What effect do hardwoods have on tone vs tolex cabs?

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Jun 4, 2006
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Can anyone tell me what effect, if any, various hardwoods have on tthe sound of an amp. Is maple different than koa or imbuya or a standard tolex as far as tone? After many years of wishing I'm about to become an owner and I'm curious about the opinions of the more experienced owners on this topic before I make a final selection
how about bubinga...that's another popular one. i can understand the others well. also, what wood is beneath the tolex? is it birch? what qualities does that have?
Here's a discussion and suggestion on bare wood enclosures.

Speaker cabinets are a wierd thing. If you were to compare a birch ply speaker cabinet of specific dimensions to a non ply / solid wood cabinet of equal dimensions, you'd probably find that the ply cabinet sounds tighter and is more transparent sounding

If you start using hardwoods square jointed or dovetailed together, you start enhancing certain portions of the sound.Whereas a good ply constructed cabinet is designed to be very stiff and "not" resonate with the speakers

After this, it's anyone's game. Because a Boogie recto 4x12 can sound way different than a Bogner 4x12 even with identical speakers. And both cabs are birch ply with what appears to be minor structural differences.

So maybe if you made a Mesa REcto 4x12 out of Cherry, you might notice the loss of some highs but the boost of the upper midrange frequencies. I might try making one for the hell of it.
I suppose there might be some differnce in tone from a hardwood vs. tolex cabinet. I just don't think that is the point of Mesa offering options on cabs and amps - I think it is cosmetic plain and simple. I have not read one single sentence from Mesa with regard to different tone based on wood - or covering options.

Again, maybe there is a difference and I need to be educated, but when I was looking to buy a Mark IV not one single person ever told me to hold out for hardwood Imbuya or Bubinga because it would sound better. Sure it looks better, but I really doublt that one could pick up on different tones from those options.

I think I would have to agree with Boogiebabies here.

If woods are not important then why are guitars built from specific woods? It is because certain woods resonate at certain frequencies. It is not up to Mesa to tell you that a certain cab will sound different. Gibson and Fender do not tell you that mahogany, cherry, maple, korina, alder or any other wood are superior to any other wood. It is up to your ears to figure this out. If plywood was the best wood for instruments then the old Harmony plywood Les Paul copies would have been the best and most sought after guitars. This goes for cabinets as well. I think that the traditional cabinet made of ply has proven itself as a rugged beast. I don't think that the industry could support the extra care involved in dealing with truckloads of hardwood cabinets for the major bands touring. The amount of care would certainly make the load in/setup/tear down/load out times unbearable. The cost is also a major concern. If all cabs were made of hardwoods then most players would never get to experience what is perceived to be good tone. For the most part people achieve a common good tone with plywood cabs. It is just those that spend the little extra for hardwood cabs that really know the difference. I am a carpenter by trade and a musician at heart. I know from using different woods that there is definitely a resonant quality to all woods. When I nail hardwood I hear a distinct crack. When I nail plywood it is a thud. Softer woods are more chunky sounding and manmade materials such as MDF sound kind of dead/hollow. If you ever get a chance, try smacking the hickory handle of a hammer on concrete then try a piece of plywood. You'll definitely hear a difference. This difference is you are hearing is from a percussive sound and is not even complex soundwaves as would be from a strung instrument. There isn't much tone in whacking something but it prooves a point. I am sure Mesa's selling point is cosmetics but they sure do have some nice fringe benefits. I would think that the tolex would serve to soften the surface resonance also even though it is not something thought about much whereas a varnish or even an oil finish would certainly let more sound come through the skin of the cabinet. If you don't believe sound is coming through the skin of your cab try playing through a cab that has big flappy shreds of tolex on it and listen to the flaps buzz.

