Which is the better Grab-N-Go? Express 5:25 vs Fender DRRI

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I guess Marcus is wrong. The 1x12 5:25 is the second amp from the left. It is roughly the size of a Mk I combo or a compact MK IV combo or a F30.

My Boogie Rep said:
The Express 5:25 1x12 is a little taller than the 1x10 and smaller than the Express 5:50 1x12. It's approximately the size of a Mark I Combo, a Mark IV Short Combo or an F-30 1x12 Combo. [...] Perhaps this photo will give you an idea. It's the second amp from the left.

I don't know what else to tell you. I already have the new price list, which does list the dimensions, and I confirmed with my rep last night.

Good Post. yeah I guess he is wrong. I wish they would have made it a 6V6 25 watter instead of EL84s....
i like El84's a lot better than 6v6's but you could make an adaptor easly enough as long as it would fit in the cabinet. EL84 and 6v6's bias pretty close to one another, and use very similar plate voltages. 6v6's being the more robust of the 2.
BTW is the price still the same as the 1x10? I'm thinking the slightly bigger cabinet and 12" speaker will be huge improvement in tone and would definitely sway me back to the 5:25.

Most likely swapping out that C90 for like a Celestion Gold -- something in the vein -- a more efficient speaker
phyrexia said:
I guess Marcus is wrong. The 1x12 5:25 is the second amp from the left. It is roughly the size of a Mk I combo or a compact MK IV combo or a F30.

My Boogie Rep said:
The Express 5:25 1x12 is a little taller than the 1x10 and smaller than the Express 5:50 1x12. It's approximately the size of a Mark I Combo, a Mark IV Short Combo or an F-30 1x12 Combo. [...] Perhaps this photo will give you an idea. It's the second amp from the left.

Yup, it seems that he 1x12 5:25 has exactly the same width than the 1x10.
Still that in my studio I'm really glad using the 10" and found it easy to record until now. I'm sure that it is not worse than someone like Blues Saraceno and which he's using a $150 Sears Silvertone amp with 10" speaker! :D
OK, I have been searching for my "tone" over the past two months and have tried out many amps in my home. I started with the mesa 5:25 1X10. Liked it but thought it did not have enough punch or slam. Now, the clean was nice and full, round and very touch sensitive. Beautiful. I decided I wanted more volume so I went with a 5:50. All the store had was a 2X12 and I really did not want to go that big but for $200 more it was a no brainer. Took it home and it was LOUD and had plenty of slam. The clean was different, more sparkly and bright but also more dynamic. This would be due to the higher wattage, 6l6 tubes and speakers. I liked it but thought the crunch and burn channel sounded to "dry". It was a different sound than the 5:25. With a metal muff on the clean it was A_MAZING. Just too loud and big for my room.

Brought it back and tried out a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe as I heard that its cleans were remarkable. At half the price of the 2X12 5:50 I got some cash back as well. Had it two days and man is this thing a POS. Sounds OK at first but then after a day or two sounds muddy, flat, dull. I was wowed with the huge reverb at first but the sound got really dull, the cabinet started vibrating and the bright switch stopped working. BACK IT WENT! Tried out a used BDRI and thought its build was cheap, look was cheap and sound was sterile. Yea, it had clean but was pretty flat and dull. I think the reverb was broken as it did not seem to work.

So after evaluating these I decided I liked the sound of the 5:25 the best as well as the size. Went back to get the 5:25 I returned but they sold it. I took the floor demo and brought it home again. I instantly realized the volume is no where near that of the 5:50 or the Fender Hot Rod, but that is OK as it has such a nice clean, and I prefer the clean of it over all the amps I have tried. I also noticed the 5:25 hisses more than the 5:50 and is no where near as dynamic. It has a more organic sound where the 5:50 had the IN YOUR FACE sound.

Now I come here and read Mesa is releasing a 5:25 with a 12". WHATEVER! This sounds like my perfect amp. The 12" will do it good and the photo posted here shows they changed the black to tweed?? They look awesome!

Does anyone know when these new 12" express models will be released? I think that will be THE amp I have been searching for. The 10" speaker in the current 5:25 does tend to bloat out at high volume in the burn channel when playing chords.

Still, overall, between the 5:25, 5:50 2X12, Fender HRD and BDRI I prefer the 5:25 though I did not try a 5:50 1X12. Its not crazy loud, wont damage my hearing, the 5 watt class A mode is AMAZING for playing soft clean in the house/bedroom and even at night, its easily moved (the 5:50 2X12 was a MONSTER) and is built with much better quality than any Fender I have seen.

