN said:
I just ordered this:


I'll post up when it gets here. I will use the acreage for a few more pedals that I had been not using. It's big... hehehe

When I was looking for a board I saw one of those at Guitar Center. Very nice and I would have bought it but the price and the fact that I have some big bulky boxes didn't seem like it would work for me. I just bought a good case and made my own board to suit my needs. Works great for my needs.

