I just picked up a used dual rec multi watt and there seems to be a volume issue with just the 2nd channel. It’s not as loud as either channel 1 or 3 could this be a bad volume pot? Has anyone else here run into this problem? Thanks
I have not had any issues with mine. Bought it in 2018.
OK, lets start with the rear panel. Set the Assign control to loop bypass. This will disable the FX loop (including the global volume and solo boost controls). Before you power it up, dial back on each of the channel masters the amp will be much louder when using the loop bypass mode.
This will allow you to see if the CH2 master is working properly. You should have the same level of volume control as you get with CH3 as they are both clones. Try all three voicing modes. Raw and vintage will have a lower output compared to the modern mode, this is normal.
If you do not hear any changes with the voicing switch, it could be that which is the issue. If that works but you cannot get the channel to push air like CH3, I will assume it is the channel master volume control. May have a shorted pin on the solder tabs or a broken wire. Could be a bad pot as you suggested. If you replace it and the same thing happens, it could be one of the relays not making good contact or it could be some contamination on the board (list goes on as it could be a number of things except for the preamp tubes since the same circuits are used with CH3).
Yes but, when I strum a chord or a note as it decays I can hear it getting louder and softer as it goes. I would say it sounds like a tube issue but it doesn’t happen on either of the other channels which is why I think it a bad or dirty potKeep in mind MODERN has no negative feedback & is naturally louder than other voicings.