From my experience Maple is a very hard hardwood. It only makes sense that it likes to bite. Koa on the other hand is not nearly as tight so it will not sound as tight either. The cellular structure of the wood will tell you about how it will resonate. The tighter the cells the thighter the sounds. The looser the cells the looser the sound as well. This can also be seen in grain patterns. A hard rock maple with a loose grain pattern will sound different than a hard rock maple with very tight grain structure. Mainly it is the voids created in the cells and in the grain that ultimately determine the end tone once compared in similar finishes. I spent some time working with metals as a repair technician. I found that certain metals too resonate differently. If you cannot hear a difference then it may not be your best bet to overspend. If you can hear a difference then you may opt to choose a nicer wood. What kind of strings do you play and why? Do you play light or heavy gauge? Do you play round wound or flat wound? Do you play sealed or conventional? The resonant qualities are what makes the strings sound different. It is just common sense once you begin to learn about resonance and think about it.

As far as dimensions and shapes go, sound waves do funny things. You can have the same internal volume but shaped differently and achieve a different sound. Your internal volume will also play havoc in your design. More internal volume can be a good thing to a point but then becomes a bad thing. Open cabinets are fine in some aspects but terrible in others. Typically a sealed cabinet will yield a better bottom whereas an open cabinet will yield a better high end. Many of today's designs are just compromises for best all around sound. Yes, different manufacturers make their cabinets sound different. If all cabs sounded the same why would anyone buy a particular cabinet except for whoever was to sell their cabinet the cheapest. Of course price does play a role for the consumer but there again the manufacturers do their best to provide the best compromises in all aspects. I wish a 4x12 weighed only 20 lbs. vice nearly quadruple that or that it had incredibly deep and tight lows while still achieving world class high end. It will never completely happen because the sound spectrum is too complex. There is no material known to man that can achieve perfection nor excel in every aspect. So we have to settle for what we want most. I am sure that when you choose your speakers it is mostly about the sound and wattage handling then about the price then about the weight.

Cabinet construction is one of the most overlooked items as far as finding tone. Why? People don't take the time to listen to the wood...
I agree that the wood makes a difference but it is so small it pales in significants to any of a dozen other variables.

If you have two cabs built exactly the same with the same speakers and grill cloth you might be able to say you hear a difference in the wood but under 99% of the circumstances some other factor is more likely the cause then the wood. I am talking wood here not MDF or some other garbage.

They just don't sound that much different. And they are exactly the same size, same speakers with the same head but the grill cloth makes more difference then the wood.


How the speakers are mounted makes an audible difference. Front mounting verses rear mounting. Front mounted is brighter with more upper mids. Rear mounted is darker.

I must agree with your claim about grille cloth. There are many types out there and some are more transparent sounding than others. True they make an impact on your sound. But do you mean to tell me that you couldn't hear an obvious sound difference between a softwood and a hardwood? Pine box v. Maple? There is a big difference there....

Has anyone tried backfiring mounted like some of the subs in bass competitions yet? I wonder what that would sound like in a sealed cabinet....

How about in a bandpass sub enclosure? I bet a Recto would get some serious bottom like that....
Thanks to all who responded especially Russ who, if he types like me spent all day on his answer! These reminded me of things I already knew about wood with respect to guitar construction and just hadn't really connected to cabs. I have a Les Paul so I know the effect a maple cap has on a guitar so it follows that a maple cab would be brighter. What I didn't want to hear was "what ever you do don't buy koa, it sucks"!

I was in a hurry because I had found a koa Mk4 with a theile cab to match! Those of you who follow ebay know if I paid too much but the amp would have gone out of the country and **** it I wanted it! This is my first Boogie after 30 years of lust and I'm so excited I can't sleep.

Again, thanks for the responses
I wanted to add but I'm sure you got your answer.

I too work in construction and I know my woods. I know this is about guitar cabinets but drums are made of many types of wood too, and they all sound different. I think its one of the easiest ways to hear wood. Imagine the speaker as the drumheads and the cabinet as the shells. So we all know that the HxWxD, internal volume, types of drumheads, sticks...bla bla bla...will have a big impact on the sound. Now you relate all that to the guitar world. Well my answer is getting shadowed by Russ's answer (great BTW) but you get the idea.

Congrats on the Boogie! :D
Sorry guys,

Have to weigh in here and say that there is NO detectable difference in wood with an amp. I have several Boogie in all shapes and woods.

