What speakers would you get?

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Ok, so after reading through everything again, comparing prices and reading reviews I've decided on the V30's and the G12-75'S. One more question though, I saw where Mesa sells Vintage 30's for $129. Musicians Friend sells them for $145. Or they the same thing? If not, which is better?
get them from avatarspeakers.com You'll get a much better deal on them. You have to e-mail them for the price. You could even get a pair of Hellatones which are V30's that they have already broken in.
icetrey said:
Is there much difference in the sound of the 60's and the 30's or is it just the wattage?

They are completely different speakers and have their own sound.

The Hellatone 60 is a 60 watt Celestion V30 that's been broken in. The Hellatone 30 is a Celestion G12H30 that's broken in.

I'm using a Hellatone 60 and G12K100 mix. The Hellatone 60 gives me the mids and the G12K100's give me lots of thump in the low end.
kiff said:
g12-t100's sound killer: better/tighter lows and not as much of that high-mid ice-pick v30's have...

If you want a lot of great sounding bass in your sound these are the speakers you want to check out. The rest of these speaker mentioned are weak when doing a direct A/B in the bass. I like to mix these with Vintage 30. The combination is great.
What would you guys think about just getting the new speakers and putting them in my MG cab? I've had some problems with overdraft fees and bigger bills than usual. I would later on buy a cab with no speakers. I know the construction of the cab has a lot to do with the sound. Do you think using the MG cab with the new speakers would still help my sound a good bit though? Thanks.
It will help a lot, even if you don't quite get the full benefit of the new speakers. The stock speakers in the MG cab are pretty poor.

If were going to buy an empty cab to load anyway, there's no harm in splitting the cost by getting the speakers first and the cab later... it will just mean the speakers are getting broken in by the time you get your good cab :).

Just make sure you keep the MG speakers safely so you can re-load the cab and sell it when you're done.
Ok, thanks a lot (everybody). I'll be sure to keep the speakers. I don't plan on selling it though. It was my first real amp. I still have the head too. It wouldn't be worth the money I would be able to get for it. And I also plan on using the MG for practice after I've broke the other speakers and leave my new cab in the trailer to help protect it and because we practice in an attic up a flight of stairs so that makes one less item to have to load. Thanks again. I'll give an update once I get the new speakers. Hopefully ater a couple more checks I'll be able to afford em.
Moander said:
Any Celestion G12-M fans? I'm definitely one....

A 100w cabinet breaks up at much lower volumes......just my .02

Great for hard rock......

One here! I have a G12m Heritage and a Hellatone 60L in my 2 x 12. It sounds so phat!

I weighed in late but I'm a big fan of the G12H v30 combo or G12m V30 combo. Best of luck with the speakers!
Woot ...

I grabbed a Marshall 4x12 cab in like 1988....used of course...

I tried it out at Thoroughbred's in Tampa, Florida, now a Sam Ash.....

I asked for a screw gun to look at the speakers, but waited for the guy to leave the demo area they had..

4x G-12M 25w....I SO screwed that back together fast, and departed with it immediately... plus it was a Basketweave... not too shabby for $250.00......it would be the 1982B top cabinet....wood thick !!!!

These speakers rock guys... low volume, big sound... speakers moving to the beat....did I say low volume ...? :)
After much hand wringing I ordered a set of G12Ms. They'll be going in an Orange 4x12 that's normally paired up with my Dual Rectifier... not that that will stop me from plugging other amps into it.
Moander, if your old Marshall is a top cab with G12M-25s it will probably be a 1960A. In the late 60s and early 70s, 1960s came with 25s, 1982s with G12H-30s - well usually, anyway... Marshall sometimes made different combinations for various reasons, like Celestion running out of some speaker types (Marshall were by far their largest customer in the early 70s), and you sometimes find things that 'shouldn't be'. The top angled cab is the A, the bottom straight one is the B. They do sound different - the A is more complex and slightly brighter, the B is clearer and deeper. There are also two different cone types for each speaker model, with 75Hz or 55Hz bass resonance - the 75s were supposed to be used for lead and the 55s for bass, but again you can find 'wrong' combinations in some cabs.

If you're interested, you can find out exactly which speakers you have and what their date codes are by looking at the ink stamps on the speaker frames, which if they're original will date the cab accurately too.

It really doesn't matter much though, they all sound fantastic! You're right that the plywood they used back then was a lot heavier than the new stuff too, you can easily feel it when you lift the cab. Don't ever sell that cab! Or if you do, find out just how much they're worth now, and don't allow anyone to talk you down, they will never be any less expensive than they are already...
screamingdaisy said:
After much hand wringing I ordered a set of G12Ms. They'll be going in an Orange 4x12 that's normally paired up with my Dual Rectifier... not that that will stop me from plugging other amps into it.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. I personally LOVE the G12ms except for the farting bass.

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