What speakers would you get?

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Jun 29, 2008
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I play through a Duel Rec with either the EMG 81/85 combo or a Seymour Duncan Invader. Right now I've been playing through a Marshal MG cab and it does not do the Mesa justice. I have a friend who knows a guy that builds custom cabs for pretty cheap. I play Chevelle, Theory of A Deadman, Three Days Grace, Godsmack type music. I was leaning towards getting a Basson 4x12 cab until my friend told me about this guy. What speakers would you guys get put in? Thanks.
Ok, thanks. Any more inputs? (And by the way Spewnz, I love your setup. Saving up for the Ground Gontrol and a rack processor myself)
Do you play primarily by yourself or with a band? V30's sound HORRIBLE if they don't have a drummer and bassist behind them. Another thing to keep in mind is that V30's take forever to properly break in.

I agree with RectoStudioGuy. I had V30's in my Recto cab and about a month ago I took them out and put 2 Swamp Thangs & 2 Cannabis Rex's in and they sound so much better. The Swamp Thangs have the same punch as the V30's but without shrill high end. Even right out of the box and not broken in I preferred them. Now that I have 20 hours into them and they are loosening up I am sold on these - excellent speakers.
A pair of my V30's are probably 15 years old and the others are about 10. Even once broken in I feel they're a bit shrill for heavier stuff.
there's also the mesa c-90s to consider. pretty nice speakers i use them with my roadster. (i listened to the swamp thang samples on the Eminence web site and MAN they sound nice!!!)
g12-t100's sound killer: better/tighter lows and not as much of that high-mid ice-pick v30's have...
I would always be playing with a band. I just use my Cube amp for practicing at home (the best practice amp by the way, I love it). I did some research on the Swamp Thangs and a lot of people said they were good when mixed with other speakers but didn't sound as good with alone. My friend that has the hookup with the guy building the cab got WGS 30's put in his. I haven't had time to play mine through his cab to see how I like it but I did some research on them and read nothing but good things. I just wanna get the heaviest sound possible. The also builds the cab to whatever specs you want. Should I go for the oversized cab? Don't they add a lil extra bottom end? The perfect sound to me is an amp with a lot of bottom end, the mids that'll squeel all day, and enough clarity to each note. I know that's kinda vague. I'm not god at describing sounds such as "scooped mids" and stuff like that. Thanks for the help though. I'm open for more opinions if you have some. Also, what do you guys think of Black Widow speakers? I've always heard they were good for pa and have a lot of bottom end but obviously guitar amps are a lot different than pa.
the rec will get you enough bottom end for a band setting.... what you should do is get a ported cab then the bass is more focused. The over size cabs don't retain the tightness at higher volumes as much as smaller cabs. also V30s have that big upper mid spike that might work for you. EVM's are expensive and heavy but they are **** good speakers as well.
Thanks for all the help. I'm not really worried about weight that much. I'll probly just leave my new cab in our trailer and use it for shows and use my MG cab for practice so there won't be whole lot of moving it around. But money is a slight issue. I have one more suggestion and would like to see what you guys think. A friend of mine has the exact sound I'm looking. He plays through a Road King and an old Peavey cab with a metal grill. I asked him about the speakers and he said they're Peavey Sheffield's and that they're 12 inch speakers not 10 inch like most. So I guess most Sheffield's are 10 inch. I'm not sure. Any of you heard of em or have an opinion on them?
I would get two V30s and two Mesa C90s, or if you can't get the Mesa speakers, Classic Lead 80s (which are similar, although not identical). Put them in an x pattern or with the V30s at the top. This will give you a really huge sound with the extra bottom end of the C90s and the presence of the V30s together - not as tight as four V30s or as dark as four C90s.

Most Peavey Sheffields are 12s, in fact I'm not sure they do them in 10s :). They're OK speakers but the Celestions are better IMO.
Ok, thanks. I think his tone has more to do with the head. I love my Dual Rec but would love to have a Road King someday. And a Mark V and a Triaxis with a 2:90 power amp. In other words, I want a lot more than I'll ever be able to afford. But back to the subject. I like the idea of doing the x pattern and getting the best of both worlds. How would you decide which side to mic? Just try them both and see which sounds better? Cause not every place we play would be able to use two mics for one cab. I really appreciate all the info. Don't know what I'd do without forums.
if you did something like v30s and c90s in an x people say the v30s are "easier" to mic. you could also do the v30 and gt75 X that is fairly popular ....I'm not a fan of the 75 but i heard the combo is great for the metal. i would say c90s you can get them direct from mesa...the v30s as well.
I've heard good things about EarCandy Green Machines for that kind of setup, but I've never tried them myself.
great thread here! To the OP:

You say money is an issue, you do have a custom cab maker ready to do the work, have you decided on a cab with one, two, or four speakers? Heaviest sound possible...is that for a chug type of sound/picking?

In the for what it's worth department, I saved a buttload of money by finding a used Peavey 2/12 combo cab, (finger jointed too!) some high quality used speakers I liked the sound of(JBL's instead of EV's), installing the speakers, closing the front slot remaining from the discarded amp and working with the slot size on a semi closed back baffle a la THD Longhorn but with the speakers more in line with the slot centerline than THD's. That way I could tune the cab to exactly the response I wanted by adjusting the slot width from narrow, 2 inches to start with for tons of bass response, to a present amount of around 3 1/2 - 4 inches, reducing bass to deliver a desired sound balance for the speakers and the amps I choose to play through that cab... I also love the mixing of the speakers thang in a multiple speaker cab. I briefly ran a 100 watt rated old Jensen Vibranto ceramic 12 incher in tandem with a JBL G125 in that 2/12, and the mix was very, very nice. It presently sounds huge, bigger with both JBL's than most 2/12's in multiple strings as well as single note stuff yet the detail in the harmonics is all there when called upon clean or dirty.
1) Well, money is somewhat an issue. I'm in college with a part time job so I don't have a lot of spare cash but I have my tax money and have been saving up. The way I've always looked at it though is that it's better to just put out the money first go around rather than get something cheaper, not be satisfied and end up spending the extra money later. 2) Yes, I have a guy ready. According to my buddy the guy used to work for Orange and now just does it as a side job. 3) I would kinda like to have two 2x12 cabs and run them stereo, not sure though so for now I'm going with a 4x12. 4) As for sound, I went through my iTunes to try and find an example but couldn't decide on just one. I ended up with End of Heartache by Killswitch Engage, Animals by Nickelback (yes, I have a Nickelback song), Remedy by Seether, Ariels by System of A Down, Headstrong by Trapt, Whatever by Godsmack, or any Chevelle song. As a friend of mine would say, make it sound like a beast. Also, I know it mainly depends on the amp settings but I need those pinch harmonics. Can get em now but it's difficult, it's easier to get them on my Cube amp. Hope this helps, and I appreciate the info.
godsmack i can tell you that tony uses triple recs and vintage 30s...and i think celestion 75s and he quad tracks everything with the speaker blends. so a 4X12 with 2 different speakers sounds like the way to go for you. by the way you have pretty awesome taste in guitar tone, i think chevelle is under-rated for their tone.
I use Orange cabs loaded with a V30/G12T-75 mix. It sounds great as the speakers are somewhat tonal opposites. The G12T has a big, chunky bottom end and a razor sharp top end with no midrange to speak of. The V30 has all sorts of midrange with a rolled off top end and a bottom end that doesn't extend very deep.

Combined, you get the huge full range sound of the G12T reinforced with the V30s midrange, plus the V30s mid spike and the G12Ts razor sharp top end are largely smoothed out.

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