THat being said, this is how I convince my wife I need all these different amps and woods!! :D

Russ said:
1).If woods are not important then why are guitars built from specific woods?
2).If plywood was the best wood for instruments then the old Harmony plywood Les Paul copies would have been the best and most sought after guitars. This goes for cabinets as well.
3).I don't think that the industry could support the extra care involved in dealing with truckloads of hardwood cabinets for the major bands touring. The amount of care would certainly make the load in/setup/tear down/load out times unbearable. The cost is also a major concern.
4).If all cabs were made of hardwoods then most players would never get to experience what is perceived to be good tone. For the most part people achieve a common good tone with plywood cabs.
5).It is just those that spend the little extra for hardwood cabs that really know the difference.
6).I am a carpenter by trade and a musician at heart. I know from using different woods that there is definitely a resonant quality to all woods.
7).When I nail hardwood I hear a distinct crack. When I nail plywood it is a thud.
8. If you ever get a chance, try smacking the hickory handle of a hammer on concrete then try a piece of plywood. You'll definitely hear a difference. This difference is you are hearing is from a percussive sound and is not even complex soundwaves as would be from a strung instrument.
9).There isn't much tone in whacking something but it prooves a point.
10).I would think that the tolex would serve to soften the surface resonance also even though it is not something thought about much whereas a varnish or even an oil finish would certainly let more sound come through the skin of the cabinet. If you don't believe sound is coming through the skin of your cab try playing through a cab that has big flappy shreds of tolex on it and listen to the flaps buzz.
11).From my experience Maple is a very hard hardwood. It only makes sense that it likes to bite. Koa on the other hand is not nearly as tight so it will not sound as tight either. The cellular structure of the wood will tell you about how it will resonate. The tighter the cells the thighter the sounds. The looser the cells the looser the sound as well. This can also be seen in grain patterns. A hard rock maple with a loose grain pattern will sound different than a hard rock maple with very tight grain structure. Mainly it is the voids created in the cells and in the grain that ultimately determine the end tone once compared in similar finishes.
1).No one ever said wood wasn't important in guitars or speaker cabs but lets not confuse the two, they are apples & oranges.
2).There you go again comparing apples & oranges, cab wood and guitar wood have little or nothing to do with each other.
3).There's no need to. Hardwood cabs are IMO furniture to be kept at home.
4).I'm confused, you're completely contradicing yourself here.
5).Total nonsensical elitist thinking. That is one of the more rediculous things I've read lately.
6).I am a retired carpenter by trade and a musician at heart who has spent an entire career working with hard (finish) woods. I also know from using different woods that there is definitely a resonant quality to all woods. I also know that these choices are important in choosing woods for my guitars, but I also know that I DO NOT want these woods in my speaker cabs. I want 13 ply Baltic Birch cabs.
7).What does that have to do with speaker cabs. Besides anytime we used select hardwoods for cabs there wasn't a hammer or nail in site. Either glue with nail guns or glue with predrilled screws. NO hammer and nails.
8.Here you go with the beating and whacking again, this has nothing to do with speaker cabs.
9).There's no point in whacking something, it proves nothing.
10).I don't know about surface resonance, but as for big flappy shreds of tolex I know of no cabs that suffer from that malady, I'm certain none of mine do.
11).Once again I find these things important in the instruments, not the speaker cabs. I don't want the speaker cabs to play that big a role in coloring my sound, that's what my guitar is for. I want well constructed 13 ply Baltic Birch cabs that impart as little of there own character as possible, and to hell with this nonsensical "better then thou" mentality that some people have with hardwood cabs. Believe me I have the money to buy or build the best cabs in the world and solely based on my ears I choose Baltic Birch over any hardwood.
That's funny Toaj.

What happened run out of geritol?

It sounds like you are a retired crotchety old man.

I have read your other posts from time to time and found them informative and rather interesting.

This one I must say is a little weak.

If you cannot appreciate sound what the hell are you doing playing guitar? sorry that was out of line. Your hearing aid must not pick up on the added tone of the hardwood cabs. Is that elitist? or better than thou? I never claimed to be better than thou nor was it even in the slightest way in my mind. Where do you get these attacks from?

