Which Les Paul?

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volatileNoise said:
my reissue even has surface cracks starting in the binding

Your binding isn't cracking. The binding of the guitar gets scrapped upon the necks paint job (to get over spray off of the binding). What you are feeling is a bit of uneveness between the neck and the binding because the binding was scraped.
fishyfishfish said:
ook for a used R8

+1. R9s are overrated IMO. $1.5k-2k more for a flametop? The sad thing is that they aren't even necessarly any better than R8s or R7s. Its all cosmetic amd the R9 bodies are generally consistantly lighter by a pound or so. If you look around light R7s and R8s can be had although they aren't as common.
GuitarGuy503 said:
GD_NC said:
I personally think the VOS & Custom shop stuff is a bit over the top. Great to impress your friends but they don't sound different than any other maple top LP.

What a crock. lol This sounds like an opinion based purely on assumptions and not being able to afford a historic. FYI the Custom Shop guitars are made of higher quality woods, etc.... Not to mention they have a long neck tenon and a completely solid body. The Traditionals are weight relieved (9 swiss cheese wholes in body) and still weigh in at 9lbs+. I am a member on the My Les Paul Forum and anyone who has ever upgraded from a traditional to a reissue has never been disappointed nor shown any regret. Having said that there is a difference. The difference really can't be explained you just have to experience it for yourself.

Look everyone is entitled to their opinion. I own 3 Les Pauls at the moment (including a non chamberd custom) along with 10 other guitars. I've played for about 30 years and have a decent idea of what a makes a good guitar. if I wanted a VOS i would have one. Honestly, I'd buy a PRS before spending anywhere near that on a Gibson. My main guitar is a cheap-*** LP studio - because it plays well and I like it. I'm glad you like yours.
I picked up a Classic 1960 reissue goldtop Gibson Les Paul at GC and it is a great great guitar..... excellent growling tone and the feel is top notch on the neck!
MrMarkIII said:
Play a PRS McCarty. I had always wanted a sunburst LP, got the chambered one with the 50s neck. It was good, but not as good as my two-ton '81 LP Standard.
The PRS blew it away for fit and finish. And it's much lighter as well.
Not that the LP was bad, just the PRS was better.
But, no matter which brand, you still have to play every one in the store to find the one that's right for you. :D

well said
i have a page #2 and it is a awesome guitar, but my 06 standard non chamberd is a great playing and sounding les paul as well. the custom shop stuff is consistent, but the non custom shop stuff is hit or miss. i would never buy a new paul without playing it first, just to inconsistant in the build quality. i have bought a 3000.00 prs online and didn't have any concerns doing it and i bought my page online and had no problems.
I demo'd one of the new Guitar Center LP Studios and came away very, VERY impressed. Unlike other Studios, this one has neck binding which really improves the feel of the neck (I think there are other custom upgrades too). It has a slimmer profile neck and sounded truly kick-***, kinda like a cross between a LP and an SG. Lighter than a LP Std yet more substantial than an SG, weighing somewhere in between. For around a grand I was debating whether to take it home for the 30 day trial, but I had just bought an incredible '81 Deluxe with mini humbuckers and an amazing flametop (yes, a flametop Deluxe), so I opted not to.

The '81 with those minis has displaced the Strat as my number one, so if you're looking for something in between a single coil and a humbucker, I'd recommend mini humbuckers. They have more girth than a single coil (not quite as bright) while being crisper and punchier than a full humbucker. And they sound totally kick-*** with my Electra-Dyne for all musical styles. :twisted:
dodger916 said:
... , but I had just bought an incredible '81 Deluxe with mini humbuckers and an amazing flametop (yes, a flametop Deluxe), so I opted not to.

The '81 with those minis has displaced the Strat as my number one, so if you're looking for something in between a single coil and a humbucker, I'd recommend mini humbuckers. They have more girth than a single coil (not quite as bright) while being crisper and punchier than a full humbucker. And they sound totally kick-*** with my Electra-Dyne for all musical styles. :twisted:
Well that's good to hear. I'm just building a LP-style with mini-Humbuckers! I was first thinking about P90s until a member on this other board said the same thing about mini-humbuckers, they're awesome. This person claimed that he prefer the Gibson to all the other aftermarket mini's out there.

So that thread on that forum went on about mini-humbuckers. In the 80's those guitarists were pretty naive having their Les Paul Deluxe's pickup cavity enlarged for full size humbuckers. Little they know that Les Paul Deluxe has a sweet tone of its own.

[ end of Les Paul hi-jack ] carry on, back to normal broadcasting.
I have went through about 10 guitars over the years, from Epiphones and Fenders, to Schecters and Gibsons. I'm down to two...a Gibson Explorer Pro and my Les Paul R9. I was lucky enough when I was thinking of looking for a R9 to walk into my local shop (not GC) and find an absolutely gorgeous one hanging on the wall. I picked it up a played it and immediately fell in love with it. I didn't buy it at first, but would gawk at it every time I'd go in there to buy strings and such. One day I went in there and another guy had picked it up off the wall and was contemplating buying it. He put it back, and I got out my credit card. It's the best guitar I've owned, period. Highest quality, awesome player, and sounds incredible-even before I changed the pups due to being a dirty tone *****. :wink: It cost alot, yes, but now I've paid off my card and have forgotten about the price. I love my #1.
GuitarGuy503 said:
fishyfishfish said:
ook for a used R8

+1. R9s are overrated IMO. $1.5k-2k more for a flametop? The sad thing is that they aren't even necessarly any better than R8s or R7s. Its all cosmetic amd the R9 bodies are generally consistantly lighter by a pound or so. If you look around light R7s and R8s can be had although they aren't as common.

The ones that are full mahogany are the best ones they make. I don't care how good a maple cap will sound in the bedroom, when you get on stage and crank a recto, nothing beats a full mahogany solid body tone.
I was never really a fan of les pauls i much rather the Esp Eclipses. However i would love an origional Silverburst les paul if anyone wants to give me one.....Just thought id throw that option out there :lol: :lol:
Koprofag said:
What Les Pauls are unchambered/none weight-relieved today? Any Gibson USA models at all?

I believe the "traditional" LP's are the heavy weights in the current range.
Koprofag said:
What Les Pauls are unchambered/none weight-relieved today? Any Gibson USA models at all?

Your question is rather confusing to me. if I'm understanding you correctly you want to know if Gibson USA has any unchambered and NON weight relieved models (aka completely solidbody LPs)? If so, the answer is no. The Gibson Custom Shop Historics are the only true solidbody LPs unless otherwise noted (CR=Chambered Reissue).
GuitarGuy503 said:
Koprofag said:
What Les Pauls are unchambered/none weight-relieved today? Any Gibson USA models at all?

Your question is rather confusing to me. if I'm understanding you correctly you want to know if Gibson USA has any unchambered and NON weight relieved models (aka completely solidbody LPs)? If so, the answer is no. The Gibson Custom Shop Historics are the only true solidbody LPs unless otherwise noted (CR=Chambered Reissue).

Nah, I am pretty sure the "traditional" is a full solid body....
RR said:
volatileNoise said:
The guy is asking about Les Pauls, not your opinion on other manufacturers trying to compete with them :roll:
Kind of like you're going to purchase a car and you have your mind set on a particular model. So you asks people opinion which style of that model and everyone chimes in to get another type of car.

Nothing wrong with you members suggestions, they're all great guitars but I'm pretty sure member's jab intention is purchasing a Les Paul.

Ok then,

The neck is wonderful, Plek'd frets and nut, and awesome tone.