Which is the best Mesa Boogie Recto head to get?

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BENNY said:
you guys are losing focus, man. play music that you want to hear. everything is relative. we are slipping back into the wonderful '80's word "poser" who is the poser ? the hardrock guy that wears nice clothes or the heavy metal dude in the leather and chains.

answer: both are posers and should be shot dead! :twisted:

Get a guy who can play the guitar, is all about the music and not the image, writes good songs (ie. not boring pablum), plays with feeling like some of the old classic guys, can evolve with the times and keep coming up with something creative (Nickelback is the same old tired songs over and over again), and uses overdrive tastefully (doesn't overdrive his tone so much you can't identify what he is even playing). Pearl Jam comes to mind, showing you can be successful and also commit to the music over a long period of time and not the BS. That's who I will listen to but I lament as there aren't enough discriminating listeners...maybe that's the real problem.

No offense but we chucked that last Pearl Jam CD out the car window doing 80mph. We considered it a burial at sea...lol That's a tired band trying to sound like Neil Young and failing misrebly. Plus that guitar player sucks, s**tty tone and lame Hendrix licks. Talk about warn out and generic. Just what the world needs another Jimi wannabe. But what do I know I'm not a "discriminating listener". I'm just some a**hole on a forum.

ha ! glad you said and not me though.... some young kid thinks he found something new.

anyway... anyone buy the new twisted sister christmas album.... :D

i heard it's real good.

someone delete this thread !

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