What ext cab with my DC-5 combo?

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Active member
Jan 23, 2008
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Well I just got my DC-5 combo and I'm liking the way it sounds. My only issue is I think I need more low end and more overall volume.

I figured the easy solution would be an extension cab like a thiele or something. However, I'm not really too keen on what a "thiele" technically is.

Any insight?
A Thiele cab is ported, what I mean is the speaker has a large vent to the right hand side of it , as you look from the front of the cab, I have one and use it with both my Boogie combos and if its a nice bottom end thump youre after, I would certainly recommend one, good luck :D
mooktank said:
Well I just got my DC-5 combo and I'm liking the way it sounds. My only issue is I think I need more low end and more overall volume.

Any insight?

Shush answered your Thiele question.

As for your main q, yes, a thiele cab is exactly what you need to get that tight, focused bottom. I've been using a thiele on top of my DC5 combo for yeeeeaaars now, and cannot recommend it highly enough. It is, IMHO, a brilliant tonal marriage with the combo's MC90.

Now your "needing more volume" OTOH, confuses me. It's not loud enough for you?!! Are you gigging un-mic'd? FWIW, I have never had any issues cutting through any drummer or bassist I've played with un-mic'd. I'd go through a PA if you're having trouble with volume ...though I still can't imagine how that could be :)

I used a 1x12 three quarter back cab with my former DC-5 with good results. It adds to the bottom end but helps retain an openess associated with an open back. I am currently using it with my Subway Blues with good results . I never tried a Thiele with so I can't give you a comparison.

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