Between the 5:25 and Fender BDRI or HRD I would take the 5:25 in a second. I will be searching for the 5:25 12" myself.

Good luck!
OK, my salesman at GC got the word back from their Mesa Rep...and the price for the 1x12 5:25 is $1229.00

I don't know, that's alot of coin for a Grab-N-Go....I mean look at my sig...I have enough large amps to cover the major gigs.

This is supposed to be a rehearsal small gig...take the amp, delay pedal and axe...and be done with it.

I like the idea of a 1x12 5:25...but the DRRI is only $679....and it sounds amazing.

So looks like I am going to pass on the 5:25......maybe in a year two when they show up on the Bay...I'll snatch one up.[/i]
Really, at the price you can nab one, I'd go for the Deluxe Reverb. Yeah, you won't have a gain channel, but a gain channel only matters if you use it. I lived at GC for a while playing an Esquire reissue through the Deluxe Reverb for half the time (the other half was spent playing the same guitar through the LSS, which was UN-FRIGGIN'-GODLY by the way), and it did all that was expected of it and more. I don't really know what musical camp you fall into, but the Deluxe can cover quite a bit.
Well after much deliberation....I decided to keep both amps. The cleans on the DRRI are to die for...and is hands down the best clean in any of the amps I have (Lonestar included)...but

....the 5:25 is the perfect Grab-N-Go, at least for my applications...while it may not be great in all areas...it is not far from it....and for the tones produced for its diminutive size, it is indeed the perfect amp for small gigs, and studio work.

And I got some nice goodies thrown in from my Music Store for the Mesa purchase. I won't disclose what it was...but it was well worth the purchase.
phyrexia said:
Hah, you suck. :p

lol! Change of heart again. Took both amps to a gig..and the Fender crapped out. All it would do is howl, even when the volume was all the way down.

Too bad, great clean, but I don't get what is causing it to howl.....like when you have microphone feedback.....it sucked. Thank goodness I had the Mesa to finish out the gig.
Dan: I used Fender amps for over 40 years and the Twin I last owned had four different problems in 8 months. If I had to own another Fender amp it would be an upgraded silverface or blackface. Too many problems with the new ones.

All amps have problems, including Boogie ... but your odds are better.

I think the 5:25 (and especially the 5:25 1X12) will give you far more than the DRRI. You don't need both.
I'm changing prices since it's February and I reread an email I received:

New Names for Existing Designs
Due to new Express 5:25 1x12 Design, we will now have two different size Express 1x12 Cabinets - Like we do with the Lone Star 1x12 Cabs, we will delineate between them by using a width number in their name - They are rounded up and named:

1x12 Express 19 (matches new 5:25 1x12 Combo)
1x12 Express 23 (matching existing 5:50 1x12 Combo

So there are two express 5:25 combos?
He he.. I ended up returning both the DRRI and the 5:25. The DRRI began making howling sounds, as if a MIC was feeding back....and the 5:25 well..

....it met the new Fender Superchamp XD for less than 1/3rd of the price, and while, yes the Fender is nowhere near the amp the 5:25 is...it fits the need perfectly, and oh it sounds so sweet., and at a price of $240 tax inlcuded.

15 Watts 2 6v6 and can get quite loud.

The Superchamp XD won out, and left GC with the needed grab n go, lightweight low wattage amp for the ultra small gigs....and almost $800 change in my pocket :D
I demo'd one of those Superchamp XD's and it was a sweet little amp, but I went with the champion 600 for my grab and go (5 watts through an EV is awesome). Congrats and if that $800 doesn't work out for you I'll give you $600 for it :D
I forgot how much I like fenders, I just picked up a Hot Rod Deville 4x10 as well, so much fun
ToneAddictJon said:
I demo'd one of those Superchamp XD's and it was a sweet little amp, but I went with the champion 600 for my grab and go (5 watts through an EV is awesome). Congrats and if that $800 doesn't work out for you I'll give you $600 for it :D
I forgot how much I like fenders, I just picked up a Hot Rod Deville 4x10 as well, so much fun

LOL! Sure what deal, eh? And yes, I too have come back to Fenders...am currently waiting on a Blues Deluxe RI. Build quality may not be up to Mesa standards, but it is a great fundamental clean to semi-clean tone.

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