What is this!!!!???? Mesa Transatlantic !!!

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2008
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I've been away from the boards for a while and I had to come back when I saw this. Mesa finally jumped into the low wattage bandwagon!!!! YES!!!!

Any of you guys have it?

Nope. Sure looks like fun. I wish I had the dough laying around to git one of them, and a Tiny Terror, and a Night Train, and a BiValve, and... a few others like this.
I'm all excited about it! But... I'm starting to get really, really sad... Where the heck is the effects loop? No, please, please. Don't tell me it doesn't have an effects loop/
Danny, I'm sorry to have to break this to you but:
I don't believe the Transatlantic has an effects loop.

But who needs an effects loop anyway? :wink:
I hate to break this to myself, but as much as I love Mesa and my Lonestar, if an amp is going to beat my Egnater Rebel in the field of low wattage amps it better have an effects loop.
Do you really need a loop on this kind of amp? it is not meant to be a high-gain beast. It is partially based off a '64 AC30. Just put your mod pedals after your overdrives and chill out.
I know how it is to feel like you gotta have the loop. It is what it is.

But I agree with phyrexia: if the tone does enough for you, then everything else works around it. Actually, that's kinda what my LSC did for me... even though it has a loop, I don't use it because I'd rather keep my fx up front now. It's made an old school, dogmatic luddite out of me.

But hey, look at the bright side Danny: either you'll get it, and love it, and wean yourself of the need for loops; or the loop's important enough for you to skip the Transatlantic and save yourself $900. :) Get your GAS on with a nice pedal instead! It's all good!
I agree with you guys to a certain extent. The reason I'm complaining about the loop is based an a very specific usage that I want for the amp. I'm developed my pedalboard accordingly, and the style of playing I've been doing lately would require me having a delay and a reverb in the loop.

I'm sure I can play the amp and love its tone. But, at least for the last 2 years, every time I play I gravitate to this very specific setup. Maybe it'll change in the future, I don't know. But... I've been refining what I want to do for the last couple of years, and it requires me having a loop (for the given situation).

Bottom line for what I'm looking for in this amp is: I want an amp that I like as nearly as much as my LSC, in a small package, with a better dirty channel and a loop so I can add delay and reverb when running at higher gain. Simple :)
I just looked around for a sec, and it appears the lunchbox amp format currently does not support the effects loop concept. So, it appears that your Egnater has them all beat in that respect.

I'd love me some Tiny Terror too... they all look quite cool. Could you not get behind (or in front of) a fleet of these baddies with a nice switcher? What fun.

But I hear ya, man. Once you get things a certain way, it makes little sense to screw it up... until the need arises, which it always does for some reason. If the need for small, small, small overrides the need for amp OD > delay > output, then I bet you'd suddenly find yourself scoping out a real nice OD stompbox to run before that delay (cough cough BARBER cough cough) ;)
Hehe Damon! :) Well, I've got both an OCD and a TS808 that I run in front. I mainly use the OCD with my LSC up front. But, nothing beats good amp distortion IMO. But, that's the thing... The Eggie's got them all beat in that it has a loop, but... I'm tired of it only having one channel, and the fact that I like the distortion but not the cleans. We are all spoiled Lonestar people!
Hey, I just had an idea...

Can it be modded to add and effects loop?

Here's the thread on that:

Well, I decided to revive this thread because I just bought one of these. Should be here next week. I've had a chance to put one through the paces a couple of times, and it is a SWEET, gorgeous little amp. Not having had a proper Vox-esque/EL84 based amp in my arsenal before, I thought this would be a good way to get into the club... after sniffing out some Chinese-made Voxes and looking at some other substitutes, it became clear that there's a particular vibe the Transatlantic has that I find very appealing.

I am still not at all concerned about the lack of an FX loop with this amp. We'll see how it holds up in live situations going back and forth between sounds, but I am pretty confident that I can find a good place for this in my world. If not, I'll probably sell it. But I doubt it'll come to that.

It'll also be nice to have a really sweet tone-machine that can get there at low volumes... so I can stop torturing my ears and my LSC, and let that amp do what it's supposed to do. :)
Awesome Damon! Keep us posted. And put some videos up on YT when you have a chance. :D I'm curious to know what you think of it after a few weeks of use.

Alright you guys. How about getting 2 of em and using one for a loop. :lol: Damon, you've been spending money like it grows on trees. Danny, good to hear from ya.
I know, it's bad. But you know, as you approach middle age you start to prioritize your resources on the important things in life... like amps. :lol: Actually, the good news is I don't have a lot of debt and I have been selling things too, though I am running out of stuff to sell...
You had a baby! :shock: That's gotta hurt :lol: Congrats. Looks like your gear purchases will be slowin down. :wink:
Hi Damon,

Any more news? How are you liking it so far?

I suppose you have another thread on this one. Do you?


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