What was your first amp???

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HEY Sanchez, do you know, i herd somthing somewhere :S saying that a guy used to work for mesa now makes randall amps??? Is that true???
Brewski said:
Mine was an old guitar case amplifier. I'm not sure exactly what it was, but the speaker and amp were built right right into the guitar case. It could have been a Silvertone, but I'm not sure. I bought it along with an old Apollo fiddle shaped guitar. That thing used to make my fingers bleed! It think that I paid $25 or $30 for the pair at a second hand store.

:) I had one like that in college - my Mom saw it in a garage sale and thought I would like it. Actually it was kinda fun for a while - it could be driven to the most agonized overdrive sound I've yet heard. Great for that Hey Hey My My stuff.

My first amp was a Yamaha 30W pos circa 1979. I was totally into a clean sound at the time, but my band was always way to noisy and I would turn it up too high trying to make myself heard. The result was lots of that nice solid state clipping - owch.
Michael said:
HEY Sanchez, do you know, i herd somthing somewhere :S saying that a guy used to work for mesa now makes randall amps??? Is that true???

I know the founder of Randall Amps was once the vise president or something of Fender. Forrest White? Can't remember the name but another VIP of Fender besides the founder of Randall amps, formed Music Man Amps. They "abandoned ship" when CBS bought Fender.

Randall Smith is the founder, owner and chief designer of MESA/Boogie, except for his name is not affiliated (that I know of) with Randall Amps.
Oh ok, yeah as i said i overhead it somewhere mabe they used it in the same context as that how he was with fender, and then maybe talked about mesa.

I think the "Randall" confusion may be due to Randall Smith, owner and designer of Mesa amps....and no he didnl;t work for them prior to Mesa :p
Michael said:
Oh ok, yeah as i said i overhead it somewhere mabe they used it in the same context as that how he was with fender, and then maybe talked about mesa.

My first amp was a tube Gibson back about 1967. Can't remember what it was called. Got out of music for 25 years then bought a 78 Twin Reverb which was to much for just playing at home. Two days ago, I bought an F-30 which sits there and hisses at me. Great clean channel tone though.
First amp was a Dean DBK 820.

6 inch speaker, 13 Watts(??) and no OD.
Horrible thing. But it got the job done for a little while.

Added a Zoom 505 to it to get some distortion and was on top of the world for a while. (What a small world that was).

Then I "moved up" to Crate GFX 15.
That stayed around for a long while up until 2-3 years ago when I got a Marshall Silver Jubilee 2555. But I couldn't afford the cab for a while and a band came up, so I bought another Crate, this time a 212 and that stayed around for a year until I got the rest of money together to get a Mark IV short head.

Most recent purchase is a Mark IIC+.
My first amp was a cheezy "Multivox" amp. It had about 1/2 watt, a 6 inch speaker, volume, tone, and tremelo knobs. I thought I was cool...then I stepped up to an early 80s Peavey Backstage. (the original one). Woo hoo...that rocked!

My first amp was some horrible amp, i honestly don't remember ever seeing a name on it. It was only about 10 watts maybe. I had that and a 3ft cable along with my squire strat, i was ready to go..lol :) :shock:
A 1972 Fender Deluxe Reverb amp. It used to be my Dad's amp and I used it pretty much exclusively from 1991 until 2002 with various foot pedals. I finally talked my dad in to giving it to me about 2 years ago. I still find myself using it more than I thought I would even after getting my Boogies (because it sounds good and weighs only about 35 lbs).

I remember growing up (I'm 33 yrs old) and seeing that amp all my life and playing it but not really knowing what a great amp it was untill about 10 years ago and then re-discovering it again after I went through my solid state stage in 2002/2003 and then came back to tubes. I guess when your raised playing a Fender Deluxe, it's hard to play anything else!

As a matter of fact, I'm at work today and have my Deluxe sitting in my office to use at band practice tonight (along with my Vox Tonelab SE).

I'm hoping that my 3 1/2 yr old son, who seems VERY interested in the guitar, can be raised playing on the very same Deluxe (and maybe a Boogie or two) just like I was.

I just took this with my phone, so it's not the best quality but you get the picture:

PS.... The first amp I actually bought with my own money when I was 17 yrs old was a, don't laugh, a GK250ml..... But I don't consider that my first amp, or at least I don't admit to it. I consider this Deluxe my first amp.
so this is becoming a family heirlume

When I'm done with it...... My poor son is going to have to wait until I'm dead before he gets it :D , Just kidding..... I guess it already kind of is since I got it from my dad....

But I do know how I treated it when I was 13-16 yrs old, I'm surprised it even turns on now :shock: I think I ran every pedal possible through it, ran it missing tubes, with wrong tubes, ran a Bass thorugh it several times, plugged our big home stereo up to it and it to the stereo and fried the home stereo, used it for my sisters cheerleading practice to run her "boom box" through so the girls could practice (and I'd get to watch since it was my amp), ran a power amp into the power amp of the deluxe, used it in a heavy metal band for 2 years, sat it in the back of my car and wired my car stereo thorugh the speaker when my 6x9's blew in my 1975 camero....(my dad was a little pissed at that last one)!

So, I'm going to have to trust my son quite a bit before I let him have this baby, if he's anything like me, but he's only 3 yrs old now so I've got a while yet.

This poor amp has seen ALOT and I just had it gone over and the tech just replaced the power and standby switches and said the rest is in perfect shape!!
sat it in the back of my car and wired my car stereo thorugh the speaker when my 6x9's blew
I often though (if possible); imagine seeing some punk buying a cheep no-name quad from porn broker and wacking it in the back of some little 4cylinder car as his car stero. LOL :lol:
You where half way there LOL!
tele_jas said:
This poor amp has seen ALOT and I just had it gone over and the tech just replaced the power and standby switches and said the rest is in perfect shape!!

Consider yourself a lucky man. The only thing I stand to inherit from my dad guitar-wise is a cheap classical guitar he bought for $100 25 years ago! (I'm 37 now). He did have a pretty cool tube hi-fi stereo amplifier he built in college, but ended up selling it for pennies at a yard sale about 10 years ago...without telling me first! It had some problems, but I still would have liked to have it. But having an old tube guitar amp is just way cool...and getting it from your dad is way cooler!
My first amp was an Ibanez IBZ10..The poor thing got smashed to pieces though.
1st amp was a Park(made by Marshall of course) 15 watt practice amp. I actually liked the distortion alot. 2nd was a Fender Bassman head and 2x12 cab. Then a 4x12 Roc Pro cab. Then it was a JCM 900 100 watt head with the Roc Pro cab. lol then I traded that for the Peavey Classic 50 4x10 combo with the 1x15 ext cab....which I still have.(I love that thing) Then, and deffinetly not finally, the Mesa Boogie Single recto series 2 with a Marshall 4x12 cab. Sry I mentioned alot of amps but I felt like going down memory lane. LOL I love gear.

Some sort of little P.O.S. Peavey combo amp. That only lasted me a couple of months, though, and was soon replaced with a 25w Park combo. That wasn't all that great, either. They were marketed as "Son of Marshall", more like ******* Son of Marshall!