What effects do YOU use with your Dual Rec?

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stompboxfreak72 said:
Wah with LED ---- www.analogman.com ----- they can mod your wah with and led and boss style power supply . I had my Vox Real McCoy reissue modified this way. The LED is a must for me. It is not expensive to have this done.

As for my fx : Guitar >Vox Wah> Boss Ns2 > Xotic BB Preamp( in NS2 loop)> Analogman Mini Chorus> MXR Phase 90>Peterson Strobe Stomp

I run my TC Electronics vintage delay pedal in the loop.[/quote what do you think of the BB? im on the hunt for a pedal to slam a rectifier
I use a Foxrox TZF Flanger in loop 1 of the RK and an Eventide Eclipse in loop 2. I have yet to hear *any* flanger come close to the TZF. Hands down the best flanger made. The Eclipse is also kick ***.
We should have a database of dual rectifier (or all mesa amps) tube placement/brands, and effects. Back on topic,

Dunlop DB01 Dime CFH Wah
BBE Sonic Stomp Maximizer
ISP Decimator
Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2

V1 TungSol RI
V2 TungSol RI
v4 JJ
v5 Sovtek Balanced PI
Ruby 6L6 Quad
from the guitar to the input, a dimebag darrell wah,a maxon rod 880

and in the loop send then to return, a isp decimator or a ns-2 depends where i am at and where my other half of my rig is, a graphic eq, and a dd6 delay
"We should have a database of dual rectifier (or all mesa amps) tube placement/brands, and effects."

+1 to that slayer44

From guitar to input

JD CryBaby WAH
Boss Power Supply
DOD Stereo Flange
Ibanez D7

Guitars, Amps, and Cabs listed in sig
Tube config
Mesa STR-440's In the power section
V-1 Spax7
V-2 - V-5 Grove tube 12ax7 (not sure what type or if there is any other label just threw e'm in without looking :oops: )
I use to run:

Furman Stereo Pedal Board
Boss Noise Supressor
ZVex Wah Probe (still have)
Boss Super Chorus
Boss Flanger
Boss Tuner (still have)
Boss Digital Delay
Fulltone Choralflange (still have), (replaced the Boss Chorus & Flanger)

Have tried:

Fulltone SupaTrem (should've kept it!)
ZVex Tremolo Probe
Boss Digital Reverb
TC G something?

Never used the F/X Loop, of course all the effect are sold, unless noted, which the ones I kept, I still don't use? And yes, even the Dual Rec is sold!
I can still play though, right?
C'mon guys? :lol:
I use the same tools as ibanez4life basically. Just different flavors of them. I use only 3 and they are all out front.

Guitar--->TS9DX--->Crybaby--->Line 6 Echo Park--->Dual Recto

stompboxfreak72 said:
As for my fx : Guitar >Vox Wah> Boss Ns2 > Xotic BB Preamp( in NS2 loop)> Analogman Mini Chorus> MXR Phase 90>Peterson Strobo Stomp

why do you run the BB in the gate loop? what do you think is the difference running it this way as opposed to just before the gate in the chain? i'm curious to see what has been your experience :)

do you use the BB just a boost for solos or is it on all the time? i have a tubescreamer (which i should replace, right?) in front of the amp.

thanks :)
Hey guys,,I was just reading here about the BB preamp and od pedals in general. I currently own the BB preamp,,Ibanez ts-808 and the
MI Audio blues pro. They are all nice pedals.
I am actually quite suprised that nobody here has mentioned the
MI Audio blues pro. Now that my ts-808 sits on the side not used I constantly compare the blues pro and BB. I owned the BB before I got the blues pro and being the pedal the bb is I automatically favored it.
It didnt take long before I found myself using the blues pro more though.
I cant believe MI Audio is selling these so relatively cheap. I dont want to talk down the bb at all because I also love the thing,,its great.
But I have found that the blues pro seems to be a much quieter pedal in high gain settings. I use it mainly to overdrive my preamp for high gain lead work. The BB does seem to stay quiet at high gain levels when used alone on my clean channel though. The 2 pedals seem to have about the same available amont of gain. One more thing I immediatly noticed with the blues pro compared to the BB is it adds some compression to your sound. I found I like that,,,keeps things tighter. And the tone knob on the blues pro actually offers a wide range of sound difference unlike the ts808.
The only reason I wanted to bring this to all of your attention is because the the blues pro goes for about $80 or so less than the BB.
Incredible,,I was amazed.

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