What effect do hardwoods have on tone vs tolex cabs?

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Let's all be clear. Wood can matter in guitars, acoustic several fold over electrics, but a plywood Telecaster or a Swamp Ash at 100 dB would be hard to tell apart!

In amps, where ANY subtle effect due to the materials will be blasted by an amp, the thought that one can detect the difference between Koa, Plywood or Bubinga is nonsense. What is key in cabinet design is void free materials that are "tuned" to the speakers that will rest in them.

The reason that the first Hardwoods were Boogies was due to RCS's drive to excel in FORM and FUNCTION. When he and I last spoke, we talked about the use of the woods. He wanted to create a handcrated cabinet of excellence that would really stand out. IT HAD NOTHING to do with altering the tonal signature of the amps, hence why the first 12 ams were plywood covered in snakeskin.

Think about this, if it was so important to have hardwood, would they not then have stuck to the "best" type of tonal hardwood? Why have offered Oak, Cherry, Koa, Bubinga etc.? They did as a result of availability.

So pick up your axes, cut out the crap and enjoy your tone!!

I just got home from a camping trip. Wow! I cannot believe the tone of some posts on this thread. I hope we can all get along better in the future - I'm pretty new here but this thread is a poor example of a place I want to hang out.

No worries John. I am normally not like that. It takes someone trying to get under my skin to get me all unruffled. I just think it is a shame that honest observations have to be shotgunned like that. It isn't like I was making things up just to make a post. I honestly don't know how all that happened to begin with. I like people and sharing information both ways. I find it enlightening to gather as much information as possible on all topics. I will only pitch in if I have something to say that is positive or inquisitive. I like it here. For the most part everyone seems to be pretty easy going and here for a reason. That is what made this one of my favorite sites.
As the originater of this thread I thought toaj's response was a bit harsh. I asked a question that was somewhat subjective knowing that I was fishing for personal opinions. I was grateful for all the responses and Russ' answer was especially long and involved. Toaj there is no "one size fits all" answer to questions like mine. As for the eliteist comment, I no longer play in public and I wanted somehing that looks good in my house. It doesn't hurt that my wife thinks it's works as a beautiful piece of furniture in the living room. I really meant to respond to all this earlier but I got a my Mk IV and Theile cab in Koa on Wed and The Allman Bros played last night so it's been a great weekend.

To John I'm new here too but, I have to say that I haven't read anything else on this site that has gotten as heated as my question. I was shocked at Toaj's comments but I don't think it's an indication of the usual discussions that you will find here.
Something I'm surprised that I didn't see in this thread (although maybe it was implied?) is bare wood vs. covering with tolex, carpet, etc. versus the impact of different woods on tone even when covered with tolex (although I'm sure the difference would be minimized). There was an excellent point made on the emery site: try covering your acoustic guitar with vinyl and see if it makes a difference.

I've only recently begun building my own cabinets (after completing a small series of hand-wired effects projects), so I don't have enough experience to contribute any irrefutable information yet, but my initial intention is to build similar 1x12 cabinets out of a variety of woods and track the differences in the studio under "scientific" conditions (same guitar, amp, speaker and mounting method, mic and mic position - as well as running a sine wave into it and analyzing that).

I don't have any intention of playing out with these cabinets (at this point) but it will be very nice to have the right one available for a particular need in the studio. Is that worth all the trouble? That depends of if you enjoy that sort of thing or not. I happen to love building stuff. To me, it's no trouble at all.
Wow you really went deep in the "archives" to find that post! After the heated exchanges it inspired I was a little apprehensive when I saw it updated. FYI I've had my MkIV for over a year now and Koa sounds **** good!
I've heard it said that one can play faster thru a flamed maple cab ..... :wink:
Yes it's true! Light refracting off the tiger grained wood (particularly with the amber skunk oil stain) sets up a subspace warp feild allowing the sound waves (being a lower frequency than the orange light waves) to pass uninhibited by air molecules to your ears. Of course this is all contingent on your relative location to Los Angeles and your altitude. Hence giving one the "feeling" of unbridled empowerment over the electric guitar. Tolex or darker colored woods simply do not have this ability.
I'm going to jump in on the side of the wood and/or its covering being a minor factor, which is certainly offset if the amp's sound qualities are measured anywhere other than a studio. To someone sitting in an audience 50' away, there will likely be no detectible difference based on the matter of appropriate (Birch ply, etc) woods or coverings.

Even in your own home, the placement of the amp in relation to walls, carpet, hardwood floors, will count for much more than the box materials itself.

Using the guitar/amp materials thinking, the wood on an amp is probably less of a factor than which brand or gauge of strings you buy for a guitar. The major factors in determining sound will be the configuration of the enclosure, the type of speaker, the placement in the room, and the reflective surfaces, if any.

The only case I can make for a particular wood or cover is if you like the way it looks.

Just my humble opinion.
Restless Rocks said:
Yes it's true! Light refracting off the tiger grained wood (particularly with the amber skunk oil stain) sets up a subspace warp feild allowing the sound waves (being a lower frequency than the orange light waves) to pass uninhibited by air molecules to your ears. Of course this is all contingent on your relative location to Los Angeles and your altitude. Hence giving one the "feeling" of unbridled empowerment over the electric guitar. Tolex or darker colored woods simply do not have this ability.

Perhaps, my good man . Yet it seems you fail to take into account the effect of coriolis force on downpicking while in the southern hemisphere .
Our friends in Australia enjoy this added bonus on a daily basis . 8)
The southern drawl can easily be over come by the addition of the dreaded "WICKER CANE GRILL". By allowing unimpeded transmission of the leptomaniacle particles eminating directly from the mid cone section, or "sweet spot", of the speaker, a barrier or force field will then surround the subspace warp continuum as well as the guitarist. Entirely dependant on the mind set of said guitarist, and certainly his choice of Breeds or EVO's, one can will this force to encompase his favorite hoochie dancer in front of the stage as well.

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