Yes, a 13 ply baltic birch cab is nice. It is a little dated but it is nice. But then again you are from a different era so it is to be expected.

I am sorry if I confuse you with my thoughts. I have a lot on my mind. I try to share my thoughts to improve the forum instead of trying to look "rediculous" <---- it is spelled ridiculous

Some other people may not share your thoughts on what is furniture. Some may want to gig that expensive elitist cab. Ever think of that?

Most people are not being elitist in wanting a hardwood cab or by observing its **** characteristics. Get the hell off it.... This is not a pulpit from which to try to preach from. We are all here to learn form each other what we can and to help each other not critique someone else's opinion or observation.

As far as the references to sound go, including the whacking of a hammer handle on the ground, you must not pay much attention to what sounds are around you everyday. As a carpenter I am sure that you have heard the different sounds woods make. You may not have had the same tooling options I have, sir. I will hav eto take note of that.

Have you ever built a speaker cabinet? If so what for? and Why? If you cannot appreciate the tonal qualitites of woods then just buy a **** 13 ply baltic birch cabinet and STFU. I have built cabinets for many audio applications. I have used ply, MDF, particle board, hardwoods, softwoods, and even plexiglass and lucite. In any application you want to choose the best material for hwat you want to achieve. Mr. better than thou likes 13 ply Baltic Birch. Go buy it then smart guy. Leave those that want to experience something else to their devices.

At your age whacking and beating things is fruitless. True. Can you not hear? There is a tonal difference in the resonant qualities of things. Geez talk about thick....

Also if you have gigged at all then I am sure your cabs have suffered from a tear or a scuff. Sometimes a little shredding occurs too. It is not the most uncommon thing in the world. Perhaps big flappy shreds are seen nowhere but the bottom and back of my JCM800 cabinet. I think the roadies I had must have been the only ones to do this to anyone's cabinet ever.... What a shame.... I think your retort was elitist. "10).I don't know about surface resonance, but as for big flappy shreds of tolex I know of no cabs that suffer from that malady, I'm certain none of mine do. " OMG you must have some pristine cabinets then. OOOOOOOOOOOOh. STFU man.

If anyone has a better than thou mentality it is you. I am sorry to say that but it is true.

I try to be as objective as possible and openminded. This last post of yours is purely assanine. I was merely passing along observations I have made and the impression left upon me. Sorry if you felt it was below you Mr. better than thou.
BWK that was hilarious.

I tell the ol' lady similar things for similar results. Sometimes it is a tool other times it is a guitar. I think the best one was for M/T and A/T tires for my truck with their own sets of rims. 35's are not cheap either.

I definitely agree there. I just sat in for an hour playing various drum kits at GC because my daughter wants to play drums. I bet I heard every shell there. By the time I was done auditioning the various kits I couldn't hear. I wanted to do the test without plugs to really hear the tone of the different woods. I can't believe how much those kits are. Drum kits are crazy.
John (Xqzdust),

I am glad that I could offer some experiences and observations to assist you. I really do try to be as objective as possible and informative when I can be. Unfortunately some people feel the need to flame unnecesarily. I am trying to learn as much as I can here too. My tone quest has led me to MB. I already know where the end of the line is with Marshall. I can get what I need from those amps with the other 3 amps I won. My Mark IV has been something really new to me that I enjoy and I find new interesting things about it everyday. I hope you like your new Koa. If not sell it to me cheap... :lol:
Russ said:
That's funny Toaj.
What happened run out of geritol?
It sounds like you are a retired crotchety old man.
Again your making sarcastic and ridiculous statements. Because I'm retired doesn't mean I'm old. I am fortunate enough to have retired in my mid 40's, thats not old in my book, it's successful. But it does prove my point that you did and still do make false unsupported statements with little or no merit. As for building cabs, yes I have have built many cabs for guitar, bass, PA, and HiFi with a great deal of success.
I'll go no further with this, it's pointless. :roll:
You're right it is pointless.

Why did you even start?

Nothing I said was unsupported except the implication that you were old. I still can call you old though because you are older than me :lol:

So there.... HAHAHAHAHHA

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